How To Get Armor On Halo 5

Armor customization in Halo 5: Guardians allows players to customize their Spartan player model. These armor sets can be obtained by getting to a certain rank in the game along with unlocking achievements in Halo: The Master Chief Collection and obtaining armor in REQ packs. Unlike Halo 4, armor customization in Halo 5: Guardians is limited to the helmet, armor, and visor.[1] In addition, new armor permutations were released post-launch via REQ content updates as was the case for Mark IV and Mark V sets, for example.



Halo 5: Guardians features more customization slots than launch Halo 2: Anniversary, yet, features much less than Halo 4. The three slots available for armor customization include the Helmet, the Armor, and the Visor with previously player decided armor pieces (such as legs, wrists, and shoulders) being determined by the base armor the player chooses. Aesthetically, the armor of Halo 5: Guardians is based upon the MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor [GEN2] model, much like Halo 4, and also allows for armor skins, enabling further unique customization options. Halo 5 doesn’t allow the player to switch to an Elite, be it for multiplayer, Forge, or custom games.Reading: how to get armor on halo 5Unlocking armor can be done in a few potential ways; for example, earning achievements present in Halo: The Master Chief Collection such as “Legend”, which grants the player Helioskrill armor. It should be noted that armor unlocked by achievements in The Master Chief Collection were later able to be obtained in the general REQ pool.The Halo Channel app on the Xbox One platform also allows players to unlock Nightfall armor by watching Halo: Nightfall’s five episodes. This could be done as early as November 11, 2014, which allowed for the armor’s use in the Halo 5: Guardians Multiplayer Beta, alongside Helioskrill, and two variants of Mark VI (GEN1).Another method of unlocking permutations involves the use of REQ packs, which provide randomized armor and visor unlocks to the player, among other things. Certain REQ packs also exist that can grant truly exclusive armor to the player. These include the HCS pack, which contains a specific variant of Athlon armor known as “Champion”, and the Halo World Championship 2016 pack, which was only available if the player watched the event on a stream with their Xbox Live account linked to said stream during a certain time frame. This pack gave out the Challenger armor. Both the Athlon’s Champion variant and Challenger armor are exclusive to their specific REQ packs and aren’t in the general pool.In February 2017, a special REQ pack known as the “Classic Helmet REQ pack” was released as a standalone purchasable item containing nine helmets: Mark V Delta, CQB, Recon [Gen1], Military Police, EOD, Pilot, Operator [Gen1], Security [Gen1], and EVA [Gen1]. These nine helmets were not a part of the general REQ pool, much like HCS branded items.Achilles armor follows a unique unlock trend, as it requires the completion of the 31 “Kill” commendations that are available to Spartan companies. Upon the completion of level 3 for all “Kill” commendations, the body armor for Achilles is granted to the player, and upon the completion of level 5 for all, the helmet is granted.

