Brother Blood

Video Who are blood brothers?

History of blood


The first Brother Blood was the high priest of the Baltic state of Zandia, who refused to provide recruits for Pope Innocent’s Fourth Crusade in 1202. In the ensuing battle, the high priest. obtained the Cloak of Christ, supposedly worn during the Last Supper, but now corrupted with evil. Wearing the cloak, the priest led his knights to victory. He then bathed in the blood of his enemies, which gave him immense strength and virtual immortality. The priest called himself Brother Blood and closed Zandia to all strangers except those who would join his church and beg all they had for the church. of Blood, whereby each son of the ruler of Zandia killed his father, bathed in the Bloodpit, then ruled his place.

Modern day

In chronological order, Brother Blood first encounters the New Teen Titans, as the leader of the Chruch of Blood and Zandia, as he attempts to spread his faith to the United States. The Titans become suspicious of him and his church when an ex-girlfriend of Cyborg tries to flee the church only to be shot while calling him to aid. The Titans then learn that the Blood is using the church to convert people to its ends and eventually attempt to envelop control of the world. While Blood’s initial attempt was halted and he was apparently killed in the process, it turned out to be a huge disaster for the Teen Titans, as one of the Blood devotees was a journalist employed by the Teen Titans. appreciative, who painted the Titans as terrorizing a peaceful congregation for no reason. However, Blood designed the whole thing and went underground in preparation for the next part of his plan. finally settled on tracking Arella, who was also pursuing eventually catching both. Because of Raven’s fragile state of mind after her battle with Trigon, Blood had little difficulty turning her body toward him, causing her to constantly make everyone around her feel better. When Nightwing was also captured later, Blood helped Raven heal Nightwing after each torture. believe in him. He once again faced off against the Titans but defeated them with ease. But due to Mother Mayhem’s jealousy of Raven, the second in command and the mother of his child, along with his own greed and arrogance, he pushed Raven to a point where his mind hers back in place and she turned to him in a fit of rage. he became a gentle shepherd.

Second Blood

Read more: Who was voted out of the masked singer A few years later, a new Brother Blood will emerge to battle the Outsiders. Described as an arms dealer, the second Brother Blood was later found murdered in the ocean.

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Blood of Sebastian

This gruesome pattern of events continued recently when another son killed his father. However, this particular 14-year-old boy lacked the training of his forebears. Instead, his ultimate goal is to rule the world using the power of the church. However, The Outsiders and Teen Titans get in his way. He attempted to marry Raven, as part of a prophecy to bring Trigon to Earth. He was blocked. He then attempts to take over the world again, starting with the Teen Titans, by stealing Kid Eternity’s powers. He brought the dead Titans back to life, planning to kill the survivors. He was stopped by Kid Eternity, who brought back the former Brother Blood, who tore Sebastian to pieces. He believes that being there is part of Trigon’s plan. Then one day, the magical bonds that held him back, broke, released him, it turned out that all the prisoners in hell were freed. He sets out to find Trigon, becoming his loyal soldier, but is attacked by a demon with a tiny mouth on his finger, who begins to drink his blood. Brother Blood then gained the upper hand and bit back, discovering the demon had a healing element, and severed his arm. He then finds Kid Eternity and tells him to look at his killer. Kid Eternity transforms into Aquagirl receiving several punches before running out of power. Brother Blood comments on Eternity’s loss of powers, then bites him, teleporting them to the Tower of Titans. Brother Blood then bites Misfit, using her powers to teleport, then bites into Wonder Girl’s leg, attacking her powers. The brother’s blood then bit the Red Devil, but said his blood was poisoned by Nero. He then used the power of the Red Devil to make a portal. Then he started looking for someone to be his ‘mother’.

