How To Become A Suicide Girl

Video How to become a suicide girlMissFernandez – Clarity“The SuicideGirls are exceptionally interesting and stylish beautiful women from all over the world. They are the most crush worthy women we could find on the planet, the girls with style and grace and sexiness that we love.” – topqa.infoAt this point I’m assuming you’ve read my first blog ‘What Is ‘Suicide Girls’?’ or you already know, and that you’re now in the position where you want to be a Suicide Girl but have no idea how to go about it. I get messages all the time with girls asking me how to become an SG and the first step of the process is becoming a Hopeful…there’s no simple way to just ‘become’ a Suicide Girl over night I’m afraid! Every Suicide Girl is a Hopeful at some stage. A ‘Hopeful’ Suicide Girl is defined simply as someone that has submitted a photoset to the site following an accepted application, from that moment on you are considered a Hopeful and ripe for the picking as a potential future SG!Reading: how to become a suicide girl…But first things first, do you really want to be a Suicide Girl?Becoming a Suicide Girl is not easy. Some girls get there with their first sets, some might be on their tenth submission and still a Hopeful years later but with 3000+ applications every week there is a very high volume of women with the same idea, aiming to fill very few spaces! I hate seeing girls getting disheartened or upset about their sets not being chosen – it’s supposed to be fun, so please don’t continue to send sets over and over if you’re not enjoying it anymore. Aside from the obvious upset for yourself, it’s clear to everyone else when you don’t love what you do and a positive outlook is one of the main things that’s going to draw people to you on the site. If you don’t feel that way, it’s going to show in your images, blogs and general social activity. Whenever I shoot a set for someone, I ensure that the set is full of images they love for themselves in the event that it’s not chosen for SG. I want you to still love your photos and I think that’s why so many girls choose me to shoot their sets. I try and make sure that we create a beautiful set you will love, with the prospect of potentially becoming a Suicide Girl being a positive and very welcome bonus!Becoming a Hopeful/Suicide Girl is not for everyone. At the most basic level of explanation: you are going to be nude on the internet forever. Please consider this before applying and certainly before sending a photoset. Don’t submit a set you don’t like because your photographer pressured you or because you feel bad for wasting their time. Sure, it’s annoying, but what’s worse is having nude images of yourself you’re not happy with published online, forever, with no way of removing them. You can, of course, have your images removed from SG at a later date (if they don’t buy the set from you, if they do, then they own those images) but that doesn’t mean they won’t have found their way onto Tumblr or anywhere else. Using a different name is perfectly fine (and very common in nude modelling) but you must be aware of the risks that your friends and family could end up seeing these photos at some stage – be proud of what you do and confident in your own decision. Only you can decide whether or not it’s right for you at this point in your life. I’m not trying to put anyone off – my job depends on it! But I really do advise that it’s something you give serious consideration.On that note, you don’t actually have to be entirely nude. Well, you do…but to be more specific, you don’t have to show your vagina and certainly no ‘spread’ shots. The set must end with you gloriously fully nude but with clever use of posing you can easily hide your lady bits if you wish. One of the reasons Suicide Girls choose Staff Photographers like myself is so that you know we can be trusted but too often I hear stories of creepy photographers either making girls uncomfortable or downright lying to them – telling them you must show your vagina or do certain poses to be accepted as a model and it’s simply not true. Many of the top UK SGs choose not to – although butts, boobs and nipples are a must!However, it is a website full of nude photosets and I’m not going to pretend that there aren’t some members who would prefer you did show it all off. Lots of girls are happy to and the vast majority of photosets on the site feature women completely nudie rudie but I just think it’s a decision you must make for yourself, not one you should be pushed into. You can always show more later if you aren’t sure for your first shoot, but you can’t take it back if it’s a rushed decision you’ve made on the spot. I always check with girls on shoot how much they do or don’t want to show and many will ask me, “I don’t know, what do you think?”