How to Get Rid of Shoulder Pain

Every person suffers with shoulder pain atleast once in their life time.

Shoulder pain may occur due to various reasons such as problem in arthritis, cartilage, spinal cord injury, sprain in the muscles or rotator cuff. In severe cases tendonscan swelling can be major reason for shoulder pain.

However, age is one major factor that leads to shoulder pain but it is most common among the people who work hour’s together sitting in front of a computer.

Here, apart from pain you may experience swelling, difficulty in raising your hand, moving your neck etc.

Almost 3 among every 5 are facing shoulder pain and it has been estimated that 60% of the people who are suffering from this are using natural methods for treatment.

In this article we have mentioned few of the home remedies along with some exercises, which can provide relief against shoulder pain.

Top 9 methods to reduce shoulder pain:

Method 1: Cold compress:

Cold compress helps in relieving the shoulder pain by reducing the sharp pains and inflammation. Thus, cold compress is best remedy to get rid of shoulder pain.

What all you need…

    Ice cubes
    Plastic bag
    Thin cotton towel

How to use?

    Take a plastic bag and pour ice cubes into it and then wrap it in a thin towel.
    Now, press this towel against the shoulder and keep doing it for 10-15 minutes.
    You can repeat the same process 3-4 times per day and get relief from shoulder pain.

Alternative method:

    You can also soak down the towel in a tub filled with cold water and use this towel for compressing.


    Do not keep ice directly on the shoulder because it may worsen the problem.

 Method 2: Hot compress:

Hot water compress method relaxes the shoulder muscles and reduces the swelling in the affected area. It is also used in treatment for muscle spasms, sprain etc. but it is recommended tp use this method only after 48 hours of injury.

What all you need…

How to use?

    Keep this hot water bag on your shoulder and press it gently on the pain area.
    Then, hold it for about 10-15 minutes and then, remove it.

Alternative method:

    You can also pour some slightly hot water on your shoulder while taking bath. For better results you can repeat this twice per day.

Method 3: Massage:

Massaging is a traditional method used in reducing shoulder pain and other body pains. It works by increasing the blood circulation in the affected area and relieving the pain slowly.

You can make use of warm coconut oil, olive oil etc for massaging.

What all you need…

How to use?

    Take a small bowl and warm the oil in it and apply this oil on your shoulders.
    Now, massage smoothly on your shoulder by applying pressure on it.
    Continue doing this for 10-15 minutes by pressing slowly.
    This increases the blood flow in the shoulder section and it provides relief against pain.
    You can just place a warm towel on your shoulder and then, leave it for some time.
    You can continue this for minimum of 2-3 times per day.
    Note: Do not massage the area where you have cuts or scratches on the skin.
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Method 4: Turmeric:

Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties so it is best to use turmeric for treating shoulder pain. The anti-oxidants present in the turmeric are very good for treating any health problems.

What all you need?

    2 tablespoons of turmeric
    1 tablespoon coconut oil

How to use?

    Take a small bowl and add 2 tablespoons of turmeric powder to it.
    Now, add coconut oil and mix thoroughly to make paste.
    Apply this on your shoulder and massage slightly.
    Leave it till it dries and then, wash it using warm water.
    For better results you can repeat 2 times per day and get relief from the pain.

Alternative method:

    You can mix 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder into a cup of milk and then, boil for sometimes. Consumption of this milk is very good for health.
    If you don’t like the bitter taste of turmeric then, you can consume the capsules and get rid of your health problems.

Method 5: Apple cider vinegar:

Apple cider vinegar has anti-inflammatory properties that reduce the swelling of the neck and shoulder. So, it is helpful in treating the shoulder pain. The properties present in ACV balances the pH level of the skin and provide relief to the muscles.

What all you need…

    2 cups raw apple cider vinegar
    Warm water

How to use?

    Pour warm water into your bath tub and add 2 cups of raw apple cider vinegar to it.
    Then, soak in this tub for about half an hour daily.
    This is very beneficial in improving the health and skin problems.

Alternative method:

    Take 1 tablespoon of ACV and mix it with a teaspoon of raw honey and add into a glass of warm water. Stir it well and consume it twice to get rid of shoulder pain.

Method 6: Ginger:

Ginger has anti-oxidants that help in relieving the pain and improving the blood circulation. The anti-inflammatory properties of ginger reduce the swelling and pain associated with it.What all you need…

    2 cups water
    1 tablespoon ginger slices
    ½ teaspoon honey

How to use?

