How To Get Ascended Gear Gw2

Video How to get ascended gear gw2GW2. A complete guide on how to obtain ascended equipment.

Why Get Ascended Gear?Ascended gear is the highest amount of stats you can earn, but is it worth the trouble to obtain it compared to other similar armors?Reading: how to get ascended gear gw2While leveling, optimal gear is completely optional but can be found from heart quests and the trading post. Once you get your character to max level, this is when gearing really becomes relevant. Ascended armor has the highest amount of stats you can gain and has infusion slots allowing you to build agony resistance. This is completely optional for most content, as exotics can do the job, but the Fractals of the Mists dungeon will require ascended gear to progress through.There are three main tiers of gear you should be looking at when gearing your character:Is the most cost-effective option. It is drastically cheaper than the other tiers but gives comparable stats. They can be crafted or simply bought off of the trading post for a couple gold each. Once equipped they will become soulbound.Is best in slot and gives you around 10% more stats overall. It will always be account bound. There are many ways to craft or obtain ascended gear covered in this guide, but the average cost of crafting ascended gear is around 40-80 gold per piece. Stats can be swapped on ascended gear, but will cost extra resources each time and will lose all upgrades (you can extract them previously with some tools).Has the same stats as ascended gear but has a much more unique appearance, often having flashy effects as well. There is a great convenience to legendary gear because you can change stats at any time without losing your upgrades, and they will be available to other characters on your account through the Legendary Armory (Armory system isn’t implemented in the game yet, but it’s confirmed under development). Legendary gear will mostly be account bound, except for generation 1 Legendary Weapons which can be sold on the trading post before they are equipped, and they will cost thousands of gold to craft.Trinkets such as Amulets, Rings, and Accessories provide most of the stats so they can be prioritized for the largest effect. If you are looking for specific pieces, use a Ctrl + F search for specific terms: Armor, Weapon, Trinket, Accessory, Amulet, Ring, Back, Aqua Breather. If you are looking for a specific stat type, know that any stat type can be obtained by any piece of ascended armor or weapon using the Stat Swapping method. Most trinkets can not stat swap, but you can usually select any stat type on a trinket. So focus on getting the piece you need rather than on the stat. Your First Set of AscendedOnce you get settled into Guild Wars 2, you will find that ascended gear comes easy because you naturally accrue currency from each game type as you play. However, your first set of ascended will always be the hardest to attain. This entire guide will cover pretty much all the ways you can gain ascended gear, but they may not be as accessible to someone who does not already have certain content unlocked. This section will focus on showing newer players where to get their first set of ascended so they can settle into the game and provide them with a summary of the full guide so they can focus on playing the game.There is a specific priority that players should progress through when transitioning from exotic to ascended gear. Weapons will give the largest boost especially for Power oriented builds, so getting those first will yield the most benefit. Weapons can be a little bit difficult to obtain, but trinkets which include Amulet, Accessory, Back Piece, and Rings are relatively easy and provide a majority of the stats of a build. Getting trinkets early will give the most effect for the least effort. Armor is as difficult to obtain as Weapons but with not as much of a difference, so get this last. These following methods are not going to be the most optimal for everyone on their first set of ascended, but in general they will have the least barrier to entry and spread out the acquisition methods that are time gated between game modes so you can get them as soon as possible. Also remember to use the search function for any of the bolded keywords to find exactly what you are looking for, whether it is a specific piece of gear or a specific type of currency.