List of customizations[edit]


  • Achilles
  • Air Assault
    • Air Assault Disrupt
    • Air Assault Impact
    • Air Assault Specialist
  • Anubis
    • Anubis Nephthys
    • Anubis Set
  • Argonaut
    • Argonaut Idmon
    • Argonaut Nestor
  • Argus
  • Athlon
    • Athlon Champion
    • Athlon Cynisca
    • Athlon Iccus
    • Athlon Lycinus
    • Athlon Varazdat
  • Atlas
    • Atlas Unbound
    • Atlas Vigilant
  • Aviator
    • Aviator Ace
    • Aviator CSAR
    • Aviator Delta
  • Breaker
    • Breaker Doomsday
    • Breaker Hatchetman
  • Buccaneer
    • Buccaneer Illyri
    • Buccaneer TYR
  • Centurion
  • Challenger
  • Cinder
  • CIO
  • Commando
    • Commando Arius
    • Commando Matrix
    • Commando Verde
  • Copperhead
  • CQB
  • Cyclops
  • Cypher
    • Cypher Copiale
    • Cypher Voynich
  • Deadeye
  • Decimator
  • Defender
    • Defender Castle
    • Defender Fortress
    • Defender Redoubt
  • Dynast
    • Dynast Cincindel
    • Dynast Lilioc
  • Enforcer
  • Engineer
  • EOD
  • EVA
    • EVA GEN 1
    • EVA Hadfield
    • EVA Leonov
    • EVA Solovyev
    • EVA Zhigang
  • Fenrir
    • Fenrir Unchained
    • Fenrir Woebringer
    • Fenrir Wolffriend
  • Foehammer
    • Foehammer Echo
    • Foehammer Victor
    • FOTUS Chillrose
    • FOTUS Synchronize
  • Freebooter
  • Goblin
    • Goblin Dokkaebi
    • Goblin Erlking
  • Helioskrill
    • Helioskrill Bloodgorger
    • Helioskrill Warbound
  • Hellcat
    • Hellcat Marauder
    • Hellcat Onslought
  • Helljumper
  • Hermes
  • Hunter
  • Icarus
  • Indomitable
  • Infiltrator
  • Interceptor
    • Interceptor Cutter
    • Interceptor Imperaptor
    • Interceptor Rictus
  • Intruder
  • Jumpmaster
    • Jumpmaster Dispatcher
    • Jumpmaster Ripcord
    • Jumpmaster Sky Soldier
  • Legionnaire
    • Legionnaire Alaris
    • Legionnaire Optio
  • Locus
  • Mako
    • Mako Chthonic
    • Mako Darkwater
  • Marauder
    • Marauder Keres
    • Marauder Kratos
  • Maverick
  • Military Police
  • Mark IV
  • Mark V Alpha
  • Mark V Delta
  • Mark VI GEN1
  • Mark VI GEN2
    • Mark VI Primus
    • Mark VI Regent
    • Mark VI Satrap
  • Nightfall
  • Nomad
    • Nomad Unchained
    • Nomad Wanderlust
  • Olive
  • Operator
  • Orbital
    • Orbital Aphelion
    • Orbital Equinox
    • Orbital Perihelion
  • Pathfinder
  • Pioneer
  • Pilot
  • Protector
  • Raider
  • Raijin
    • Raijin Sprite
    • Raijin Stormstrike
  • Ranger
  • Reaper
    • Reaper Grim
    • Reaper Mortician
  • Recluse
    • Recluse Laeta
    • Recluse Seri
  • Recon
    • Recon BDA
    • Recon GEN 1
    • Recon ITG
    • Recon RSO
  • Recruit
    • Recruit Charred
    • Recruit Marked
    • Recruit Proven
  • Rogue
  • Scanner
  • Scout
    • Scout Decoy
    • Scout Observer
    • Scout Outrider
  • Security
    • Security GEN 1
    • Security Oppressor
    • Security Watchdog
  • Seeker
    • Seeker Horizon
    • Seeker Intrepid
  • Shinobi
  • Soldier
    • Soldier Dogface
    • Soldier Leatherneck
    • Soldier Rebel
  • Stalker
  • Stinger
  • Strider
  • Technician
  • Teishin
    • Teishin Raikou
    • Teishin Shuurai
  • Timmy
  • Tracer
    • Tracer Jackpoint
    • Tracer Signal
  • Tracker
  • Valkyrie
    • Valkyrie Eir
    • Valkyrie Hrist
  • Vector
    • Vector Interrupt
    • Vector Sequence
  • Venator
    • Venator Cestus
    • Venator Retiarus
    • Venator Thraex
  • Venture
  • Viper
  • Vigilant
  • Void Dancer
  • Warrior
    • Warrior Blade
    • Warrior Helm
    • Warrior Shield
  • War Master
    • War Master Augustan
    • War Master Scipio
    • War Master Tiberian
  • Wetwork
  • Wrath


Visor color Visor Name Rarity Description From the Halo Waypoint website armor customization renderer. Note that the render is not fully representative of the in-game visor due to renderization outside of the game's engine. Blindside Common Description: Frowned upon by UNSC-staff officers, the Blindside VISR sacrifices strategic situational awareness for improved performance in small-unit actions.Manufacturer: Imbrium Machine Complex Cost: REQ pack From the Halo Waypoint website armor customization renderer. Note that the render is not fully representative of the in-game visor due to renderization outside of the game's engine. Cyan Common Description: Too expensive to be universally deployed, Cyan VISR hardware is protected against electromagnetic interference, shock and corrosive atmospheres.Manufacturer: Hannibal Weapon Systems Cost: REQ pack From the Halo Waypoint website armor customization renderer. Note that the render is not fully representative of the in-game visor due to renderization outside of the game's engine. Envy Common Description: Envy VISR’s were developed by extreme sport enthusiasts on Mars. Through