…What do I think? It’s not my vagina! Your body, your decision. Often this is followed with ‘I don’t really mind‘ before shortly becoming “I’m not sure, maybe not” or occasionally after shooting the images not wanting to use the more risqué ones. This is fine – and still a much better option than submitting images you’re not comfortable with – but if you make sure you have this discussion with your photographer on the day and you’re both clearly on the same page then you’ll end up with less unusable photos. We can hide your lady parts with clever posing and if anything sneaks out, I’ll be deleting it before you even see the photos anyway so no one will ever know and no one will ever see!8Chicory – CitrusOkay, so you’ve thought about it and you just really wanna get butt naked asap…Great! Then you just need to apply. It sounds so simple but many people think SG (or myself) simply scout out girls we want to join the site but, actually, whilst there are recruiters working on behalf of SG, absolutely anyone can apply! We love all different types of women – too often I hear, “I’m too old“, too fat or “I’m not white” but that really isn’t the case. We always have our arms wide open to accept a more diverse group of girls to join the community! As a photographer, lots of people tell me I don’t shoot enough bigger girls or enough black girls but the simple fact is I can only shoot who contacts me, any SG member can vouch for me when I tell you there is a HUGE variety of beautiful women on the website but there is always space for more.For an idea, here’s a look at my five most recent Sets of the Day (all photos by me):1Flikrenee – Wanderlust2Scribbles – Sally Cinnamon3Eirenne – Deja Entendu4Sophoulla – Dark Paradise5Vikki – Hands OffApplying involves an application via the website as well as a model release and ID to prove you are you and that you are 18+ – we will not be publishing any images of anyone under 18 under any circumstance, or any images of anyone without ID or consent regardless of age. This is a must! Pop a few pictures of yourself on there, too. These are just so the staff going through these applications can see who you are, they do not need to be professional.You can apply here via the website where there’s also a super cute video full of naked ladies explaining the positives of SG in a sexier way than I have here or in my previous blog. There are SO many positives to joining Suicide Girls. From the friends you will make – online, in the infamous Whatsapp chat groups and in real-life meet-ups (you’ll suddenly have friends all over the world you can stay with, visit and get great recommendations from as well as returning the favour when girls come to your town), the way your confidence will grow and the nurturing environment that will teach you how important self-love and self-care is to your happiness and wellbeing. Plus, you get hot pictures of yourself naked that you can keep forever! Maybe not for the family album but something you can be personally proud of. I checked up with a load of girls what they thought the positives were and whilst most repeated points I’ve also made and agree with, these lovely ladies wrote something that explained it so well I thought I’d share it:“I could type for hours about this! If I had to choose one thing, I’d choose the community that’s come with it. My SGAU family is as much of a family to me as those related by blood – we are inspired by each other and we look out for each other. I had a very rough few years previously, and the first meet-up I went to was the first social occasion [barring my own and my partner’s birthday parties and work events] that I’d been to in several years. I immediately felt welcomed.Read more: how to change the name of a group on robloxSG has brought genuine female friendship into my life in the community within it, and with that I have a sense of belonging I never could’ve dreamed of.” – Arachnie Suicide“The most positive thing for me is learning to value myself and other women for the beautiful people we are. It’s so easy to fall into a negative mindset about yourself and others because of social media, but SG has shown me to celebrate everything that makes you who you are and be confident. SG has also helped me see myself as a strong, sexy woman, which we sometimes need some reminding of.” – Hopeful Cassidee“The most positive thing about doing SG is how confident it made me feel and how it helped me grow as a woman. I didn’t have great self esteem before I started this but since then I’ve become more confident in how I feel about myself and how beautiful I actually am. I also love all the support you get from the SG community and from all the other girls, especially the friends I’ve made so far.” – Hopeful Persephane*Further testimonials from Suicide Girls and Hopefuls can be found at the end of this post*Once your application has been accepted, fill in your profile. Like any social media profiles, Suicide Girls has a bio section that you can fill out as little or much as you like. I’d suggest filling in as much as possible, it will get you off to a good start and it shows members and potential future-friends that you care enough to bother. It’s not a rule that this has to be done but, really, how are members going to like you if they don’t know anything about you?! The more you put in, the more you’ll get out of it so a little bit of effort definitely goes a long way and will improve your experience tenfold.9SamanthaBentley – Dream OnNow all you need to do is submit a photoset! Your hopeful account will be fully active for a year from the moment your first photoset is accepted for Member Review, where members, other models and staff can like and comment on your photoset. SG Staff choose which sets make the front page and which girls go ‘pink’ and become a Suicide Girl but your feedback doesn’t go unnoticed. Being an active member on the site will