Current events

Healing Lightning uses its own blood. First appearing in an ominous dream about Beast Boy after Flashpoint, the helmet he is seen wearing reveals him to be Sebastian Blood. Next, he emerges from a pool of blood, talking to three women who tell him how to open the portal to Red using the blood of the Ravagers and one of them as the key. Unlike Sebastian’s earlier presentation, he is rather careless and considers his non-humans as ‘idiots’ as he dispatches them to capture targets. When they fight their acolytes, he appears and heals Lightning, controlling her when he touches her blood. He continued to suck blood from Thunder while the others were captured. Back in the sanctuary of the Blood Church, he recognized Beast Boy from a dream. He tries to seduce Terra before fighting the crimson change. Lighting’s leap into the portal causes it to explode and bury him under the rubble even though he appears to be still alive.Shoot lightning.Shoots lightning. Brother Blood then manages to enter the Red Kingdom, winning the favor of one of the Totems before killing most of the others before confronting Animal Man.

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Powers and Abilities

Pre-FlashpointThe first Brother Blood encountered by the Teen Titans was a powerful orator and possessed some superhuman powers, such as superhuman strength, durability, and some of the empathic/psychotic abilities he possessed. used to make people for his target mostly make him immune to Raven’s powers. He was a brilliant planner and had formidable resources backing him up as ruler of Zandia and a later donated everything to his church upon entry. Sebastian Blood is able to steal the power of a vampire, strong enough in his first encounter to overpower and bite through Superboy’s skin. He has some effect on Raven if her chakra stone (Forehead Symbol) is removed from her forehead, but it will wave with distance. He leads a cult of devoted followers who initially served Trigon.New 52Kill a ruler of the Red Kingdom.Kill a ruler of the Red Kingdom.Connect Red Kingdom: Blood says he was born with the ability to manipulate blood in many forms and was always obsessed with going into a red place that was rightfully his, so he managed to infiltrate through the champions of them (Beast Boy and Animal Man). Shortly after the King of Limbs revealed that from an early age Blood was considered a candidate to be the avatar of The Red, but due to Maxine Baker’s selection he was ripped off by the other rulers. aside, but over the years has been secretly empowering him.The order to summon the construction of the people's intestines.The order to summon the construction of the people’s intestines.

  • Red mat: Brother Blood can warp the energy from The Red and create deadly energy blasts or even create lightning bolts, which he used to kill a ruler of the Red Kingdom and his entourage. their royal guard.
  • Empower Red: Blood can give the same power as Animal Man to others as well as with Splinterfolk
  • Manipulation / Blood Control: He can manipulate blood in a number of unusual ways such as creating holograms of the Ravagers, healing people’s wounds just by touching their blood, or even controlling people through their blood. to turn his loyal servants.
  • Blood Absorption: He has also shown the ability to actually suck people’s blood, instead of sucking it like most vampires do, but if he enters the Red Kingdom, this ability has been increased to the point where he can create structures (looks like veins) to drain many people at once. He is no longer shown possessing his powers for a brief period of time in New 52.
  • Change shape: He was able to use The Red to reorganize his phenotype and transform his body into animal parts to gain their abilities. It’s unclear if it can fully transform into an animal, or use different animal abilities and combine into a single being, like a chimera.
  • Superhuman Strength: The base blood strength is enough to fight Animal Man (powered by the God Seed) and Beast Boy.
  • Super durability
  • Teleport / Gate: He is shown to be able to open portals between The Red and Earth, but it is known that it cannot open portals between other realms and dimensions.
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Teen Titans

Subtitles are not providedBrother Blood appeared in the television show Teen Titans as the principal of HIVE Academy, based on the original Brother Blood. His highly regarded students include Jinx, Mammoth, and Gizmo. He shows great interest in the Cyborgs cyborg body as he is the only person Blood knows who can resist his hypnotic powers and later on in the show he willingly becomes half human. machine, but retains all the speed and skill he had before, leaving a fearsome warrior.


Subtitles are not providedSebastian Blood (played by Kevin Alejandro) is one of the main villains of Season 2 of The CW’s Arrow. He was an Alderman and later became Mayor of Starling City. He’s secretly Brother Blood, known as “The Man in the Skull Mask,” and is actually working on Deathstroke, the main antagonist of the season. He was betrayed by Deathstroke after becoming Mayor and decided to get his revenge by curing Oliver the Mirakuru Soldier. He was then killed by Isabel Rochev, who became Ravager.

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