  • ascendedfeatured min
  • ascendedfeatured min

Can be obtained from the specialization collections which are unlocked by gaining hero points and spending them on learning the elite specializations of your class. This will give an ascended weapon specific to that elite specialization. If that is not your weapon of choice, check the section below on how to craft ascended Weapons. You can craft the ascended materials required to make the weapon ahead of time to maximize the daily time gate and save on money. You will need to level up a crafting discipline that corresponds to the weapon of choice.Are most easily obtained from Fractals of the Mists, the dungeon accessed in Lions Arch by Fort Marriner Waypoint – [&BDAEAAA=] . They can be bought from the BUY-2046 PFR merchant for 10 Pristine Fractal Relics which you can get from doing fractal dailies. There are four tiers of fractals, and generally groups doing tier 4 Fractals in the LFG will require you to have ascended gear already for the agony resistance, but the lower tiers are very much possible with exotic gear. Completing all of the Tier 4 Fractal dailies for one day will net you 15 Pristine Relics which is enough to get one ring from the Fractal Lobby, but a few days of lower tier fractal dailies will yield enough pristines.Are most easily obtained from laurel merchants. All you need to do to obtain laurels is log into the game. Your daily login reward will give you 35 laurels or 55 if you choose the laurel box on the 28th day. This is plenty for an amulet which costs 30 laurels, or 20 laurels if you purchase them from the WvW vendor which will require the WvW Badge of Honor currency.Should be obtained by performing the Berry Farm in the Bitterfrost Frontier Living World Season 3 Episode 3 “A Crack in the Ice” map which can be purchased in the Story Journal of the Hero Panel. Once you get to this map you can go to the forest in the northwest corner of the map and harvest winterberries. Using the Winterberries that you farm to purchase amulets, rings, and accessories from Slooshoo at Sorrow’s Eclipse Waypoint – [&BH0JAAA=] . While amulets and rings can also be obtained here, the berry farm is time gated around 45 berries per day per character, and a player looking to get their first set of armor may not have several characters to farm this on. You can expedite this process using the Bitterfrost Frontier WvW and PvP Reward Tracks which will give 100 berries per completion. Either way it wont take more than a few days with a few characters to get one piece. Pick the accessory for 300 Winterberries.Should be obtained from any of the first episodes of Living World Season 3 except the 5th. This includes the Bloodstone Fen, Ember Bay, Bitterfrost Frontier, Lake Doric, and Siren’s Landing maps. Use the map specific currencies at the map vendors.Is the last part of your ascended gear you should get. By the time you have your ascended weapons and trinkets you will be around your optimal set up. You can play a mix of WvW, PvP, Raids, and Strike Missions to get your armor using those game type specific currencies. If you really want to get the full set as soon as possible you can level up the corresponding crafting discipline to craft your armor weight. CraftingWeapons and armor are generally the most expensive parts of an ascended set. You will need a good amount of gold and account bound materials saved up.For specific crafting guides on each profession I will recommend this website: GW2CraftsTo begin this path, you will need to level the corresponding profession of the gear you wish to craft. You can start amassing materials specific to the process from level 450 of the profession, but will need to be 500 by the time you are finished. Heavy armor is crafted with the Armorsmithing profession, Medium armor with Leatherworker, and Light armor with Tailoring. Weapons will also have certain crafts for each. Weaponsmithing will allow the crafting of Daggers, Swords, Axes, Maces, Hammers, Greatswords, and Shields. Huntsman will allow the crafting of Warhorns, Longbows, Shortbows, Pistols, and Rifles. Artificing allows the crafting of the Staff, Scepter, and Focus.You will need to craft ascended materials depending on your gear. There is Ascended Metal with the Lumps of Mithrillium, Ascended Wood with Globs of Spirit Residue, Ascended Cloth with Spools of Silk Weaving Thread, and Ascended Leather with Spools of Thick Elonian Cord. So for example, if you want to craft an ascended bow you would need ascended leather to make the string and ascended wood for the bow.It is advised to start crafting these at 450 of your craft since there is a daily time gate for them and they will also help you reach level 500. These are account bound so you must be the one to craft them to the next tier. Once you refine the ascended material you can use it to craft the next tier of the corresponding material. For example, Bolts of Damask are created with Spools of Silk Weaving Thread. This tier of materials is not account bound, so if you wish to skip the time gates or you do not have the right combination of professions to refine the material you need you can pay extra gold buying them off the Trading Post.You will also need Vision Crystals and Lesser Vision Crystals which require Dragonite Ingots, Empyreal Stars, Augurs Stone, and Bloodstone Bricks. Crafting these will also be beneficial to leveling up your profession to 500.You can obtain Dragonite Ore, Bloodstone Dust, Empyreal Fragments and Obsidian Shards from various ways. All of them can be found in chests rewarded around the world. World bosses and Keep lords in WvW generally give Dragonite ore, Jumping Puzzle chests and Tower lords in WvW give Empyreal Fragments, and Bloodstone Dust can be found in champion bags only when opened on a level 71+. Obsidian shards can be purchased for Karma at the Temple of Balthazar vendor in Straits of Devastation when it’s under pact control – [&BPoCAAA=] .

  • deldrimor steel ingot
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The Thermocatalytic Reagent can be bought from any craft vendor next to a crafting bench and the Augur’s Stone can be obtained from Miyani or any Mystic Forge vendor. The most common one can be found at the Trader’s Forum in Lion’s Arch – [&BBAEAAA=] . This costs 20 Spirit Shards, which are obtained from gaining experience after reaching max level.