proven in environments far harsher than UNSC specifications required it took years to overcome anti-military sentiment in the boutique development house that made them.Read more: how to mount a scope on a mosin nagantCost: REQ packRead more: how to put a license plate on front of car From the Halo Waypoint website armor customization renderer. Note that the render is not fully representative of the in-game visor due to renderization outside of the game's engine. Foucault Common Description: The Foucault VISR represents a major policy shift in the UEG towards allowing smaller corporations to compete in the paramilitary, military, and security markets.Read more: how to mount a scope on a mosin nagantCost: REQ packRead more: how to put a license plate on front of car From the Halo Waypoint website armor customization renderer. Note that the render is not fully representative of the in-game visor due to renderization outside of the game's engine. Frost Common Description: With its integral climate module and multi-layer insulation the Frost VISR assembly can function in extreme temperatures and exotic cryogenics atmospheres.Manufacturer: Lethbridge Industrial Cost: REQ pack From the Halo Waypoint website armor customization renderer. Note that the render is not fully representative of the in-game visor due to renderization outside of the game's engine. Recruit Common Description: Visual Intelligence System, Reconnaissance (VISR) software manages the Spartan’s disparate sensor feeds, battlenet links, and suit diagnostic messages.Manufacturer: Hannibal Weapon Systems Cost: Unlocked by default From the Halo Waypoint website armor customization renderer. Note that the render is not fully representative of the in-game visor due to renderization outside of the game's engine. Vandal Common Description: Even when Spartans lose, the Vandal VISR ensures they do it with style and panache.Read more: how to mount a scope on a mosin nagantCost: REQ packRead more: how to put a license plate on front of car From the Halo Waypoint website armor customization renderer. Note that the render is not fully representative of the in-game visor due to renderization outside of the game's engine. Beltane Uncommon Description: The Beltane VISR can be easily monitored by an AI over the battlenet, allowing the operator to focus on difficult tasks without compromising situational awareness.Read more: how to mount a scope on a mosin nagantCost: REQ packRead more: how to put a license plate on front of car From the Halo Waypoint website armor customization renderer. Note that the render is not fully representative of the in-game visor due to renderization outside of the game's engine. Clockwork Uncommon Description: The Clockwork VISR is a piece of technical art, appreciated as a masterwork of programming and engineering by the handful of AI and human experts who understand the complexity of Mjolnir HUD design.Read more: how to mount a scope on a mosin nagantCost: REQ packRead more: how to put a license plate on front of car From the Halo Waypoint website armor customization renderer. Note that the render is not fully representative of the in-game visor due to renderization outside of the game's engine. Ecto Uncommon Description: The pattern-matching subsystem of the Ecto VISR can be set to look for specific hyperspectral and multi-modal sensory traces, a useful function when tracking stealthy xenomorphs and transient electronic whispers.Read more: how to mount a scope on a mosin nagantCost: REQ packRead more: how to put a license plate on front of car From the Halo Waypoint website armor customization renderer. Note that the render is not fully representative of the in-game visor due to renderization outside of the game's engine. Gallows Uncommon Description: Made for special forward observation teams operating in quarantine zones, failsafe charges in the Gallows VISR will destroy the helmet (and everything in it) in case of compromise.Read more: how to mount a scope on a mosin nagantCost: REQ packRead more: how to put a license plate on front of car From the Halo Waypoint website armor customization renderer. Note that the render is not fully representative of the in-game visor due to renderization outside of the game's engine. Glacier Uncommon Description: Tested by hostile environment teams on a dozen frigid worlds, the Glacier VISR is the first choice for any Spartan expected to operate in cryogenic atmospheres.Cost: Req Pack From the Halo Waypoint website armor customization renderer. Note that the render is not fully representative of the in-game visor due to renderization outside of the game's engine. King Uncommon Description: The first King VISR was an enigmatic artifact produced as a one-off by a bored