Comparing Black People To Monkeys Has A Long, Dark Simian history

This article is a foundation essay. In the history of European cultures, comparisons of humans to apes and monkeys have been disparaged from the outset. Heraclitus – declares that apes are ugly in relation to humans and humans are ugly in relation to gods, this is cold comfort to apes. It has transcendently disconnected them from their human primate counterparts. The Fathers of the Church went one step further: Saint Gregory of Nazianzus and Saint Isidore of Seville compared pagans to monkeys. When women are the subject of a similar defamation, things go as one would expect. In the 11th century, Cardinal Peter Damian told of a monkey who was the lover of a countess from Liguria. Jealous Simian killed her husband and child’s father.

Monster’s Hotbed


Several centuries later in 1633, John Donne in Metempsychosis even allowed one of Adam’s daughters to be lured into an affair by an ape. She eagerly reciprocated and became helplessly seductive. Sovereign Jean Bodin prescribed copulation between animals and humans in Africa south of the Sahara. He described the area as a reservoir of monsters, arising from the sexual union of humans and animals. In the first version of the story (1570), a Portuguese woman was exiled to Africa, where she was raped by an ape and gave birth to its offspring. With regard to Understanding Humanity, it is stated that “women have conceived by exercise”. His intellectual contemporaries knew well that the stage for this transverse rape and love story was Africa because, according to the understanding of the time, the drills lived in Guinea. Anthropology, archaeology, biology, ethnography, geology, medicine, philosophy, and not least, theology are some of the fields.

King Kong’s reel racist

Literature, art and daily entertainment also boil over in this regard. It popularizes its wonderful combination of sexist and racist representations. The culmination is the hugely successful classic of the Hollywood horror studio, King Kong. The Scottsboro Boys were nine black teenagers accused of raping two young white women. In 1935, a graphic story by Japanese artist Lin Shi Khan and petrologist Toni Perez was published. ‘Scottsboro Alabama’ has a foreword by Michael Gold, editor of the communist magazine New Masses. One of the 56 images shows a group of young men being accused next to a newspaper with the headline “Rape Crime”. The rest of the picture is filled with a monstrous black simulacrum baring his teeth and dragging a helpless white girl. They recognize that the white public has been radically conditioned by the humanistic violence of comparing animals and simulating representations, as in the racist King Kong reel.

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Tagged with disease

Animalization and even bacteriography are common elements of racist dehumanization. They are closely related to labeling others with the language of pollution and disease. Images that equate men with plague-carrying rats are part of anti-Semitic and anti-Chinese racist escort ideology. Read more: why can’t I like anything on instagram | Top Q & AAfrica is considered a contagious continent, with many epidemics in the hot and humid jungles, spread by those who are reckless and have no sexual restraint. AIDS in particular is thought to have originated from Africans’ careless dealings with fellow citizens they ate or the blood of whom they used as an aphrodisiac. Irish or Japanese, and Africans and African Americans in particular. Throwing bananas in front of black athletes is a racist provocation common even today.

Why are blacks abused?

What accounts for this disastrous association of black people smeared as simians? A combination of factors can be the cause:

  • the prevalence of many species of great apes in Africa, which are closest in size to humans. The Asian great ape population is more limited, while in the Americas monkeys are found, but no apes;
  • the extent of the aesthetic “gap” between whites and blacks, their greater extent from whites’ view of physical “differences” (deviation not only in skin color and hair texture but rather facial features) compared with other “non-white” races;
  • a higher esteem by Europeans for Asians over African civilizations; and
  • above all is the spiritual impact of hundreds of years of racial slavery in modern times, which have stamped ‘Blacks’ as perpetual subs, natural slaves, in the global consciousness.

Large-scale chattel slavery requires reducing people to things. It is for that very reason that it also requires the most radical and systematic dehumanization in the theory of that reality.

Origin of species

Long before post-Darwinian “scientific racism” began to develop, black people could be seen depicted more closely as apes in the Great Chain of Being. Consider mid-19th-century America in circles where polygamy (separate origins of races) is valued. The leading modern scientists Josiah C. Nott and George R. Gliddon, in 1854 Their Types of Humans, documented what they considered to be objective racial hierarchies with comparative illustrations. Negro with chimpanzees, gorillas and orangutans. not a fringe document, but the leading American document on racial differences. Darwin didn’t discredit racism in science with ‘On the Origin of Species’ – he just improved it. ShutterstockDarwin’s revolutionary 1859 work, On the Origin of Species, discredits scientific racism but merely its polygenic variants. Social Darwinism, triumphant monogamy, will become the new racial fundamentalism. The global dominance of whites is being taken as evidence of the evolutionary superiority of the white race. .

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Tarzan = white skin

Popular culture plays an important role in disseminating these beliefs. The average American resident would hardly be able to read scientific journals. But they’re definitely reading H. Rider Haggard (author of King Solomon’s Mines and She) and Edgar Rice Burroughs (author of Tarzan). They go to the movies every week, including the “jungle movie” genre. They follow daily comic strips such as Phantom – Africa’s white superman, Ghost walker – America and Africa occupy a special place in the white man’s imagination, marked by most shameful misrepresentations. Burroughs would go on to become one of the best-selling authors of the 20th century. Not only in his many books, but also in the films made from them and various cartoons and comics, about the work. his most famous, Tarzan of the Apes.Read more: Red Rose Pigments | Top Q & ATarzan will imprint in Western minds the indelible image of a white man ruling the black continent. “Tar-zan” = “white” in Ape, the impressive multilingual Burroughs informs us. It was a world in which black people were divine beings, while apes were actually akin to humans. Rather, it reinforced a Manichean image that was widespread throughout the Western colonial world during the first half of the 20th century and still exists today. In this conflict between light and darkness, white Europeans ruled over black subordinates.

Notice of Lumumba

For example, the Tintin cartoon series by Belgian artist Hergé includes the famous Tintin au Congo, which also depicts Africans as inferior identical creatures. , as well as “macacos” in Portuguese Africa. In his Independence Day speech in 1960, Congolese leader Patrice Lumumba blasted the oppressive legacy of Belgian colonialism (to the surprise and outrage of the Belgian king and his party, who had expect grateful respect from natives). He is said to have concluded: Nous ne sommes plus vos macaques! (We are no longer your monkeys) The story appears to be a hoax – no documents have been found of it – but its wide circulation attests to the non-colonial aspirations of millions of Africans. Alas, in less than a year, Lumumba would be dead, assassinated with the involvement of Western agencies, and the country transitioned to a neo-colonial regime.

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Racist Alliance Between Classes

The use of simianisation as a racist insult to blacks is not over yet, as shown by the frenzy in South Africa caused by Penny Sparrow, a white woman, complaining about black people. celebrate Tet: From now on [on] I would call black people in South Africa monkeys because I see cute little wild monkeys doing the same, picking up and dropping trash.image 20160223 16425 q1vd0i The first couple of the United States, Barack and Michelle Obama, have ended their marriage. This doesn’t just stop at class boundaries. The internet has been flooded with ape comparisons since Barack and Michelle Obama moved into the White House. Even a socially liberal newspaper, such as the Belgian newspaper De Morgen, considered the imitation of the First Couple laughable. of racial oppression”, i.e.:… reducing all members of the oppressed group to a social status without distinction, below the social status of any member of the oppressive group. Simianisation is a version of this strategy, which has historically represented a deadly combination of sexism and racism. Monkey, Gender, Caste and Race. Zürich, Berlin, Vienna, Münster: Lit 2015/16 (ISBN 978-3-643-90716-5).Read more: why do dogs lick their ass | Top Q&A

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