  • elonian leather square

There are many other ways to obtain these items such as Living Story map chests and gathering nodes.The final ascended material for these requires dark matter, which has a chance to drop from salvaging any exotic equipment. Use higher level salvaging kits to have a higher chance at rare drops.

  • elonian leather square

You will also need to obtain the recipes for insignia’s, inscriptions, and each weapon and armor from the master crafter next to your profession crafting bench. Some recipes, such as Yassith’s (Viper’s stat combination) will need to be bought from specific vendors, like in this case, Yassith’s can be obtained from the Exalted Mastery Vendor at Auric Basin map, and requires specific map currency. Remember that when you need to find some specific information about to where obtain an item, you can use the in-game chat command /wiki -item name-, for example on this case, /wiki Recipe: Yassith’s Viper’s Insignia, and you will automatically open the wiki page on your browser.

  • spiritwood plank
  • spiritwood plank

Once you have obtained enough materials and 500 in your craft profession you can begin crafting your weapons and armor in the same way you craft any other armor/weapon – making the part (soles, rubber, hilt, blade, etc.), the patch/dowel, and the insignia/inscription, then combining them all together. Collections and AchievementsCollections can be done once per account as their rewards are non-repeatable achievements. There are many collections in the game but only some will grant Ascended loot as their reward.Once you buy the expansions you can unlock elite specializations for each class. After unlocking an elite specialization you will unlock collections. They will give you an ascended weapon to use for each respective weapon the elite specialization unlocks (greatsword for Reaper, etc.). Find these collections in the collections tab of the achievements panel.Read more: How long should you wait to shower after tanningHeart of Thorns

  • Daredevil: Staff
  • Reaper: Great Sword
  • Scrapper: Hammer
  • Herald: Shield
  • Chronomancer: Shield
  • Dragonhunter: Longbow
  • Berserker: Torch
  • Tempest: Warhorn
  • Druid: Staff

Path of Fire

  • Deadeye: Rifle
  • Scourge: Torch
  • Holosmith: Sword
  • Renegade: Shortbow
  • Mirage: Axe
  • Firebrand: Axe
  • Spellbreaker: Dagger
  • Weaver: Sword
  • Soulbeast: Dagger
  • bloodstone brick
  • bloodstone brick

There are also many ascended items you can obtain from achievements.All stat selectable:Core Tyria

  • Vial of Salt – Amulet – stat selectable (Berserker, Viper, Harrier, Diviner, etc). Created in the Mystic Forge using the PvP vendors. Can purchase most of the materials off the trading post including the Shards of Glory needed to buy PvP essences.
  • Wylenn’s Manual of Style – Accessory – Reward for completing the Style Guide achievement.
  • Ambrite Weapon Collection – Rewards Ascended Armor Box – Can complete by farming buried lockboxes for random drops on Ambrite Fossils in Dry Top or by farming the Maguuma Wastes Reward Tracks in WvW and PvP.
  • Luminescent Armor Collection – Rewards Ascended Armor Box – Complete by farming the Mordrem bosses during the final part of the Silverwastes meta event.
  • Primordus Weapons Collection – Rewards Great Destroyer’s Talon – Staff – These weapons are level 80 exotic available through crafting by Artificers, Weaponsmiths, and Huntsman. They require Orichalcum Imbued Inscriptions to craft, the recipes for which must be purchased from Master craftsmen, while the weapon recipes themselves are all discoverable. You can buy as well the weapons from the trading post.