Huragok. Subsequent attempts to copy the design have been met with varying levels of failure.Read more: how to mount a scope on a mosin nagantCost: REQ packRead more: how to put a license plate on front of car From the Halo Waypoint website armor customization renderer. Note that the render is not fully representative of the in-game visor due to renderization outside of the game's engine. Midnight Uncommon Description: Materials Group uses Midnight VISR as the basis for their next-generation battlespace management software, but proper use requires significant technical expertise.Manufacturer: Materials Group Cost: REQ pack From the Halo Waypoint website armor customization renderer. Note that the render is not fully representative of the in-game visor due to renderization outside of the game's engine. Sluagh Uncommon Decription: A small percentage of SPARTAN-IV candidates experience augmentation defects. Those related to vision can usually be corrected with implants or custom HUD’s such as the Sluagh VISR.Read more: how to mount a scope on a mosin nagantCost: REQ packRead more: how to put a license plate on front of car From the Halo Waypoint website armor customization renderer. Note that the render is not fully representative of the in-game visor due to renderization outside of the game's engine. Solar Uncommon Decription: The Solar VISR upgrades focus specifically on target acquisition speed, combat identification, and interoperability with UEG law enforcement networks.Read more: how to mount a scope on a mosin nagantCost: REQ packRead more: how to put a license plate on front of car From the Halo Waypoint website armor customization renderer. Note that the render is not fully representative of the in-game visor due to renderization outside of the game's engine. Sunspot Uncommon Description: The Sunspot VISR system utilizes a dedicated deconfliction agent which effectively curates the deluge of information competing for the Spartan’s attention.Read more: How long to cook chuck roast in oven at 350Manufacturer: Acheron Security Cost: REQ pack From the Halo Waypoint website armor customization renderer. Note that the render is not fully representative of the in-game visor due to renderization outside of the game's engine. Verdant Uncommon Description: Verdant VISR has been updated to comply with the latest industrial cyberlink standards, as well as expanded support for legacy interfaces.Manufacturer: Naphtali Contractor Corporation Cost: REQ pack From the Halo Waypoint website armor customization renderer. Note that the render is not fully representative of the in-game visor due to renderization outside of the game's engine. Autumn Rare Description: The Autumn VISR if a flawless example of software engineering and ergonomics. Approaching rampancy has inflamed its designer’s auteur tendencies, resulting in a baroque design barely understandable even by other AIs.Read more: how to mount a scope on a mosin nagantCost: REQ packRead more: how to put a license plate on front of car From the Halo Waypoint website armor customization renderer. Note that the render is not fully representative of the in-game visor due to renderization outside of the game's engine. Buckingham Rare Description: Unofficially tolerated, the Buckingham VISR is a privately developed data management suite sold only to active duty UNSC personnel.Read more: how to mount a scope on a mosin nagantCost: REQ packRead more: how to put a license plate on front of car From the Halo Waypoint website armor customization renderer. Note that the render is not fully representative of the in-game visor due to renderization outside of the game's engine. Burgundian Rare Description: It is not yours to understand why. Nor are you authorized to understand the subtle complexities and allure of the Burgundian VISR and its manifest menu options.Read more: how to mount a scope on a mosin nagantCost: REQ packRead more: how to put a license plate on front of car From the Halo Waypoint website armor customization renderer. Note that the render is not fully representative of the in-game visor due to renderization outside of the game's engine. Connected Rare Description: Developed by the avionics maintenance team aboard the UNSC Infinity, the Connected VISR’s display elements can be replaced with only basic tools and minimal training.Read more: how to mount a scope on a mosin nagantCost: REQ packRead more: how to put a license plate on front of car From the Halo Waypoint website armor customization renderer. Note that the render is not fully representative of the in-game visor due to renderization outside of the game's engine. Dianthus Rare Description: The Dianthus VISR kit was discovered by ONI operatives in the arms markets of Venezia. It’s