How To Ask A Woman To Sleep With You

It’s time you learn how to ask a woman to sleep with you successfully, provided she’s already attracted to you.Because truth is, asking women to sleep with you and getting a positive response isn’t really that difficult if you know how to do it right. It simply involves doing the right thing at the right time and encouraging her to become more intimate with you.Reading: how to ask a woman to sleep with youThat said, a lot of guys screw this crucial step up and end up with nothing. They either scare the girl off by being too pushy, break the all-important sexual tension or say something really stupid. Which turns women off and makes them not want to have sex with you at all.So make sure to read every word below because I’ll tell you exactly how it’s done the right way.You don’t want to miss any subtleties, especially because I’m also going to reveal how to ask an older woman to sleep with you, which requires a bit more tact. And to make things even better and more interesting, I’ll also mention how to ask a married woman to sleep so you don’t get punched in the face or ruin a marriage.

Things to do before asking women to sleep with you


Before you make your move and ask the girl to sleep with you, several very important things have to happen first. Otherwise, you’ll never succeed!

  • She has to be attracted to you
  • She has to be comfortable with you and your touch
  • You have to have an emotional connection
  • There needs to be sexual tension between you
  • If even one of these crucial steps is missing, you’ll rarely get a positive response when you ask a woman to sleep with you.That’s because women simply don’t want to sleep with men who they aren’t attracted to and who they don’t trust and aren’t comfortable with. They also usually don’t want to have sex with guys who they have no emotional connection to.This is especially true if there’s no sexual spark between the two of you, which is also known as chemistry and sexual tension. This tension is really important to turn a woman on and make her wet and encourage her to want to have sex with you.And why would women in general want to have sex with you without any of these things? Sleeping with someone is a VERY emotional experience and you really have to like and trust the person. So make sure you’ve already handled all these crucial steps above if you want to get a positive answer when you ask a woman to sleep with you.Oh, and make sure to read how to attract women in general because it will reall help you with your seduction skills.With that out of the way, let’s get to the nitty-gritty of how to actually ask women to sleep with you.

    Here’s how to ask a woman to sleep with you the best way

    Now, provided she’s already attracted to you and there’s enough sexual tension in the air, here’s how I ask a woman to sleep with me and succeed virtually every time.I don’t actually ask her anything. Instead, I encourage more intimacy and then invite her to have sex with me. By leading the interaction towards sex in a manly, firm yet gentle way.Sounds counter-intuitive, doesn’t it?HereI mean, you can go and simply say something like “You’re so beautiful, do you want to have sex with me?” And you’ll definitely get a “Yes . . .” but only some of the time.That’s because there are many, many things wrong with saying something like this in the form of a direct question. And it doesn’t matter how “beautifully” you word the question itself. Since the biggest problem with why you’ll often get a negative response is the fact itself that you’re actually ASKING her for sex.

    Here’s why asking for sex won’t go as well as you think

    The mere fact you ask a woman for sex in the form of a question is pretty bad. Because it overtly shows insecurity and neediness.This instantly shifts the entire power dynamic of your interaction and makes you look like you’re unsure of yourself. Because you’ve given up the lead to her and now it’s up to her to move things forward. Which often won’t end in your favor.This is because women want men to lead.The vast majority of women want men who are dominant, assertive, decisive, etc. Men who know what they want and go for it. Men who can lead the interaction where it needs to go so women can get lost in the moment and in the experience.Lead and donBasically, sex should be a natural progression of your interaction with women. They should be able to later say “Oh, it just kind of happened!” when they later think on how things went. Instead of “Oh he asked me to have sex with him and I said yes,” which can easily look like they’re being slutty.It’s all part of the masculinity and femininity dynamic. Feminine women respond powerfully to masculine men. And the ability to lead and move things forward is a hugely masculine trait. (I’ll be writing a full article about femininity and masculinity soon)So don’t be surprised when you get a negative response when you ask a woman to sleep with you by presenting a question to her.However, don’t get me wrong! This isn’t about forcing women to have sex with you because NO means NO! Instead, this is about not giving your power away and being the manly man women love.

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    How to encourage women to sleep with you instead of asking

    Now, instead of learning how to ask a woman to sleep with you with a question, it’s better to learn how to do it in a way that’s infinitely better.By leading your interaction towards sex, both physically and verbally, without asking any questions.So how do you do this, exactly?Well, there are many different ways to make your move and initiate sex without having to actually ask for it.Read more: How to sew a crib bumper and a baby blanketThe ask itself is always implied by your actions and tonality and is non-verbal. So there’s always a chance for her to decline, in which case you must back off. Because it’ll obviously mean she’s not attracted enough to you to want to sleep with you yet.