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  • Mordrem Loop – Amulet – Reward for completing the Heart of Thorns Act IV Mastery meta-achievement. See guide HERE.
  • Rurik’s Engagement Ring – Ring – Converted from Strange Rock by taking it to various places in Ember Bay. Repeatable, but note that it is Unique.
  • Leystone Armor Collection – Rewards Ascended Armor Box – Completed by unlocking all the Leystone Armor skins, you can obtain them from the following sources:
    • A Leystone Armor Box is a reward from completing the story mission Hearts and Minds. This mission can be completed on different characters to acquire more boxes.
    • Leystone Coat Boxes have a high chance of being awarded for successfully completing the Dragon’s Stand meta-event.
    • There is a chance to get a random box from defeating the three blighting tower bosses during the Dragon’s Stand meta-event.
    • Various Leystone armor boxes are random drops from Noxious Pods in Dragon’s Stand.
    • A Leystone Coat Box is a reward from completing the Mouth of Mordremoth Slayer achievement.
    • The Whispers Keepers sell boxes for each of the Leystone armor pieces in exchange for Ley Line Crystals, Lumps of Aurillium, Airship Parts, and Crystalline Ore.
    • Completing Heart of Maguuma Reward Tracks in both PvP or WvW.
  • Knight of the Thorn – Caladbolg – Shield/Scepter/Greatsword/Sword/Dagger – This is a chain of achievements related to the restoration of Caladbolg after the end of the Heart of Thorns story. This unique weapon can change it’s form once you obtain it by an unique ability to reset it, for more details and how to obtain, please follow this link with the guide at wiki: LINK.
  • Magister’s Pack – Backpack – Reward for completing the Magister’s Pack collection.
  • Warmaster’s Pack – Backpack – Reward for completing the Warmaster’s Pack collection.
  • Lightbringer’s Pack – Backpack – Reward for completing the Lightbringer’s Pack collection.
  • Luminate’s Backplate – Backpack – Reward for completing the Luminate’s Backplate collection.

Living Story Season 3

  • Relic of Abaddon – Backpack – Reward for completing the Relic Collector collection.
  • The Wayfarer’s Henge – Backpack – Reward for completing the A Henge Away from Home collection.

Path of Fire

  • Rising Banners of the Sunspear – Backpack – Reward for completing the Raise the Banners: Sunspear Support collection.
  • Ensign Banners of Amnoon – Backpack – Reward for completing the Raise the Banners: Amnoon Independence collection.
  • Dreaded Banners of King Palawa Joko I – Backpack – Reward for completing the Raise the Banners: Salute to Palawa Joko collection.
  • Sagacious Banners of Dynastic Reckoning – Backpack – Reward for completing the Raise the Banners: Amnoon Arbitrator collection.

Living Story Season 4

  • Mark Y Golem – Backpack – Reward for completing the Redeeming IG-6417 collection.
  • Ascended Banner of the Dauntless Commander – Backpack – Crafted after completing the achievement “More Than a Hero“.

Predefined stats:Dungeon CollectionsEach dungeon in core Tyria has a collection for unlocking all of the armor and weapon skins for that dungeon. These can be unlocked using the currency gained by completing explorable paths of the dungeon at the merchant in Fort Marriner next to the Fractal portal. Additional copies may be bought for Laurels once the achievement is completed, but note that it is Unique.

  • empyreal star
  • balthazar
  • Bane’s Tooth – Accessory (Magi) – Honor of the Waves
  • Faolain’s Blossom – Accessory (Magi) – Twilight Arbor Collector
  • Forgeman’s Gear – Accessory (Carrion) – Sorrow’s Embrace
  • Baelfire’s Ember – Accessory (Carrion) – Citadel of Flame
  • DeLana’s Coinpurse – Accessory (Assassin) – Caudecus Manor
  • Zhaitan’s Claw – Accessory (Assassin) – Ruined City of Arah
  • Adelbern’s Burden – Accessory (Sentinel) – Ascalonian Catacombs
  • Kudu’s Phasing Matrix – Accessory (Sentinel) – Crucible of Eternity

Core Tyria

  • Priory’s History – Amulet (Crusader) – Reward after unlocking all 36 Priory’s History weapon and armor skins.
  • Whisper’s Secret – Amulet (Crusader) – Reward after unlocking all 36 Whisper’s Secret weapon and armor skins.
  • Vigil’s Honor – Amulet (Crusader) – Reward after unlocking all 36 Vigil’s Honor weapon and armor skins.

Living Story Season 2

  • Forgotten Band – Ring (Nomad) – Reward for completing the Gates of Maguuma Mastery meta-achievement. See guide HERE.
  • Quetzal Crest – Accessory (Nomad) – Reward for completing the Entanglement Mastery meta-achievement. See guide HERE.
  • Sandford Family Ring – Ring (Nomad) – Reward for completing The Dragon’s Reach Part 1 Mastery meta-achievement. See guide HERE.
  • Ventari’s Chisel – Accessory (Nomad) – Reward for completing The Dragon’s Reach Part 2 Mastery meta-achievement. See guide HERE.
  • Caithe’s Blossom – Accessory (Sinister) – Reward for completing Echoes of the Past Mastery meta-achievement. See guide HERE.
  • Plague Signet – Ring (Sinister) – Reward for completing the Tangled Paths Mastery meta-achievement. See guide HERE.
  • Wynne’s Locket – Amulet (Sinister) – Reward for completing the Seeds of Truth Mastery meta-achievement. See guide HERE.
  • Caithe’s Remorse – Accessory (Sinister) – Reward for completing the Point of No Return Mastery meta-achievement. See guide HERE.
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Read more: How long should you wait to shower after tanningHeart of Thorns

