How To Get Sugar Skulls In Sims 4

❗ The Sims 4 Days of the Dead Challenge begins on October 4, 2016 and ends on November 4, 2016.The latest Sims 4 patch activated a “The Day of the Deadly Trial” In-game allows your Sims to collect exclusive Sugar Skulls. To help guide you through your Day of the Dead challenge, the game brings back the NPC Event Coordinator Jasmine Holiday.

The Sims 4 Days of the Dead Challenge


To start the Day of the Deadly Challenge, use your Sim’s mobile phone, select the Social tab, and call Jasmine Holiday. When Jasmine arrives, talk to her to find out about the Day of the Dead festivities going on. After you talk to Jasmine, she will place a “Sugar Skull Display Case” in her inventory to help you start the challenge.❗ Talking to Jasmine Holiday will unlock the Sugar Skull Screen Case in Purchase Mode❗ You can also use the cheat bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement to unlock the Sugar Skull Screen Box Read more: how to make a futon card out of a sheet The objective of this challenge is to collect nine unique sugar skulls, one set new in-game collectibles and then place them inside the “Sugar Skull Screen Case” to unlock the “Honor the Dead” interactive unlock. This interaction rewards your family with a tenth golden skull and enhanced interaction with Death. Time to start collecting! 09-29-16_4-53-14-am

Collect Sugar Skull

Sugar Skulls can be purchased by interacting with a random NPC Sim celebrating the Day of the Dead. To bring these “celebrators” into your neighborhood, use the “Leaving the Skull” interaction on a nearby gravestone/vase at night. Completing the supply job will spawn a Celebrator NPC that can gift you a Sugar Skull. Repeat this interaction until you have collected all 9 Sugar Skulls .❗ There is a 24-hour timeout for the “Leave Sugar Skull Supply” interaction ❗ Multiple Sims in a household can do this interaction every 24 hours to speed up skull collection Use time cheat bb.showhiddenobjects to unlock buydebug. This mode unlocks the debug mode containing all 9 Sugar Skulls. Search for “Nadia” to be redirected to the skull section. Gravestones can also be placed on your plot from debug mode. 09-29-16_5-26-29-amAfter you’ve found the Celebrity NPC in your world, use the “Request Sugar Skull” interaction for a chance to claim one of the nine skulls. You may have to chat for a bit before they deliver one, but they will eventually comply with your request! Those celebrating the Day of the Dead will roam all parts of your neighborhood wearing Day of the Dead costumes. Click to interact and get your skull! ts4_x64-2016-09-29-05-30-59-83Read more: How to Get More Ancient Arrows | Guide to raising arrows | Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW) In addition to using the tombstone method to spawn souls, you can also search for NPC souls that roam town at dusk and dawn. Interacting with these celebrities using “Request Sugar Skull Interaction” allows Sims to collect sugar skulls.

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Complete collection

Collecting nine Sugar Skulls grants your household a “Complete Sugar Skull Collection”. ts4_x64-2016-09-29-03-43-41-69

Collect Golden Sugar Skull

Once you’ve collected the first nine Sugar Skulls, place them in the Sugar Skull Showcase. Once they are in place, the “Honor the Dead” interaction is unlocked. When a Sim honors the dead and participates in Day of the Dead festivities, Sims will receive a 10th Skull and Golden Sugar, a special commemorative outfit, and a special item Mood that lasts 8 hours. grants Sims enhanced interaction with Death. 09-29-16_6-02-41-am

Day of the Dead Celebrities

Sims who have honored the dead will receive a special 8 o’clock “Dead Celebrity Day” mood set. As long as the Sim is a celebrity, they will have a high chance of successfully begging Death for another Sim’s life and even gaining a relationship with Death at a faster rate. mood

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