How To Say Girl In Russian

Russian Vocabulary (and Wisdom) This Russian word is one of the top 1000 words in Russian. You can find a complete list of the most commonly used words in Russian here. [DYEH-voosh-kah]Part of speech: noun (female noun (see also #524)) Rating: #326 (see frequency list) What a beautiful girl! Photo by Alaskan Dude, licensed under CC-BY-2.0

  • акáя краси́вая дéвушка!
  • What a beautiful girl!
  • женáт на молодóй дéвушке.
  • He was married to a young girl.
  • áша пошëл афé со своéй дéвушкой.
  • Sasha goes to a cafe with her girlfriend.
  • твоëм вóзрасте у é о дéвушки.
  • At your age I still don’t have a girlfriend.
  • éй пригласи́л дéвушку в шикáрный ресторáн.
  • Sergey invited the girl to a luxurious restaurant.
  • éвушка, дáйте мне меню́, ожáлуйста.
  • (Waitress), can I have the menu, please?
  • Girl, give me the menu, please.
  • éвушка, вас зовëт молодóй человéк.
  • Miss, the young man is calling you.
  • что, áeшься с нécколькими дéвушками одновремéнно?
  • Do you really date multiple girls at once?
  • Росси́и мнóго прекрacных дéвушек.
  • There are many beautiful girls in Russia.
  • аки́е комплимéнты ну́жно говори́ть дéвушкам?
  • What compliments should girls give?
  • literally What compliments are needed to pay the girl?

Russian Vocabulary (and Wisdom)

  • éвочка = a little girl
  • éнщина = a woman
  • а = a man
  • éнежки – Сéню дéвушки, а не стáло дéнежек – абы́ли Сéню дéвушки.
  • When Senia has money, girls love him, and when Senia has no money, girls forget about him.
  • éвушка, , а дéльце пóмни.
  • Girl, let’s hang out, but remember about work.
  • éвушкам – а éдушку, а арикáм – ать
  • For girls, talk, for the elderly, sleep.

Case Singular Plural Nominativeде́вушкаде́вушкиGenitiveде́вушкиде́вушекDativeде́вушкеде́вушкамAccusativeде́вушкуде́вушекInstrumentalде́вушкойде́вушкамиPrepositionalде́вушкеде́вушкахRead more: how to unlock trickster class in cod mobileVocabulary lesson: By Russificate blog exclusively for MasterRussian Phrase recordings: Copyright(c) 2011 Copyright Registered. Sound recordings of lyrics: Copyright (c) 2006 Streit Goulnara, Streit Eric, Vion Nicolas. Copyright (c) 2007 S. Sakhno, N. Vion. Distributed under CC-BY. You have questions? Ask them in the Russian Q&A section – a place for students, teachers and native Russian speakers to discuss Russian grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and other aspects of the Russian language. Copyright 2001-2021 | Privacy Policy | Contact usRead more: How to draw Burger step by step

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