  • Abbadon’s Cowl – Amulet (Marauder) – Reward for completing the Heart of Thorns Act I Mastery meta-achievement. See guide HERE.
  • Janthir’s Gaze – Amulet (Marauder) – Reward for completing the Heart of Thorns Act II Mastery meta-achievement. See guide HERE.
  • Sun, Moon, and Stars – Amulet (Marauder) – Reward for completing the Heart of Thorns Act III Mastery meta-achievement. See guide HERE.

Path of Fire

  • First Spear’s Icon – Amulet (Marshal) – Reward for completing Path of Fire: Act 1 Mastery meta-achievement. See guide HERE.
  • Goren’s Eel-Tooth Charm – Amulet (Harrier) – Reward for completing Path of Fire: Act 2 Mastery meta-achievement. See guide HERE.
  • Jahnus’s Stained Pectoral – Amulet (Grieving) – Reward for completing Path of Fire: Act 3 Mastery meta-achievement. See guide HERE.

Fractals, Laurels & Guild MissionsFractals of the Mists allows you to obtain every slot of ascended equipment. Not every stat combination of trinkets are sold here, but you can purchase stat selectable Mist-xxx Rings, Amulets, and Accessory and swap their stats with the Mist Capacitor, however it’s not recommended as these are very expensive compared to other easier methods to obtain trinkets such as Living Story 3 discussed later. The weapons and armor are stat selectable as well, which is good when making more expensive equipment such as minstrels or trailblazers.

  • balthazar

Fractals are a dungeon in Lions Arch that allows up to 5 players to progress through several mini dungeons that scale up in difficulty. You will need to gain ascended armor as you progress through the difficulties of the Fractals in order to survive agony mechanics.You can obtain ascended trinkets by simply completing fractal dailies, while back pieces require dailies or normal fractal run completions for the Back Piece. The Prototype Fractal Capacitor, Gift of Ascension, a Vial of Condensed Mists Essence (floors 1-20 random drop from enemies) and either 40 mystic crystals or 240 philosopher stones, both from the mystic forge vendor can be used to forge the ascended Back Piece.

  • balthazar
  • miyani

Armor and weapons are much more complicated. They require fractal dailies or normal runs for the relics, fractal recommended dailies for the research pages, and specific grandmaster marks for each item you’re buying which require pristine fractal relics from fractal dailies. The grandmaster marks are also crafted, requiring 500 in the craft they are specific for and generally more expensive than their normal non-fractal crafted counterpart.To craft the specific items for the grandmaster’s marks you need to purchase ONE Recipe book: Grandmaster Craftman’s Components to obtain every recipe in the book. You then craft the required grandmaster marks for each piece of equipment or weapon you wish to purchase.There are many places in game that can randomly drop ascended boxes. However, Fractal daily rewards have the highest chance of giving you ascended weapon and armor boxes, as well as rings and accessories from the daily chests.Laurels, which you obtain from logging into the game, can be used to obtain trinkets from any laurel merchant in Tyria. The amulets are the best use of laurels for trinkets, but they are also offered at a laurel discount inside of WvW and instead take additional badges of honor to purchase. Badges of honor are usually considered less valuable than laurels so this is normally a better deal than the laurel merchant. You can also purchase the rings for fewer laurels inside of WvW (they require badges of honor as well).

  • ascended insignia vendor

Guild Missions give you a currency (guild commendations) you can spend on accessories. This merchant is inside the Guild Initiative Headquarters in Lion’s Arch next to the Guild Bluff Waypoint – [&BA0EAAA=] . Not all stat combinations are available. Living Story Zones & World BossesIn Living Story Seasons 3 and 4 zones you can obtain ascended trinkets from merchants in most zones using the living story-wide currency (unbound or volatile magic) and the zone specific material. Bitterfrost Frontier also sells numerous aqua breathers. These are all stat selectable with the same selectable stats no matter which trinket you buy.Living Story Season 3 zones gives every single trinket type across all the zones with some overlapping. The vendors that sell these are generally at the beginning of the zones, Bitterfrost being the only exception as it’s at the top of the town in the middle of the map. Most of these are unique so you can’t use 2 of the same ring or accessory. Bitterfrost Frontier can provide the easiest ascended trinket access, but Bloodstone Fen provides ascended trinkets that can be stat swapped, using the Bloodstone Capacitor which costs 100 Unbound Magic each swap.

