How To Increase Horsepower On An Outboard Motor

1kD 728x90 3 3Sometimes it is nice to putter along the lake and enjoy the weather on a sunny summer afternoon, but other times, you need to get from Point A to Point B in a hurry and do not care to casually enjoy the scenery. The problem is that you have your boat opened full throttle, and it is just not moving fast enough for your liking.How do you increase horsepower on an outboard motor? While there are a number of ways you can increase horsepower on an outboard motor, nearly all of them will involve creating an environment in which air is used more efficiently within the engine chambers.Reading: how to increase horsepower on an outboard motor

  • Supercharge your motor
  • Engine control module (ECM) reflashing
  • Perform a full-service engine tune-up
  • Use a fuel additive
  • Monitor airflow intake
  • Check or replace airflow exhaust
  • Try different propellers
  • Install jack plates
  • Blueprinting
  • Run your boat wide open
  • When increasing the horsepower of your outboard motor, it is important to remember to make safety your first consideration. What is the reason I need my boat to go faster and is it really necessary? Will the water on which I plan to travel be able to handle my boat moving at increased speeds? Do I need to consult a professional to help in getting horsepower increased?

    What is Horsepower?


    Horsepower is a measure of how rapidly an engine can perform work.For example, take two engines that are rated to carry 2,000 pounds of cargo. With all other factors being equal, the engine with the greater horsepower will be able to perform this work faster than the engine with the lower horsepower.As such, the main benefit of increased horsepower is almost always an increase in speed.

    How Can You Add Horsepower to an Outboard Motor?

    In order to increase horsepower to an outboard motor, you must create an environment in which pressurized air is burnt more efficiently within the engine’s chambers, and less air is allowed to escape.In increasing this efficiency of the motor, torque is subsequently increased. Therefore, in order to increase horsepower, you must find a way to increase the torque of your engine.Take a look at the following equation to help you understand how an increase in torque will lead to an increase in horsepower for your outboard motor:(Torque x RPMs)/Constant = HorsepowerIn this model, the torque is the engine’s ability to perform work, such as the ability to pull 2,000 pounds of cargo; RPMs are the number of times the engine turns over in a minute, and the constant is a frame of reference in which these variables are assessed.As there is an upper limit to how many times an engine can turn over in a minute, increasing RPMs is not an option once a certain point is reached. After all, you have opened up full throttle, put the “pedal to the metal,” and your boat will not go any faster.Therefore, the way to increase your horsepower is through increasing your torque. By getting your motor to do more work at lower RPMs, you will be getting a higher horsepower value once maximum RPMs are reached-meaning you will be going faster in your full-throttle condition.Let’s look at ways you can increase torque on your outboard motor and, subsequently, increase horsepower in the process.

    How to Increase Power on an Outboard Motor

    As mentioned, the best way to increase the horsepower of an outboard motor is by getting pressurized air to burn more efficiently in the engine’s chambers. There are a number of ways this can be achieved.

    Number One: Supercharge Your Motor

    While some may argue the overall benefits of supercharging an outboard motor and there is no denying that supercharging is not nearly as common for boats as it is for automobiles, the fact remains that supercharging is the best path toward attaining significant increases in horsepower for your outboard motor.While the cost and time investment is relatively high, successfully supercharging your outboard motor can lead to increases in top speeds of up to 10 miles per hour.Example of a SuperchargerOne of the most common superchargers in the outboard motor game is the Whipple supercharger. Depending on the model of your outboard motor, results have shown this particular supercharger to increase horsepower by up to 50 percent. This means that a 300 hp engine would be at nearly 450 hp after supercharging.The Whipple supercharger works by attaching to your outboard motor’s crankshaft as a pulley, compressing the fuel and air mixture before it enters the cylinders. When a more highly concentrated fuel and air mixture enters the cylinders, a more violent explosion takes place after the pistons fire, resulting in more energy and increased horsepower.This particular supercharging kit is fairly straightforward, making for ease of installation and operation attainable for a variety of users. The kit comes with a recalibrated ECM to control idle, fuel, spark, and knock and all the components required to complete the installation. In addition, the supercharger does not increase the size requirement of the engine compartment.