give your set the best chance to get noticed and, although not essential, is an integral part to the SG experience. There is a line between promoting your set and being annoying though so please don’t spam other members as you may find that hinders the reception of your set. Be friendly, be genuine and enjoy yourself.If you’re a Hopeful in the U.K. and you’d like to book me to shoot your set, please get in touch. All photos featured in this blog are my own: [email protected] posts in this series:What Is ‘Suicide Girls’?Models: Five Steps to Becoming a Hopeful Suicide Girl.Models: Preparing For Your First Nude PhotoshootSome useful links:Read more: how to keep pie crust from sticking to glass pie plateFAQsModel ApplicationStaff Photographer List (worldwide)My SG PortfolioMy Personal Portfolio*Further testimonials answering ‘what’s the most positive thing about doing SG?‘*10Nayru Suicide from her first ever shoot for Suicide Girls.“The self acceptance. As a girl who isn’t “skinny”, who has squishy bits and wobbly bits, I would never be considered for modelling with most places. I’m too big. And when you’re told you’re too big, when you’re constantly barraged by the media with the idea that you have to be a certain size to be beautiful, you can’t have a tummy, you can’t have so many things that most women have, it makes you feel like you are too big, like you’re not good enough because you don’t look the way they say you should look. I spent a long time feeling like I was too fat because of this – which at a size 12 is absolutely ridiculous. SG however is completely different. You’re loved no matter what your size. The amount of body positivity is amazing, and no matter the girls shape or size she receives nothing but love. SG are all about seeing beauty where others may not, celebrating the different, and not conforming to society’s ridiculous beauty standards. I became a Suicide Girl even with my squishy bits. And I’ve seen so much love there, not just from members but from my fellow girls who I’ve developed such good friendships with, that now I see myself in a whole new light. I can actually love myself the way I am thanks to Suicide Girls.” – Nayru Suicide“100% the people – a very large proportion of my closest friendships are people (not just girls) I have met through the site. The site became a my network and safe space during hard times. But also the confidence I have gained through doing it. When I started SG I was sure enough of myself to give it a go, but that confidence in myself has only increased through shooting and attending events, shoot-fests and shows. During the few years I was away from shooting for personal reasons, I came to realise that confidence in myself had dipped – but I’m working on that again, pushing myself and loving every second of it.” – Reuben Suicide“The girls, the community, the amazing opportunities! Absolutely warms my heart so much.” – SuzyLee Suicide“There is a lot to say. SG definitely shaped me as a person, at a time in my life when I was searching for a way to express myself and find confidence in who I am. While SG celebrates the full spectrum of physical beauty, which gave me so much body confidence and increased my self-love tremendously, it did EVEN MORE for me by celebrating who we are as women, our inner value, not only the exterior. We are told who we should be and how we should behave in every aspect of our lives. So many influences in our lives subtlety crush our unique voices, from school to societal pressure to conservative ideas in our own family/friend groups. Over time you stop feeling like you’re able to explore or express your own ideas and push past the expectations and judgements that inevitably follow from moving against the current. I found so much of myself that I didn’t even realize I had lost through the supportiveness and inclusiveness that SG fosters. The positive and uplifting culture of acceptance and non-judgement allowed me to feel that I had a safe space to express myself and be as weird and opinionated as I liked without fear of criticism. I have made so many wonderful and genuine friends on SG. I love the community, it really feels like a home for people who think differently or just want to be themselves, whatever that may be.” – Pixel Suicide“I’ve met new friends from around the world! It’s amazing how easy it is through SG! Now I have someone to visit and hang out with in every town! Also, SG helped me develop a healthier perception of myself: I learnt that my body can be beautiful just the way it is, that bringing out inner strength and creativity on set is great and putting a smile on my face is one of the sexiest thing around!” – Lauretta Suicide“Friends and all the couches to surf!!!” – Effy Suicide“The community, confidence and the positivity within that community is outstanding. I have a whole group of friends that I would never have had if it wasnt for the site. I’ve become a whole new person because of my experiences through meets and shootfests, and feel like I have a second family, and a second home through SG” – Hopeful Chibbi“The amazing, strong, beautiful people in the community!! It’s a confidence booster, and a life time friend maker. Very empowering, I could go on and on!” – Hopeful RosaleenRead more: how to find a good endodontist6Mel Suicide

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