  • Bloodstone Fen: Ring, Amulet and Back Piece – Blood Rubies
  • Ember Bay: Accessory and Back Piece – Petrified Wood
  • Bitterfrost Frontier: Ring, Back Piece, Accessory and Aqua Breathers. – Fresh Winterberries
  • Lake Doric: Amulet and Back Piece – Jade Shards
  • Draconis Mons: Ring and Amulet – Fire Orchid Blossoms
  • Siren’s Landing: Amulet and Back Piece – Orrian Pearls

To obtain the living story-wide currency unbound magic you will need to kill enemies and gather zone specific currency. To obtain the zone specific currency you will need to gather, do dailies, or buy them for karma from each heart vendor per day per character.The gather nodes for these all have special names and icons on the minimap per zone. You can increase your chance of obtaining them by using anything that gives you +rare materials gather rate such as the guild gathering buff. These reset 24 hours from when you last picked per character.

  • ascended recipe vendor

Berry Farming

One very often used and effective method of farming trinkets in Living Story Season 3 zones is to do the “berry farm” in the Bitterfrost Frontier map. This map has a ring, backpack, accessory and aqua breather available for purchase from the Living World vendor at Sorrow’s Eclipse, so it’s a very good zone to farm for many of your trinkets. It’s also one of the fastest and easiest to obtain map specific currencies. To do this, you follow a simple route and gather Winterberries on every character as the nodes are per character and not per account. Simply follow the route, swap characters and repeat. If you get around 40 berries per character, the number of berries you can get daily is 40 x (number of characters). Each trinket costs a few hundred berries, so it will only take a few characters a few days of berry farming to get one.

  • ascended recipe vendorA good berry farming route, northwest of Sorrow’s Eclipse Sanctuary waypoint.

Living Story Season 4 zones do not sell trinkets in every zone but some sell recipes, inscriptions, and insignias for unique stat combinations you can only obtain in these zones for their zone specific and living story specific currency. They all have unique gather nodes or chests for their zone specific currencies.

  • Sandswept Islands: Ring and Accessory – Difuorite Crystals
  • Domain of Kourna: Plaguedoctor recipes – Inscribed Shards
  • Thunderhead Peaks: Diviner recipes – Branded Masses
  • Dragonfall: Amulet, Accessory, and Ring – Mistborn Motes

Strike MissionsStrike missions give you the ability to purchase any stat combination of armor or weapons from the vendor Crystallographer Smoxxi (she has a karma symbol above her head) in the Eye of the North – [&BAkMAAA=] near the asura portal. These require shards which you will get from clearing strike missions and gold.

  • weapon
  • weapon

PvP & WvWRead more: how to trademark a character namePvP allows you to obtain stat selectable trinkets, weapons, back pieces, and armor from the League Vendors in the PvP Lobby. This is very useful for more expensive stat combinations like minstrels or trailblazers.To obtain these items you need to play ranked PvP and complete your pip reward chests for Ascended Shards of Glory. You can farm as many as you want during the season as the final repeatable chest continues to give them. The other requirements are Grandmaster Marks, which you obtain a few every season from your ranked pip rewards or they can be crafted. Normal Shards of Glory can be purchased on the Trading Post for cheap or earned from Ranked PvP.To craft the Grandmaster Marks and the specific items required to make them you need to purchase ONE Recipe book: Grandmaster Craftman’s Components to obtain every recipe in the book. You then simply craft the required grandmaster marks for each piece of equipment or weapon you wish to purchase.You gain 3 grandmaster marks per season, and 1 per mini-season from your pip reward chests as well.

  • inscription

Back Pieces can be obtained by talking to the League Vendor who will trade you components for the Legendary Back Piece. These wings can be purchased for PvP League Tickets which just require playing Ranked PvP. Each season can yield a maximum of 110 tickets. Combine all 4 of the wings in the Mystic Forge which will cost 100 tickets to get the precursor which is an ascended back piece.WvW allows you to obtain stat selectable weapons and armor as well as some trinket stat combinations and back pieces.Trinkets can be obtained from the Laurel merchant at any WvW Spawn using Laurels and Badges of Honor. Laurels are obtained from logging into the game every day. Logging in 28 days will give 35 Laurels with the option of gaining 55 Laurels instead of other valuable items on the 28th day. Badges of Honor are earned from completing WvW dailies or killing enemies and guards inside of WvW. It is highly recommended that you do not buy trinkets inside of WvW, as they are very expensive compared to much cheaper and easier options. However, buying just the amulet using Laurels can be worth it as it is the cheapest.The armor and weapons can be obtained from the Skirmish Merchant in the spawn as well. You need to first obtain the exotic Triumphant version of the ascended item you want from the Triumphant reward track (you need the exotic light armor boots in order to unlock the ability to buy the ascended light armor boots). You then need to buy the exotic version from the skirmish vendor, and then finally the ascended version.To buy the exotic weapons and armor you need Skirmish Claim Tickets which you obtain from gaining pips (which in turn gives you reward chests) inside of WvW. You gain pips by participating in WvW and killing enemies, guards, or defending/capturing keeps, towers, and camps actively. Participation decays after several minutes if you have not participated in any of these objectives. You will also need Memories of Battle which can be purchased from the Trading Post but also obtained from your pip reward chests.The ascended requires a 3rd item. This is grandmaster marks, which must be crafted. You get 3 grandmaster mark shards every week from the final reward of your Bronze, Silver and Gold chests. Ten of these can then be traded for a single grandmaster mark box at the skirmish supervisor NPC in any of the borderlands inside of WvW.

  • HoTCollections
  • PoFCollections
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You can also craft them by purchasing a SINGLE Recipe Book: Grandmaster Craftman’s Components (it gives you every recipe inside) and the recipe for the mark you require (example: armorsmith for heavy armor).

  • PoFCollections

Ascended Back pieces can be obtained in WvW from Legendary Commander War Razor at the spawn of each map. Buy each of the four wings using Skirmish Tickets and combine them in the Mystic Forge for an ascended Back. You can only gain 365 Skirmish Tickets per week, and the back pieces require 2450 Skirmish Tickets in total. This is not a preferred method of getting your first back piece, as it will take several weeks of maximizing your pip rewards in WvW, but will be a necessary step to get the legendary Back. RaidsRaids allow you to obtain every slot of ascended equipment. Not every stat combination of trinkets are sold here, but the weapons and armor are stat selectable which is good when making more expensive equipment such as minstrels. Raid trinkets are also not unique which makes your life easier.Purchasing and obtaining ascended gear from raids is very straight forward. Once you have killed a boss for the first time, items from its loot table become available for purchase using the raid currency. You use magnetite shards for Wings 1-4 and Gaeting Crystals for Wings 5-7. You will need to pick from numerous sub-categories of stats to allow you to get the exact stat you want. Make sure you pick the correct one!

  • Assaulter’s: Assassin’s, Berserker’s, Cavalier’s, Commander’s, Diviner’s, Grieving, Harrier’s, Knight’s, Marshal’s, Sinister, and Viper’s.
  • Defender’s: Cavalier’s, Giver’s, Harrier’s, Knight’s, Minstrel’s, Shaman’s, and Trailblazer’s.
  • Healer’s: Diviner’s, Giver’s, Harrier’s, Magi’s, Marshal’s, Minstrel’s, and Seraph.
  • Malicious: Grieving, Seraph, Shaman’s, Sinister, Trailblazer’s, and Viper’s.

You can obtain magnetite shards from:

  • Killing bosses and completing events while in Forsaken Thicket and Bastion of the Penitent.
  • Unsuccessful attempts at defeating bosses, based on the progression in the fight.
  • Starting at 75% of health left, players get one shard, and another two for each multiple of 25% of health lost. For example, if a team wipes below 25%, they get 5 shards each.
  • Trading raid dropped minis, to Scholar Glenna or Basic Magnetite Exchange Operative which gives you 40 shards each.
  • Salvaging ascended weapons, armor and trinkets dropped by bosses for 60 shards each.
  • Trading Gaeting Crystals with Scholar Glenna at a 1:1 ratio

Killing raid bosses also has a chance of rewarding you with stat-selectable ascended weapons that are unique skins from that boss. Infusions“Infusion slots” are where you add even more stats to your ascended gear and special bonuses such as agony resist to allow you to tackle higher level fractals or bonuses vs guards in WvW. The maximum amount of stats per infusion slot is 5 of any stat (power, precision, etc).