    Some examples of leading a woman to bed to have sex

    Let’s say you’re both at your place or hers. What now?Encourage women to sleep with you without askingWell, one option would be to escalate aggressively and directly. By getting close to her, pulling her in for a makeout session and then, while you’re in the middle of passionate french-kissing, simply lifting her up and physically taking her to bed.This approach often works because the girl will be REALLY turned on and aroused if she’s lost in the moment of a huge makeout. So the next natural step is to take each other’s clothes off and have sex.Another approach would be to take things slowly and steadily, by ramping up the sexual tension so she becomes aroused and wants you badly herself.You could both get comfortable together on a couch, turn on some sweet tunes to enhance the atmosphere. Then talk to her in a sensual way, touch her intimately, gaze into her eyes with strong yet sexual eye contact, all to get her in the mood.Eventually, you can get closer to her so your faces are right next to each other, put your arm around her, whisper something sexy into her ear, etc.At this point, you can either just go for it by initiating a makeout. Or try saying some naughty things to get her to think about sex. If you think she’d enjoy the latter, then you can get increasingly naughty with what you’re saying, as long as it turns her on and increases her arousal.Otherwise, what I do is say “Come, sit here . . .” and guide her physically so she sits on top of me. Then I put my arms around her and kiss her. While kissing her, I start taking off her clothes little by little. If she likes you enough, sex will follow.

    As long as there’s enough sexual tension, she’ll sleep with you without asking

    You see, the whole thing of how to ask a woman to sleep with you without actually asking her for it is to ramp up the sexual tension as much as possible.Then no matter what, she’ll want to sleep with you herself because she’ll be really aroused and horny.This involves lots of powerful eye contact, intimate touching and talking about sexual topics. It does NOT involve you asking for sex directly because it breaks the whole mood.Also, it doesn’t even matter where you are, if there’s enough sexual tension, she’ll be ready to jump on you and sleep with you even if you’re at a bar, club, restaurant, park, beach, wherever.I’ve had so many dates where the sexual tension was so palpable that we ended up hooking up in the bathroom of the venue. Just because she got so horny she was down for anything, without me even asking to sleep with her at all.I just noticed that she was down for it in the way she was looking at me and how she was touching me. She had those “puppy dog” eyes, which pretty much said “Take me and fuck me now!” And I took her by the hand and lead her to the bathroom. That’s it.How to ask a woman to have sex with you correctlySo, if you want to get laid a lot and sleep with women without even asking them for sex, make sure you have a great time with them so they like you and then RAMP UP THE SEXUAL TENSION LIKE CRAZY!And then lead, lead and lead! Don’t wait for HER to do everything for you. Lead her to your place, lead her to kiss you, lead her to your bed to have sex. It’s YOUR responsibility to get what you want as a man.

    Here’s how to build sexual tension to sleep with women

    As I said before, eye contact, physicality and talking about sexual and spicy topics is the key to how to ask a woman to have sex with you without actually asking.When you’re already into each other, gaze longlingly into her eyes. Look at her lips, lick yours as if you really want to kiss her, and smile knowingly. She’ll usually smile herself.Intense eye contact is a very powerful thing and it’s proven to increase sexual desire with other people who you’re already interested in. So don’t make the huge mistake of underestimating its use when you’re with a woman you like and want to have sex with.When it comes to physicality, it’s massively important to make women comfortable with you, to build attraction and eventually have sex.So when you’re learning how to ask a woman to sleep with you without actually asking, make sure to be physical with her right from the start of your interaction.That’s because if you refrain from touching her the whole time you’re with her and then suddenly make your move and try to kiss her and initiate sex, she’ll often freak out. Because it’ll seem completely random and very incongruent with how you’ve been acting up until that point.For her not to freak out with your suddenly touching her and initiating sex, you need to make sure to establish you’re a physical guy early on. By touching her throughout your meeting right from the start.

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    Here’s how to be physical right from the start

    Hug her or shake her hand warmly when you greet her. Touch her on the shoulder or her arm when you’re making important points. High-five her when she says something cool or funny. Put your hand on her lower back when you’re entering the venue, and so on and so forth.While you’re teasing her, flirting with her and joking around, nudge her, put your arms around her and shake her a bit, just like you’d do with your little sister.make sure youWhen you’re leaving the venue, take her by the hand. When you’re crossing the street, extend your hand and hold her so she feels safe.If you’re meeting in a bar or club, dancing is one of the best ways to get physically comfortable with one another.Doing some fun and physical activity while on your date, like playing pool is also perfect. Because you can touch her throughout the whole thing when you’re engaging in banter, joking around and maybe even teaching her some moves.Read more: how to crochet a rose budDoing all this is hugely important because she’ll gradually become comfortable with you. And your eventual intimate touching will just seem like a natural progression of your interaction.Oh, and this works particularly well on women who’ve lived a long life already. Which is why physicality is one of the most important things if you want to learn how to ask an older woman to sleep with you and have her agree.

