How To Play Lord Of The Rings Risk



Lord of the Rings Trilogy Game RulesPlace the game on the table. Place the Adventure card face down near the table and make sure that the 2 Wild cards are not in the Territory deck. Arrange the Territory cards into Good (gray shield), Neutral (no shield) and Evil (black shield) cards. Shuffle each deck separately and have them face down near the board. Yellow and Green are the Free Peoples while Red and Black represent Sauron’s forces. (In a 3-player game, one player controls the Free People while the other two represent Sauron.) Each player will start with a number of battalions. 2 players start with 60; 3 players start with 52 and 4 players start with 45. (Note: the rules of the 2 player game can be referenced in the rule book and are not included here). The smaller shapes represent 1 battalion, the pinned shapes represent 3 and the large shapes represent 5. Place these in front of you. Also, take your 2 leaders (shield shape) and hold them in front of you. In a 4-player game, deal half an Evils Territory card to each Sauron player. Likewise, halve the Good Territory card to each Free Ethnic player. In the 3-player game, the Territory card deal is similar to the 4-player game, except that player Sauron also receives half of the Neutral deck, each player placing 1 Battalion in each listed Territory on their card. After all players have done this, shuffle all the Territory cards together (including 2 wilds). This player places a battalion in an empty territory. This player currently owns this territory. Continue in a circle with each player placing a shape in the empty territory. This is done until all 64 territories have been filled. (It’s okay if the player owns more territories than other territories at this time). Again, this is done in a circle, with each player placing a battalion until they have no more pieces left. (as usual) until all Leaders have been placed. You cannot place two Leaders in the same territory. Leaders will award battle bonuses throughout the game. 1 face-up Territory card per player. 4 Adventure cards per player. If it says ‘Instant Play’, the player returns any of these cards and gets a new Adventure card until they have 4 cards that don’t say “Instant Play”. near the chessboard. Set One Ring in the Shire. This ring represents the position of the Fellowship. Each player rolls a dice. The highest roller will go first.

The object of the game

Lord of the Rings Trilogy Game RulesThe war between the Peoples of Middle-earth and free Mordor is upon you. Determined the fate of the peoples of Middle-earth. The player (or team) that scores the most points before the One Ring reaches Mount Doom wins.

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Play game

Each turn has seven parts:

  • Get and place reinforcements
  • Fight
  • Strengthen position
  • Collect territory cards
  • Collect adventure cards
  • Replace a leader
  • Scholarship Move
  • I. Receiving and Placing Reinforcement Forces

    Read more: How to find 20-digit sims Place 1 battalion in each territory with a stronghold you control. Strongholds are symbols in a territory that are yellow. Count the total number of territories you control and divide that number by 3 (ignore the rest). This is the number of reinforcements you received. Note that you can never get less than 3 battalions. If you control an entire region (i.e. you control all the territories in an area), you get bonus battalions. The chart on the dashboard shows how many bonus battalions you get for controlling areas. Add these battalions to your reinforcement pile. You can also get reinforcements by submitting a Territory card. If you’ve collected at least three cards that show all different symbols or all of the same symbol, you can switch these cards to get more reinforcements. Note that the number of reinforcements you receive depends on the type of symbols displayed on your three cards. 3 Elven archers = 4 battalions; 3 Dark Knight = 6; 3 Eagles = 8; one of each symbol = 10. Wild cards can be used as any card. If you have 5 or more cards at the beginning of your turn, you must turn over a deck. Place the reinforcements you just received into the territories you control. You can place them all in one territory or spread them out across multiple territories. You must place all reinforcements that you receive at this point.