  • Armor and weapons have one infusion slot, with two-handed weapons having two.
  • Ascended rings can be infused and attuned, each of which adds an extra infusion slot (for a total of three).
  • Ascended back items can be infused to add one extra infusion slot.
  • Ascended amulets have an enrichment slot instead of an infusion slot. These take different infusions which give Bonus WvW experience, gold find, magic find, bonus character experience or karma.
  • 18 infusion slots total, 1 enrichment slot

You can infuse and attune your rings for 3 infusion slots, as stated above. To infuse your rings you need 5 vials of condensed mist essence, 3 congualated mists essence and a crystallized mist essence. You obtain these as random drops from specific fractal levels. You then trade your ring and the amount of these items to the mystic forge.

  • Vial of Condensed Mists Essence fractals 1-20
  • Glob of Coagulated Mists Essence fractals 21-50
  • Shard of Crystallized Mists Essence fractals 51-100

You can also obtain the mist essences from downgrading higher tier ones into lower tier ones at a ratio of 1:3 and upgrading the lower tier to a higher at a ratio of 5:1.

  • HoTAct3

Same recipe for the other ones.These are also purchasable from INFUZ-5959 inside of fractals for fractal relics and gold.

  • HoTAct4

To attune your rings you need 1 agonized essence from INFUZ-5959 inside of Fractals, 1 +1 agony infusion from completing Fractals or the Trading Post and a single Philosopher’s Stone from the mystic forge merchant. Same as above, trade the ring and the items to the mystic forge to attune it. Do not worry about which order you attune or infuse, you can do it in any order.+4 stat infusions can be bought for 5 laurels each from the Laurel Merchant. Enrichments can be purchased from the same merchant for 20 laurels each.+5 stat and special WvW bonuses such as +1% guard damage can be bought from the WvW merchant for 5 laurels and 125 badges of honor each. The WvW ones are stronger and cost the same amount of laurels. WvW specific enrichments can be purchased for 5 laurels and 125 badges of honor from the same merchant.You can also buy +5 stat +9 agony resist infusions from INFUZ-5959 inside of fractals but they are very expensive and an end goal to maximize your fractal gear.For a less expensive agony resist method, you can simply purchase agony infusions off the TP, Artificers can craft them from +1 agony infusions you get from fractal runs, or buy them from INFUZ-5959 inside of fractals with a set amount of +1 infusions. This is generally how you get agony resist for running fractals, as it is a fraction of the cost of +5 stat / +9 agony resist infusions.

  • fractals
  • fractals

For your aqua breather, there are also special swim speed infusions you can put into it. In order to obtain these you need to complete achievements to open sunken chests.

  • Fractal Trinkets 1

Stat SwappingIf you don’t like your stat combination or want to try another build you can easily swap the stat combination of any ascended weapons and armor at the mystic forge.To do so, you need an **EXOTIC** insignia for armor and inscription for weapons, 5 Globs of Ectoplasm, an Anthology of Heroes (from Mystic Forge merchant), and your old armor/weapon that you are stat swapping. Be very sure that you take out any infusions before stat swapping as it deletes the rune and infusions inside when swapping! You do this using an infusion extractor device purchased inside of Fractals from INFUS-5959 for 24 silver.

  • Warning: Using an ascended armor(such as pvp ascended armor) or weapon(such as gen2 precursor) with this recipe will yield a basic ascended armor or weapon and will no longer be usable to craft their respective legendary.
  • Grieving Insignia and Inscription are named “Intact Mosaic”.
  • Fractal Trinkets 1Don’t stat swap with an infusion still inside your gear!

SalvagingYou can salvage ascended gear and trinkets using only an Ascended Salvage Kit. These can be purchased from numerous places such as inside Fractals from BUY-4373, from Laurel merchants, or obtained randomly from your daily fractal chests.Salvaging an ascended accessory or ring will give Stabilizing Matrices and salvaging amulets has a rare chance of giving you Balls of Dark Energy while armor and weapons are guaranteed to give you a Ball of Dark Energy. Matrices are used for numerous things and legendary crafting, Balls of Dark Energy are used for legendaries.This guide was written by Shiyo.3578 as exclusive content for GuildJen.Read more: How long does it take to tint windows

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Posts “How To Get Ascended Gear Gw2” posted by on 2021-11-10 06:43:16. Thank you for reading the article at

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