How To Say Let’s Go In Japanese
The Japanese language has many different words for movement. There are different words for when you are considering something, getting over something, coming back to something, etc. Today you will learn how to say let’s start in Japanese. I will show you some other ways to say go, such as the different styles I mentioned in the introduction. I will also share with you some more formal versions of “to go” and some other words used to go or get to places.
How to say Let’s Go in Japanese
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The first thing that we look at is the Japanese word for “go”. Its dictionary form is 行 く (iku). We can then transform the word into an expression used to express one’s will in performing an action. This will change the word to 行 こ う (ikou) which means “will go” when translated directly, but it is also the form used to give the suggestion “let’s go.”
- 「夕 」
- “Yuriko, soto ni ikou”
- “Yuriko, let’s go out”
This is the regular form of the verb, so you’ll likely hear it used most often between friends or people who belong to the same group and have the same social status, such as classmates or co-workers. Karma.
- い い ね 映 画 、 こ う 行 う!
- ii ne eiga, ikou ikou!
- A movie that sounds great! Let’s go, let’s go!
If you wanted to say it in a more polite way, you would change it to 行 き ま し う (ikimashou). It means the same thing, but it’s more formal and can be used with people you don’t know.
- 今 度 、 食 べ に き ま し う。
- kondo, tabe ni ikimashou.
- Let’s (go) get a piece to eat next time.
If you’ve ever played the Mario game on Nintendo, you’ve surely heard his catchphrase “let’s get started!” at a certain point. In Japanese, this is actually a phrase borrowed directly from English.
- レ ッ ツ ー!
- rettsu gou!
- Let’s go!
There are a lot of Japanese words taken directly from English, so it’s best to keep an eye out for them.Related: Learn how to say stop in Japanese. Those are all basic ways of saying “let’s go.” If you want to see some more formal forms of this verb or some related words like “go home, go down, etc” then keep reading to learn them.
Formal ways to say go
When it comes to speaking formally in Japanese, there are usually two paths that you can take. The first is to use words that lower your own position. These are called “modest” verb and word forms and the basic idea is that you’re raising the profile of the person you’re talking to indirectly by downplaying your own. These are the types of words commonly used by employees towards customers, maids and housekeepers towards their employers. The humble Japanese word for “go” is 参 る (mairu). Interestingly, the word can also be used to say “to come” and so the meaning can change depending on the situation.
- で は 、 参 り ま う う。
- de wa, mairimashou.
- Well then, let us go, ma’am (sir).
Read more: how to add trendline in google sheet | Top Q&A Another way to show respect in the Japanese language is to use words that directly elevate the listener’s position. These are called honorifics and they are a more direct way than humble words to show that you consider someone above you in whatever situation you find yourself in. or whoever is helping the customer. The dictionary form of this word is い ら っ し (irassharu) and similar to the first word we learned in this section, it can also mean “come” as well as “go”. You may have heard the word used in a set of phrases before a customer walked into the store owner’s store.
- い ら っ し ゃ い せ!
- irasshaimase!
- Welcome!
If you want to conjugate this verb to say “let’s go”, you can do so by changing it to い ら っ し ゃ ろ (irassharou) or い ら っ し ゃ り ま ょ (irassharimashou) . However, I have never actually heard or seen either of these words used before. life.
Other forms of travel
The interesting thing about Japanese is that the language can be extremely precise when it comes to certain words, for example, the Japanese word 通 (tooru) means “to go through; to go through; Go with; and so on.” and is often used when you are not just “going” somewhere, but you are “passing through something” such as a town, or when light is passing through an object.
- 町 を 通 る
- machi o tooru
- go through town
This same kanji can be used in the word (kayou) which means “going to and from (a place); goes back and forth between ‘ and it is often used when talking about ‘ going to school ‘ or in other words ‘ going to school ‘.
- ?
- doko no gakkou ni kayotte iru no?
- What’s your school [go to]?
Go over or under Somthing
Japanese uses the word (koeru) to say “passing over” something. This can be a physical thing, such as a mountain range, or it can also be an immaterial thing such as a difficulty in one’s life.
- 橋 を 越 え て 次 交 差点 を 右 に 曲 が っ く だ い。。
- hashi o koete tsugi no kousaten o migi ni magatte kudasai.
- Cross (go) over the bridge, then turn right at the next intersection.
[Source]Of course, since we have a word for something, it just means that we also have a word for something, right?! Sorry, I was a bit crazy there for a while. This is one of the reasons why people take so long to learn Japanese. Because they have so many nuanced words. to go / go through. ”Although I’m taking this part of the sentence out of context a bit, if it were on its own, it could be construed to mean something along these lines:
- こ の 門 を 潜 る ら ら ず
- kono mon kuguru bekarazu
- (a) should not go through this gate
The interesting thing to note about this word is that even though it has the kanji that I used, it is actually more common to see it written in hiragana as seen in the tweet.
Entering or Exiting something
When you want to talk about “going out” to something, such as a room or a house, you would use the word 出 る (deru). This word has many potential meanings, but I will only cover this meaning and its opposite in this section so as not to overload you with information.
- 応 接 室 を 出 て た た。
- ousetsu shitsu o dete itta.
- I come out of (left) the reception room.
It is quite common to see the verb 出 る combined with 行 く to say that a person has left a place and left the scene. to enter” and can be used in the same circumstances as 出 る but in reverse (i.e. come instead of go).
- そ の 部屋 に は め た に 入 り せ ん。。
- sono heya ni wa mettani hairimasen.
- I don’t go to that room often.
To come back somewhere
The last part is for new vocabulary consisting of two words that both mean “to return; return. “The first one is (kaeru) and the second one is る (modoru). the house you live in, your home city, or even the country you were born in if you currently live abroad.
- 帰 る な ら 送 よ。
- kaeru nara okuru yo.
- If you go home, I’ll take you there.
While 戻 る just means “go back to where I was (a while ago)” and is often the kanji used as the “back button” in electronic devices like your phone or computer.[hairyeggg]
Now it’s time to do something else
Well, we’ve covered so many different ways to say “go” in Japanese! What started as a simple journey to learning a phrase has turned into a master class on movement in Japanese! Lol, not really. If you have any questions that you would like to ask or if you would like to make a comment, please fill out the comments section below.
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