    What Else to Consider About Supercharging

    While the installation of the Whipple supercharger is easy enough, providing a clear path to substantial increases in horsepower, there are some additional considerations that need to be considered as part of the supercharging process, making this a potentially heavy investment in both time and money:

    • Additional cooling required – the increased combustion and more violent explosion mean that more heat is being produced as a byproduct. Motors that overheat are in danger of malfunction, so it is recommended that an oil cooler be added to the engine any time a supercharge is performed
    • Propeller and gear upgrades – adding that much horsepower to the outboard motor means that some other components of your boat may not be able to hold up under the new settings. As such, new propellers should be installed, with an improved gear package likely to be necessary as well
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    Read more: how to play against friends on super mario runIn addition to these adjacent costs that come with supercharging your outboard motor, there are a couple of other considerations that need to be factored in as well:

    • Warranty restrictions – any boat or outboard motor that is purchased new will come with a warranty that protects against defects in the outboard motor. By installing a supercharger to your engine, you immediately void any remaining warranty that comes with your outboard motor
    • Reliability compromised – reliability is the measure of consistency achieved at the output. While supercharging will most definitely lead to an increase in horsepower, and top-end speed, the engine’s reliability will decrease, meaning that the performance output at different gears won’t be as consistent than it was before the outboard motor was altered
    • Competition ineligibility – some types of boating competitions specifically restrict the use of supercharged outboard motors. Therefore, if you are looking to compete in boat racing or professional fishing, make sure that you check on boat and outboard motor requirements, as the increased horsepower is negated if it makes your boat ineligible

    Nonetheless, if you have the time and money to invest in increasing your outboard motor’s horsepower and are not concerned about the potential drawbacks, adding a supercharger to the crankshaft is the most surefire way to make your boat faster.If the Whipple supercharger is not compatible with your specific needs, Procharger makes another popular supercharger for outboard motors. While the technology is slightly different, it offers a more highly concentrated air and fuel mixture into the motor’s cylinders using a similar basis as the Whipple, creating a more powerful combustion with each piston stroke.

    Number Two: Engine Control Module (ECM) Reflashing

    As mentioned above, adding a supercharger to your outboard motor will decrease engine reliability. If this is a sacrifice you are not willing to make, you may want to consider engine control module (ECM) reflashing.While the increases in horsepower are much less modest than those attained by supercharging (a maximum of a two-mile per hour increase can be expected using this method), the cost is comparatively much lower without taking on the drastic decreases in reliability.If your boat is propelled by a fuel-injected engine (and in 2020, the chances that it is are extremely high), then having the ECM reflashed can help add horsepower to your engine. The ECM is the brains of the fuel injection system. It controls the fuel, airflow, engine timing, and spark curve. Just like with supercharging, increasing the amount of air and fuel that goes into the cylinders creates a more potent explosion upon piston combustion, creating a more powerful output.When you reflash your ECM, you may also see a slight increase in RPM capacity, so an improved propeller system may need to be considered to match this output.Other considerations with ECM reflashing include voided warranty and some evidence to suggest a decrease in drivetrain longevity. As such, if you are a recreational boater who does not necessarily need the modest increases in horsepower, you may want to think about your outboard motor’s lifespan before reflashing your ECM.

    Number Three: Perform a Full-Service Engine Tune-up

    As you have probably gathered from reading through this article, the efficiency of burning the air and fuel mixture is a fundamental way to increase the horsepower in your outboard motor.It goes without saying that you need a spark in order to make things burn, so if your spark plugs or any other elements of your outboard motor’s ignition system are faulty or not functioning at optimal levels, then you will see a decrease in horsepower.Especially if your outboard motor has a few years of wear on it, replace all spark plugs and spark plug wires in the engine. This will ensure that the air and fuel mixture is introduced to the cylinders ignites without even the most minor misfires, which can add up over time to create some serious decreases in performance.Besides spark plugs and ignition wires, other elements of a full-service tune-up on your outboard motor include:

    • Thoroughly clean the engine – this is especially important if you run your outboard motor on salt water. Connecting a garden hose to the motor, let freshwater run through the system for several minutes. This will help flush any rust or other corrosive properties which could cause outboard motor performance to deteriorate
    • Swap fuel – as outboard motors are in constant contact with water, they have a greater chance of water getting introduced into the fuel supply than would the fuel of an automobile. Water or any other foreign substance can decrease the quality of fuel, not to mention potentially damage your motor, so make sure you swap fuel during a tune up
    • Change oil – keeping the oil at appropriate levels and making sure that the oil is of high quality is essential in outboard motor function. Heat causes oil to break down over time, and if it is no longer capable of protecting your engine, increased engine wear could cause outboard motor performance to deteriorate and eventually fail
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    Number Four: Use a Fuel Additive

