How to show ads on bbPress pages
Setting up a forum software can be a tiring endeavor, setting up ads to display on those new forum pages even more. The WordPress plugin bbPress is a handy solution to set up your forums quickly.
Advanced Ads Pro integrates beautifully with bbPress. It gives you all the tools you need to add ads to your bbPress pages. It extends your setup with two placements: “bbPress Static Content” and “bbPress Reply Content”.
Dedicated placements for bbPress ads
Placements for ads on a bbPress page
First of all, you need to decide where you want your ad to show up. There are two different placements with multiple hooks to place your ads.
bbPress static content placement
This placement provides hooks to inject ads into multiple positions on the bbPress generated pages:
- /forums
- /forums/name
- /forums/topic/name pages
The bbPress static content placement
bbPress reply content placement
This placement provides hooks to inject your ads at the nth reply on /forums/topic/name pages.
The bbPress reply content placement
After choosing the appropriate placement, you only need to select the content you want to display and the hook you want to use from the dropdown menus.
You can also inject ads using the post content placement if you are unsatisfied with the positions provided by the hooks.
However, using the post content placement will require a basic understanding of the source code of the pages where you want to inject the ad. And also of the element to choose from the available options for the injection.
AdSense on bbPress pages
It is officially allowed to insert AdSense ads into bbPress pages. Such content is called user-generated content.
As a publisher, you have to ensure that the content created by your users does not violate the Google AdSense program guidelines. Since users can post without prior control, you should take appropriate precautions to insure that all contributions correspond to the program guidelines of Google AdSense and that the users keep proper manners.
Google gives you some suggestions for managing user-generated content on this page.