unclear who is manufacturing these VISR sensor elements or how widespread they have become.Cost: Pre-order Halo 5: Guardians at Best Buy or REQ pack From the Halo Waypoint website armor customization renderer. Note that the render is not fully representative of the in-game visor due to renderization outside of the game's engine. Dynasty Rare Description: The first VISR systems date back to the early 21st century, alternately bloating in complexity and paring down to bare-bones HUD management since then. The Dynasty HUD is an example of the former, with dozens of embedded quality of life apps.Read more: how to mount a scope on a mosin nagantCost: REQ packRead more: how to put a license plate on front of car From the Halo Waypoint website armor customization renderer. Note that the render is not fully representative of the in-game visor due to renderization outside of the game's engine. False Dawn Rare Description: Initial research and development for the False Dawn VISR promised an entirely new approach for head-up displays. Unfortunately, it will requires years of work on neural interfaces to make full use of the technology.Read more: how to mount a scope on a mosin nagantCost: REQ packRead more: how to put a license plate on front of car From the Halo Waypoint website armor customization renderer. Note that the render is not fully representative of the in-game visor due to renderization outside of the game's engine. Flood Rare Description: As the name implies, the Flood VISR is built specifically for Spartan assessment and containment teams deployed to Forerunner sites that may house samples of the all-devouring parasite.Read more: how to mount a scope on a mosin nagantCost: REQ packRead more: how to put a license plate on front of car From the Halo Waypoint website armor customization renderer. Note that the render is not fully representative of the in-game visor due to renderization outside of the game's engine. Independence Rare Description: The Independence VISR was created by a team of UNSC maintenance personnel as a personal project. After the code was leaked to the net it has become the unofficial base for several independent HUDs.Read more: how to mount a scope on a mosin nagantCost: REQ packRead more: how to put a license plate on front of car From the Halo Waypoint website armor customization renderer. Note that the render is not fully representative of the in-game visor due to renderization outside of the game's engine. Mad Dog Rare Description: Mad Dog VISR overlays lack even the most rudimentary image sanitation functions so that Spartan operators see only the rawest, most unadulterated view of the battlefield.Read more: how to mount a scope on a mosin nagantCost: REQ packRead more: how to put a license plate on front of car From the Halo Waypoint website armor customization renderer. Note that the render is not fully representative of the in-game visor due to renderization outside of the game's engine. Matrix Rare Description: Created for field technicians tasked with on-site cyberintrusion, the Matrix VISR has a custom built interface for managing networked AI’s and friendly kill systems.Read more: how to mount a scope on a mosin nagantCost: REQ packRead more: how to put a license plate on front of car From the Halo Waypoint website armor customization renderer. Note that the render is not fully representative of the in-game visor due to renderization outside of the game's engine. Muse Rare Description: Powered by the latest in polymorphic software agents, the Muse VISR may represent a breakthrough in semi-autonomous nonsapient assistants for Spartans.Read more: how to mount a scope on a mosin nagantCost: REQ packRead more: how to put a license plate on front of car From the Halo Waypoint website armor customization renderer. Note that the render is not fully representative of the in-game visor due to renderization outside of the game's engine. Primeval Rare Description: The Primeval VISR is a throwback design created after data archaeology efforts recovered novel branches of the first Mjolnir VISR codebase in burned-out Damascus Materials Testing Facility computer cores.Read more: how to mount a scope on a mosin nagantCost: REQ packRead more: how to put a license plate on front of car From the Halo Waypoint website armor customization renderer. Note that the render is not fully representative of the in-game visor due to renderization outside of the game's engine. Reflection Rare Description: The Reflection VISR was created for pioneers delving into the welkin realms of slipspace, tapping into experimental sensors and probes to translate strange vibrations and trace energy patterns into some semblance of order.Read more: how to mount a scope on a mosin nagantCost: REQ packRead more: how to put a license plate on front of car From the Halo Waypoint website armor customization renderer. Note that the render is not fully representative of the in-game visor due to renderization outside of the game's engine. Regnum Rare Description: Feature creep, ruinous cost overruns, and accusations of corruption notwithstanding, the Regnum VISR features the best threat management subsystem on the market.Read more: how to mount a scope on a mosin nagantCost: REQ packRead more: how to put a license plate on front of car From the Halo Waypoint website armor customization renderer. Note that the render is not fully representative of the in-game visor due to renderization outside of the game's engine. Royal Rare Description: The Royal VISR features a translation system and local database of hundreds of human languages, many of which are now throught extinct after the Covenant War.Read more: how to mount a scope on a mosin nagantCost: REQ packRead more: how to put a license plate on front of car From the Halo Waypoint website armor customization renderer. Note that the render is not fully representative of the in-game visor due to renderization outside of the game's engine. Torchbearer Rare Description: Torchbearer VISR’s are tailored for use by UNSC Army pathfinders.Read more: how to mount a scope on a mosin nagantCost: REQ packRead more: how to put a license plate on front of car From the Halo Waypoint website armor customization renderer. Note that the render is not fully representative of the in-game visor due to renderization outside of the game's engine. Unbreakable Rare Description: Built from the latest composites and reverse-engineered Covenant technology, the Unbreakable VISR can survive even when the surrounding helmet is torn asunder.Read more: how to mount a scope on a mosin nagantCost: REQ packRead more: how to put a license plate on front of car From the Halo Waypoint website armor customization renderer. Note that the render is not fully representative of the in-game visor due to renderization outside of the game's engine. Wild Hunt Rare Description: Proven on the means streets of Earth’s megaplexes, the Wild Hunt VISR has a custom optical recognition application used for decoding gang signs and other underworld symbology.Read more: how to mount a scope on a mosin nagantCost: REQ packRead more: how to put a license plate on front of car From the Halo Waypoint website armor customization renderer. Note that the render is not fully representative of the in-game visor due to renderization outside of the game's engine. Armorer Ultra-rare Description: A game changer for field operations, the Armorer VISR features its own augmented reality maintenance and diagnostic playbook that can walk Spartans through troubleshooting and basic repairs of most UNSC equipment.Read more: how to mount a scope on a mosin nagantCost: REQ packRead more: how to put a license plate on front of car From the Halo Waypoint website armor customization renderer. Note that the render is not fully representative of the in-game visor due to renderization outside of the game's engine. Aureus Ultra-rare Description: Containing dozens of useful functions for unaugmented users, the Aureus VISR is used by many new Spartans before they transition to more specialized HUDs.Read more: how to mount a scope on a mosin nagantCost: REQ packRead more: how to put a license plate on front of car From the Halo Waypoint website armor customization renderer. Note that the render is not fully representative of the in-game visor due to renderization outside of the game's engine. Aurora Ultra-rare Description: The designer of the Aurora VISR claimed it could see the unseen and visualize phenomenon outside of human comprehension.Read more: how to mount a scope on a mosin nagantCost: REQ packRead more: how to put a license plate on front of car From the Halo Waypoint website armor customization renderer. Note that the render is not fully representative of the in-game visor due to renderization outside of the game's engine. Dauntless Ultra-rare Description: Sangheili sourced high-tier nanolaminates and scanning elements make the Dauntless sensor grid and faceplate outrageously expensive even by Watershed Division standards.Cost: Buy Master Chief-based Halo 5: Guardians wireless controller or REQ pack From the Halo Waypoint website armor customization renderer. Note that the render is not fully representative of the in-game visor due to renderization outside of the game's engine. Dusk Ultra-rare Description: The first Dusk VISR was created in the resource-strapped final days of the Covenant War. Among its design goals were engineering refinements that drastically reduced the need for rare earths and other strategic