    Fuel additives are chemical mixtures that are designed to increase fuel performance and efficiency. There are many different types of fuel additives on the market, so you will need to make sure that you get one that is compatible with your outboard motor. Some popular types of fuel additives include the following:

    • STA-BIL 360 Marine – this is an ideal choice for those with a limited budget. It provides protection for your motor by preventing the buildup of corrosion in its components. In addition, it is rated as excellent in blocking carbonization in the engine
    • YAMAHA Yamalube Ring Free – while pricier than the STA-BIL 360 Marine, it is outstanding in preventing varnish and carbon deposits. It combats corrosion in sulfur and ethanol-blended fuels as well as increases performance of both two and four-stroke engines, leading to more efficient combustion
    • MERCURY Genuine Quickstor – this is a great option if you have a bunch of fuel in your tank and need to store your boat for a long period of time, as it helps fuel fight corrosion and maintain its combustive properties

    While using additives with your fuel is unlikely to create dramatic improvements in horsepower, it can be a cheap way to get some minor gains without undertaking any major repairs that may put the warranty and reliability of your outboard motor into questions.Fuel additives can generally be purchased for under $20 per bottle and do not require much to be added to the tank for effective results, meaning that a small investment can last you a long time.

    Number Five: Monitor Airflow Intake

    Supercharging your airflow intake would be like monitoring your airflow intake on steroids. If you do not want to “do steroids” by fully supercharging your outboard motor, you can do some simple, risk-free steps to make sure your manufacturer engine is using air at optimal levels. Some ideas include the following:

    • Check and replace air filter frequently – the air filter is designed to catch any debris or foreign particles before they flow into the combustion chambers of your engine. If the air filter is overly dirty from catching too much debris, the amount of air flowing to the engine could be restricted, resulting in inferior performance
    • Examine the air intake – when removing, cleaning, and/or replacing the air filter, do a thorough examination of the air intake on your outboard motor. Take notice as to whether or not there is any debris or obstruction blocking the intake, removing anything of concern prior to replacing the air filter

    Like fuel additives, cleaning the airflow intake will likely only result in minor improvements to the horsepower of your engine. However, if your outboard motor’s airflow intake is heavily soiled, this can be an extremely cheap method of getting a noticeable increase in engine performance

    Number Six: Check or Replace Airflow Exhaust

    While it may not be as vital to outboard motor performance as airflow intake, proper airflow exhaust is necessary for ensuring that optimal performance is reached for your engine.If excessive air is being released through the exhaust system or if too much pressurized air is being trapped and not allowed to escape, then the efficiency of your outboard motor will decrease.Replacing your airflow exhaust with an aftermarket system may lead to you seeing a slight increase in your engine’s horsepower.

    Non-Combustion Methods of Increasing Horsepower on an Outboard Motor

    So far, we have looked at all of the ways that you can improve the air and fuel mixture present in your outboard motor, which leads to a cleaner, more powerful combustion process and a subsequent increase in horsepower.Read more: how to fix an ironing board leverHowever, if you feel like you have exhausted all methods of outboard motor improvement through combustion maintenance, there are a handful of non-combustion ideas you can use to potentially add a few miles per hour to your boat.

    Number Seven: Try Different Propellers

    We have already mentioned that supercharging your outboard motor and/or reflashing your ECM may necessitate a propeller replacement.However, even if you have not taken these steps to enhance the motor, you may find a propeller replacement valuable in increasing the horsepower of your craft.Many within the industry maintain that all else being equal, stainless steel propellers will make your boat faster. Stainless steel is stronger than aluminum, meaning that the blades will not flex when in contact with water. In addition, stainless steel blades are thinner, meaning that they can cut through the water with less resistance than their aluminum counterparts.If you already have stainless steel propellers and are still looking for a little boost, Mercury’s Enertia propeller is made of an alloy slightly stronger than stainless steel, creating the potential for further increases in speed.Overall, switching propellers is a relatively simple, proven way to increase speed by up to five miles per hour, especially when making the switch from aluminum to Mercury’s Enertia stainless steel alloy model.