    Sexual talk and naughty topics

    Finally, another way to increase sexual tension right before you ask her to sleep with you is by talking about sex.Just don’t make it super obvious that you’re doing this because your goal is to make her horny or something. Because it’ll seem disingenuous and like you have an ulterior motive.Instead, talk about sex and various sexual things like it’s no big deal at all. You have to establish you’re a non-judgmental guy when it comes to sex. Like it’s the most normal, natural and pleasant thing in the world.So don’t be afraid to talk about sex and various naughty things with women. To show you’re not ashamed or anxious about your sexuality. And that you won’t judge women who have a “dirty mind.”Ask them various things like where was the craziest place they had sex. Tell them various stories from your or your friend’s life which involve some sexy things. Or even interesting stories from the wold which involve something sexual. Like the famous story of a male hamster who got into the female enclosure and impregnated all 100 of to ask a girl to have sex with you right nowThe point is to encourage women around you to start thinking about sex. And since you’ll be the only guy around, they’ll eventually start associating those thoughts with you. They’ll get aroused and maybe horny, which will increase sexual tension and will want them to sleep with you. And that’s exactly how you ask a woman to sleep with you without even asking her but instead ENCOURAGING her to do so with your actions and words.

    How to ask an older woman to sleep with you

    Well, to tell you the truth, if you want to ask an older woman to sleep with you, it’ll work pretty much the exact same way, except for a few minor differences.The main difference is that it’ll actually be MUCH EASIER to ask an older woman to have sex with you and succeed. If you’re being masculine and showing that you’re a manly man.That’s because older women tend to have significantly more life experience and usually know what they want. Older women appreciate men who are direct, who also go for what they want and who don’t play all that many games. These are just some of the main reasons why younger men prefer dating older women.That said, when you’re going after an older gal, specifically if you’re younger than her, you should make her feel sexy and appreciated.An older lady is fully aware of the fact she’s no longer in her prime and that there are plenty of younger, more attractive and desirable women running around. So you should mention she’s still got it but also make sure to let her know that you put more importance on a person’s experience, personality and worldview, instead of just plain old looks.This is one of the secrets of how to ask an older woman to sleep with you because it makes her see that you appreciate the finer things in life. And aren’t just going after something superficial.Older women who you want to hook up with will often accept to have sex with you if you simply make the above known and then ask them directly. Because they don’t want to play games anymore and can appreciate and take a good opportunity when they see to ask an older or married woman to sleep with you the best way

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    How to ask a married woman to sleep with you

    Now we’re delving a little bit into pretty dangerous territory. Because asking married women to sleep with you can end in utter disaster if you do it at a bad time and if their significant others find out.You don’t want to be a homewrecker or cause really big and serious problems for married women by being too careless with asking them to have sex with you.That’s why, to understand how to ask a married woman to sleep with you without causing complete chaos for her marriage, you should go read how to attract a married woman the right way. There, you’ll get a lot of really good information on how to go about seducing married women and then hooking up with them in a way that won’t spell catastrophe.But once you know how to be tactful and discrete when you’re hanging out with married women. You’ll be able to ask them to sleep with you in pretty much the same way this whole article shows.This is because to be completely honest, it doesn’t matter if the woman is married, young, old, single, or even your boss. This is because I’ve shown you the fundamentals which work on ANY WOMAN ALIVE. So if you do them correctly, you’ll be able to sleep with married women as well as single ones.I only ask you to be ethical about this because wrecking marriages just to have sex with someone is plain evil.

    Final thoughts on asking a girl to sleep with you

    I’m serious about this, if you focus on learning how to ask a girl to sleep with you, you’ll often fail. Because you’re going to be looking at the whole thing from the wrong angle.Sure, like I said before, you’ll sometimes get a yes. But why would you want to risk it and often get a no as well?Instead, focus on having fun with women, on getting to know them, flirting to build attraction and then RAMPING UP THE SEXUAL TENSION. Then women will want to sleep with you themselves without you having to ask for sex at all.Although, to be fair, figuring out how to ask a married woman to sleep with you is a bit more difficult since you’ll often have to navigate very sensitive situations. Which is why I rarely recommend it unless you know you’d be saving her from a truly terrible marriage.Don’t do what most unsuccessful guys do and listen to what the most successful seducers in the world do to sleep with a lot of women. Guys who are successful don’t focus on silly things like how to ask a girl to have sex with them. They know what works and lead women to hook up with them.If you have any further questions, then you’re always welcome to ask. Because I’m just scratching the surface here.Seduction may seem very counterintuitive if you’re new at this. But that’s because it’s not logical and mostly emotion-based. Which is why it’s important to know what turns a woman on sexually and then do that instead.Finally, if you want to learn the ultimate new way of how to get laid on your first date virtually every time, then GET THE FULL COURSE.Peace!Read more: how to make a heart shaped pond

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