How To Install Ansible On Ec2 Instance

How to install ansible on AWS ec2 instances To install ansible on Amazon Linux or to setup ansible lab in aws we need two or three ec2 instances. one is the main controllable ec2 instance the other is the client ec2 instance. only in the main ec2 instance we will install ansible. Launch three or two instances of ubuntu 16.04 Read: how to install ansible on ec2 instance Name one ubuntu ec2 instance as ansible-mastergive remaining ec2 instances client1, clinet2in both host and client security group ansible ssh port number 22 from anywhereansible is built on python so install python in all machines

install python in major versions and the client can’t respond


ansible and its modules are built on python, so we have to install python in all servers and clients. to install python execute below commands as root user sudo -i apt-get install python-Minimum apt-get install python3check python version with python -version Python 2.7.12

install ansible in ansible major version

run below command as root user sudo -i apt-get update apt-get install software-properties-common apt-add-repository ppa: ansible / ansible apt-get update apt-get install ansiblecheck ansible with ansible -version ansible 2.6.3 config file = /etc/ansible/ configured module search path = [u’/root/.ansible/plugins/modules’, u’/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules’] ansible python module location = /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ansible Operating location = /usr/bin/ansible python version = 2.7.12 (default, Dec 4, 2017, 14:50:18 ) [GCC 5.4.0 20160609]

establish an ssh connection between ansible server and client

to establish connection between server and client, we have to generate key in server and paste this key in client’s authorization_key file. This file exists in the .ssh directory. So if .ssh folder doesn’t exist in ec2 client instances, We have to create .ssh folder and inside that folder we have to create authorization file.

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generate public key in main version can’t answer

in master, ec2 instance execute below commands sudo -i ssh-keygen -t rsasetup ansible labs in aws ec2 . settingsRead more: How to unformat Micro SD Card It will generate key in folder .ssh cd .ssh ls id_rsa known_hosts cat topqa.infosetting up ansible in awsCopy this key

In all client Ec2 instances

sudo -icd .sshls Here you can see authorization_grants file. [If the file is not existed here create the file with touch commandtouch authorized_keys and paste the key in this fileVi authorized_keysconfigure ansible in aws ec2Paste key of the master heresetup ansible in aws ec2now we have shared ssh keys between master and clients

Adding clients to ansible master

to add clients to ansible master machine, we need to add all IP’s of clients in master machine /etc/ansible/hosts filenow go to ansible master machine

Ansible AWS Inventory

cd /etc/ansiblevi hostsRead more: How to Draw A Cave – A Step by Step Guideadd like below[web] ansible in aws ec2 . instancehere is client’s private IP here you can refer to all clients private IP’sansible configuration in awsfirst time it will ask if you are sure you want to continue connecting yes/nowrite yes and click entery you can see the output is green. now we have successfully configured safe practice lab in aws. you can run your playbooks and roles in the client.


  • enable ssh port forwarding between client and server by opening port number 22
  • install python in all major and client ec2 instances
  • install ansible in major ec2 instance
  • public key generation in master version cannot be paid
  • copy the key and paste in all client instances the authorization_key . file
  • enter all the client IPs in the file master /etc/ansible/hosts
  • Now you can run your books
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  • install ansible on Amazon Linux
  • example ansible aws
  • connect ansible with ec2 . instance
  • how to install ansible on aws ec2 . instance

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Posts “How To Install Ansible On Ec2 Instance” posted by on 2021-10-29 16:33:15. Thank you for reading the article at

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