metals.Read more: how to mount a scope on a mosin nagantCost: REQ packRead more: how to put a license plate on front of car From the Halo Waypoint website armor customization renderer. Note that the render is not fully representative of the in-game visor due to renderization outside of the game's engine. Expedition Ultra-rare Description: Built and ran through the harshest testing regime offered by the UNSC, the Expedition VISR can occasionally remain intact even if the rest of the helmet is destroyed around it.Read more: how to mount a scope on a mosin nagantCost: REQ packRead more: how to put a license plate on front of car From the Halo Waypoint website armor customization renderer. Note that the render is not fully representative of the in-game visor due to renderization outside of the game's engine. Greystone Ultra-rare Description: The Greystone VISR’s unsettling advertising campaign featured Spartans standing on lifeless rocks at the edge of long-dead stars, staring into the void.Read more: how to mount a scope on a mosin nagantCost: REQ packRead more: how to put a license plate on front of car Ichor.png Ichor Ultra-rare Description: The Ichor VISR’s threat database is able to identify, index, and inform on all matters related to biohazards.Read more: how to mount a scope on a mosin nagantCost: REQ packRead more: how to put a license plate on front of car From the Halo Waypoint website armor customization renderer. Note that the render is not fully representative of the in-game visor due to renderization outside of the game's engine. Remembrance Ultra-rare Description: The protective outer coating of the Remembrance VISR is coated with materials recycled from glassed colonies.Read more: how to mount a scope on a mosin nagantCost: REQ packRead more: how to put a license plate on front of car From the Halo Waypoint website armor customization renderer. Note that the render is not fully representative of the in-game visor due to renderization outside of the game's engine. Resolute Ultra-rare Description: Open source records indicate the Resolute VISR is customized for integration with the Artemis threat analysis and tracking hardware.Cost: Buy Spartan Locke-based Halo 5: Guardians wireless controller or REQ pack From the Halo Waypoint website armor customization renderer. Note that the render is not fully representative of the in-game visor due to renderization outside of the game's engine. Rime Ultra-rare Description: Rime VISR HUD’s are fully compatible with all UNSC radar, ladar, and sonar imaging sensors.Read more: how to mount a scope on a mosin nagantCost: REQ packRead more: how to put a license plate on front of car From the Halo Waypoint website armor customization renderer. Note that the render is not fully representative of the in-game visor due to renderization outside of the game's engine. Saturnine Ultra-rare Description: The Saturnine VISR hardware is fully compatible with Sangheili combat harness power and data feeds, leading some to believe it’s intended for export.Cost: Pre-order Halo 5: Guardians at Amazon or REQ pack From the Halo Waypoint website armor customization renderer. Note that the render is not fully representative of the in-game visor due to renderization outside of the game's engine. Secrets Ultra-rare Description: ONI Section Zero’s used their experience with managing complicated intelligence data networks to inform the Secrets VISR design and functionality. Unfortunately there is little doubt that secret backdoors were placed in the code.Read more: how to mount a scope on a mosin nagantCost: REQ packRead more: how to put a license plate on front of car From the Halo Waypoint website armor customization renderer. Note that the render is not fully representative of the in-game visor due to renderization outside of the game's engine. Tenebrae Ultra-rare Description: Tenebrae VISR systems are intended to be used in conjunction with imaging radar,ladar, and other systems that allow tactical operations to be conducted in the complete absence of visible light.Read more: how to mount a scope on a mosin nagantCost: REQ packRead more: how to put a license plate on front of car From the Halo Waypoint website armor customization renderer. Note that the render is not fully representative of the in-game visor due to renderization outside of the game's engine. Vespertine Ultra-rare Description: Leaked development documents for the Vespertine VISR’s next firmwareupgrade show superior augmented reality performance and interactivity.Read more: how to mount a scope on a mosin nagantCost: REQ packRead more: how to put a license plate on front of car From the Halo Waypoint website armor customization renderer. Note that the render is not fully representative of