    II. Fight

    You can attack adjacent enemy territories. Attack is always optional, choose one of your territories with at least 2 battalions (one battalion must always stay). Note that the Leader is not considered a battalion’s chess piece. They only give attack and defense bonuses and have to move with one battalion. Choose one, two or three of your battalions to attack. Your invading force can be larger than three pieces, but cannot attack more than three pieces at a time. defense: 1 or 2 battalions. If the defender has a Leader in the defending territory, they get a +1 bonus for their highest defender’s death. Also, if you’re defending a Stronghold, you’ll get a +1 bonus for dying at your highest defense. As such, with both the Leader and defending the Stronghold, you will receive +2 upon death. Each side rolled 1 death for each battalion engaged in battle. Both sides order their deaths from highest to lowest. Compare your highest dead body with your opponent’s highest dead one. The higher number wins, with the guardian’s winning relation. The loser will remove one battalion from the territory. Compare your second dice. The loser leaves a battalion. If there are no other dead to compare, ignore the dead one, if the defender still has battalions in the territory you just attacked, you can attack again. This attack is optional. You can also choose another territory to attack, if the defenders have no battalions left in that territory then you have to move the attacked battalions into that territory. You can also move additional battalions from the attacking territory, if you wish. Remember that you always have to leave at least one battalion behind. No territory can be left vacant. Fully complete an attack and move before starting another attack. If a leader is in the defeated territory, that leader is removed from the board. Read more: how to close apps on iphone 5c Players get Mission Cards at certain points in the game. If you have moved into a territory or have been in a territory showing a Place of Power that matches one of your Quest Cards, transfer that card for a reward. You can eliminate another play if you defeat their last battalion on the Board. As a reward, you get that player’s Territory Card. You don’t get their Adventure card; they will be removed immediately. Note that if you now have more than 5 Territory cards, you must transfer them for reinforcements. You can now place these reinforcements on your territory.

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    Adventure card

    Lord of the Rings Trilogy Game RulesYou can play as many Adventure cards as you like on your turn. There are several different types. The Quest Card allows you to get rewards for entering a territory with a leader including a Power Place. Submit them when you can to claim your reward. Power cards help you during battle. Make sure to keep the Adventure cards as they are valid at the end of the game.

    III. Strengthen your position

    Take as many battalions as you like from one of your territories and move them to another connected territory. Remember not to leave a territory blank. You can only move battalions from one territory to another if you can connect them through a friendly territorial line. You cannot move the battalion through enemy territory. When moving your Leader, make sure it doesn’t end up moving in the same territory as your second Leader. Lord of the Rings Trilogy Game Rules

    IV. Collect territory cards

    If you have conquered at least one territory, you can take one (only one) Territory card from the top of the deck and add it to your hand. These can be exchanged later for reinforcement battalions.

    V. Collect adventure cards

    Lord of the Rings Trilogy Game RulesIf at any time during your turn you conquer a territory with a battalion that includes one of your leaders, you can draw an Adventure Card from the top of the deck. If it’s an Event card, follow the instructions immediately, then draw a new Adventure Card. Keep drawing Adventure cards until you draw a Quest or Power card. If by drawing a new Adventure card your card count exceeds four, you must discard down to four. After one card is drawn, no other cards are played. Also, only one Adventure card can be drawn per turn, regardless of the amount of territory you have taken with power positions.

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    BECAUSE. Replace a leader

    If you have no Leader pieces on the board, place a Leader in any of your territories.

    VII. Moving fellowship relationship

    A ring that represents the position of Friendship in Middle-earth. At the end of each player’s turn, the Fellowship follows their path, ending up in a new territory each time. Some territories have death symbols on them. Before attempting to move the Association, the current player must roll a dead one. If the result is 4 or more, the Scholarship can continue, if the dice roll is 3 or less, the Scholarship must stay there until the next player tries to move them out by rolling the dice like before. Lord of the Rings Trilogy Game Rules

    Game over

    When the Fellowship arrives at Mount Doom, a dead one must be thrown. On reel 3 or higher, the ring is destroyed. Otherwise, at the end of the next player’s turn, they must again attempt to destroy the Ring by rolling the same dice. When the ring is destroyed, the game is over and scoring takes place. Each player receives:

    • 1 point for every territory they control
    • 2 points for each stronghold they control
    • Scores for Adventure Cards played (scores shown on each card). Points are not awarded for the Adventure Card that remains in hand.
    • Scores for each area are completely controlled. Points are equal to battalion-level bonuses of each region.

    The player with the highest score wins. Read more: how to create a running animation Continue Reading

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