    Number Eight: Install Jack Plates

    While a jack plate will not make an outboard motor faster in and of itself, it will lead to increases in speed by reducing the amount of drag against the water.It is common sense that less resistance means that an outboard motor producing a specific amount of horsepower will be able to translate that horsepower into higher speeds if it has less force to overcome.Jack plates accomplish this function by reducing the amount of the outboard motor that is in contact with the water. The jack plates are installed on the transom (the vertical section, usually located on the back of the boat, where outboard motors are housed).Once the jack plate is added to the transom, the outboard motor is then installed on top of the jack plate. The more you raise the plate, the less of the outboard motor’s lower unit that is in the water. This reduces drag and increases the efficiency of your outboard motor, leading to increased speeds.

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    Number Nine: Blueprinting

    This is the process in which the bottom of your boat is restored to original factory specifications.Mass-produced boats can have several imperfections on their bottoms, which will lead to lower overall performance. Some of these imperfections include too much hook or rocker in the bottom or flaws in the strakes or chines.Without getting into much technical detail about what these terms mean in boating jargon, suffice to say that they influence the way water sloughs off of your boat, leading to less than optimal resistance ratings.Whether the result of imperfections in the casting mold or damage caused by inadequate transportation crafts, such issues can influence boat performance by up to five miles per hour, so having your bottom blueprinted is a way to increase speed without doing any work on the engine.

    Number Ten: Run Your Boat Wide Open

    Sometimes, getting your outboard motor to perform at its highest level is as simple as getting your outboard motor to perform at its highest level.Outboard motors that sit too long or are not used at their maximum capacities do not perform as well as they could because they are not given a chance. By opening up to full throttle with greater frequency, you are more likely to keep the engine clean by cycling air and fuel through the system at a high level, allowing the outboard motor to be all that it can be.

    Increasing the Horsepower of Your Outboard Motor: Final Thoughts

    Increases in outboard motor horsepower are likely being sought with one specific purpose in mind: To make your boat go faster.In order to accomplish this, greater torque must be produced at lower RPMs, meaning that your outboard motor will be capable of doing more work faster than it was able to at a lower horsepower.The most straightforward manner to accomplish this is by adjusting your outboard motor so that it can consume a more concentrated mixture of air and fuel. The most radical alteration will involve supercharging your outboard motor. It will be expensive in both time and money but will lead to startling increases in speed.If speed is your primary concern for increasing horsepower, then you are likely to overlook some of the drawbacks that come with supercharging to gain those valuable MPH. However, in addition to the hefty cost of supercharging, the following should be considered prior to making any major engine alterations, commonly known as “trimming” in the industry:

    • Warranty – many outboard motors will see their warranties voided any time a supercharge, or any other engine trimming, is performed
    • Reliability – with the increased speed comes less reliability. If you want your outboard motor to perform consistently, it is probably best to avoid supercharging or any other major engine alterations
    • Fuel – while supercharging makes the engine more efficient in that a richer concentration of air and fuel is directed to the chambers for combustion, higher speeds mean that you will be required to use more fuel. Therefore, if you go faster, you can expect to fill up more frequently
    • Eligibility – some, but not all, competitions permit supercharged engines. Therefore, if you plan on racing or competing in a professional fishing tournament, make sure that a supercharged outboard motor is permitted
    • Safety – there are times when speed is the most important thing. However, if you are with a family or simply want to use your boat recreationally, consider whether or not the additional MPH can be safely attained in the waters you intend to navigate and whether or not the benefits forfeited make the increase in speed worthwhile

    While supercharging your outboard motor is the most obvious and dramatic method of increasing the horsepower of your outboard motor, there are other more conservative methods of attaining improved function.In terms of engine combustion, you will simply want to make sure that you have the cleanest possible fuel source and that the air intake is free of debris and unobstructed. This will allow your outboard motor to burn fuel and function as intended.If you are looking into non-combustion methods of increasing performance, definitely consider the switch to stainless steel propellers, as well as any other trick that can decrease the amount of resistance your boat faces while in the water.Read more: How to get verified on xbox check mark

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