the in-game visor due to renderization outside of the game's engine. Abyss Legendary Description: The galaxy is full of wonder and danger in equal measure. The Abyss VISR uses Subtle augmented reality tricks to reduce the Spartan’s exposure to psychologically stressful visual stimuli, ensuring peak performance in even the most traumatic environments.Read more: how to mount a scope on a mosin nagantCost: REQ packRead more: how to put a license plate on front of car From the Halo Waypoint website armor customization renderer. Note that the render is not fully representative of the in-game visor due to renderization outside of the game's engine. Daybreak Legendary Description: The reflective coating on the Daybreak VISR is specifically designed to mitigate damage to sensitive optics in the case of viewing atmospheric nuclear detonations.Read more: how to mount a scope on a mosin nagantCost: REQ packRead more: how to put a license plate on front of car From the Halo Waypoint website armor customization renderer. Note that the render is not fully representative of the in-game visor due to renderization outside of the game's engine. Legendary Legendary Description: The Beta-5 Asymmetrical Action Group has adopted the Legendary VISR for their Spartan units, albeit with custom plugins developed by ONI’s internal teams.Read more: how to mount a scope on a mosin nagantCost: REQ packRead more: how to put a license plate on front of car From the Halo Waypoint website armor customization renderer. Note that the render is not fully representative of the in-game visor due to renderization outside of the game's engine. Mithral Legendary Description: Mithral VISR systems have been a staple of exploration teams that delve deep under the surface of resource-rich worlds.Read more: how to mount a scope on a mosin nagantCost: REQ packRead more: how to put a license plate on front of car From the Halo Waypoint website armor customization renderer. Note that the render is not fully representative of the in-game visor due to renderization outside of the game's engine. Pendragon Legendary Description: Ruinously expensive, only a handful of private armies can afford the cutting-edge Pendragon VISR and associated software licenses.Read more: how to mount a scope on a mosin nagantCost: REQ packRead more: how to put a license plate on front of car From the Halo Waypoint website armor customization renderer. Note that the render is not fully representative of the in-game visor due to renderization outside of the game's engine. Rampant Legendary Description: With its proprietary set of software extensions, Beweglichkeitsrüstungsysteme hopes toposition the Rampant VISR as the de-facto standard for integrating with Forerunner sensor systems.Manufacturer: Beweglichkeitsrüstungsysteme Cost: Pre-order Halo 5: Guardians at Gamestop or REQ pack From the Halo Waypoint website armor customization renderer. Note that the render is not fully representative of the in-game visor due to renderization outside of the game's engine. Rex Legendary Description: The Rex VISR proved exceptionally capable of identifying optical associatedwith Jiralhanae active camouflage systems. Prototypes were used by UNSC Marinesunits to track down Brute holdouts on Earth and Tribute.Read more: how to mount a scope on a mosin nagantCost: REQ packRead more: how to put a license plate on front of car From the Halo Waypoint website armor customization renderer. Note that the render is not fully representative of the in-game visor due to renderization outside of the game's engine. Scoundrel Legendary Description: The Scoundrel VISR was created for use by ONI field operatives but has since made its way to the criminal underworld and into Insurrection hands.Read more: how to mount a scope on a mosin nagantCost: REQ packRead more: how to put a license plate on front of car Starfire.png Starfire Legendary Description: Records siphoned from the Forerunner ship buried under the ice at Babd Catha informed the Starfire VISR architecture, but it will be decades before even a fraction of the site’s archived secrets are decrypted.Read more: how to mount a scope on a mosin nagantCost: REQ packRead more: how to put a license plate on front of car From the Halo Waypoint website armor customization renderer. Note that the render is not fully representative of the in-game visor due to renderization outside of the game's engine. Strife Legendary Description: When monomaniacal focus on a limited set of targets is needed, the Strife VISR can be fitted to augment existing predictive tracking capabilities.Read more: how to mount a scope on a mosin nagantCost: REQ packRead more: how to put a license plate on front of car

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