    Take 2 cups of water and boil it by adding ginger slices to it.
    Continue boiling for 5-10 minutes and then, pour it into a cup.Then, add ½ teaspoon of honey and drink it when it is warm.

Method 7: Epsom salt:

The magnesium sulphate present in the Epsom salt reduces shoulder pain by helping in blood circulation and relaxation of the body muscles.

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What all you need…

    2 cups Epsom salt
    Warm water

How to use?

    Fill you bath tub with warm water and add 2 cups of Epsom salt to it.
    Now, soak in this water for about 20-25 minutes.
    For better results you can repeat this for 2-3 times per week.

Method 8: Mint

Mint has the cooling property, which reduces the burning sensation of the pain and also provides soothing effect to the skin.

What all you need…

    10-15 mint leaves
    2 teaspoons water

How to use?

    Crush the mint leaves along with water to make a paste and apply this on the shoulder.
    Leave for about 1 hour and wash using warm water.

Method 9: Alfalfa

Alfalfa improves the blood circulation and reduces the swelling and pain. So, consumption of alfalfa tea is very helpful when you have any body pains.

What all you need…

    Some alfalfa leaves
    1 cup warm water

How to use?

    Take a glass of warm water and add alfalfa leaves into it and steep down for about 5 minutes.
    Then, strain the tea and drink one or two cups to get rid of shoulder pain.

Exercises to get relief from shoulder pain:

1. Neck release:

Neck release is a simple exercise where all you need to do is sit straight and try to touch your chin to the chest by bending your neck forward. Then, slowly lean towards right shoulder and stay there for a minute and again bend towards left. Try to stay in each position for about a minute or two.

2. 90-90 shoulder twist

If you have severe pain in your shoulder then, this exercise can help you to get relief. First of all, stand in a doorway and hold your arms up so that your elbow makes 90 degree with your arms and arms make 90 degree with your body. Now, keep your hands on the each side of doorframe. Then, place a foot forward and lean against doorframe. Repeat it for 2 times and maintain the position for about 20 seconds.

3. Seat twist:

Sit straight on a chair by touching your knees and keep your left hand on the outside of your right thigh. Then, turn your torso to the right and relax your shoulder by slightly pressing your right thigh. Repeat the same procedure for your left thigh.

4. Chest expansion:

Here, you should use a rope or band and put in on your back side. Then, slowly hold it using your hands and try to up your chin by looking at the ceiling. Breathe slowly for about 10-15 seconds and repeat it for 3-4 times.

5. Arm cross chest stretch:

This is best to relax your muscles. Hold your right arm near your waist and try to pull it using your left hand pressing near the right elbow. Pull it inwards till you feel stretch in your shoulder. Repeat this on left arm using right hand. Stay in the same position for 30-40 seconds. For effective results you can do it 4 times per day.

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    Place a pillow beneath your neck and sleep in elevated position to get relief from pain and swelling.
    When you have severe pain you can use any pain relieving gel.
    Drinking lemon water is beneficial in removing the mineral deposits from your joints.
    You can make use of your elbow and give support to your shoulder while sleeping on sides.
    Consult a doctor if you don’t find any relief within 5-6 days.
    Be careful while doing any of the exercises because a small fault may lead to big disaster.
    Drink plenty of water throughout the day and consume healthy diet like ginger, garlic, pepper etc, are beneficial for shoulder.


    Do not stand or sit by leading towards front or back. Stand and sit in correct position to maintain the posture properly.
    Avoid consumption of alcohol and smoking because they slow down the healing process.
    Do not sit in the same posture or place for long hours. Take a small walk or stretch in between to avoid the pain.

 Frequently asked questions:

1. Can i use acupuncture therapy for shoulder pain treatment?

Yes, acupuncture is one of the oldest techniques used for treating shoulder pains. Be careful while following this method because if the considered acupuncture point is wrong then, the problem may worsen. Try to approach an expert for treatment.

2. Is shoulder pain a sign of heart attack?

In many cases heart attack can begin with pain in the chest and spread across the other body parts such as arms, hands, shoulders etc. So, if you feel any kind of slight pain in the chest along with shoulder pain then, immediately consult your cardiologist.

3. How does it feel when you have rotator cuff tear?

Rotator cuff tear causes pain and weakness in the affected area of the shoulder and when ever you try to lift or move your arm then you may get sensation.


Shoulder pain is very annoying as you feel the pain with even smallest work of the day. So, try to get rid of it by using the methods mentioned above.

Did you use any of the home remedies mentioned above? How was your experience? Please share your experience in our comment box.

If you have any queries please write to us in the comment section below. Our team of experts will clarify them as soon as possible.

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