Quakespasm. User Manual. How To Install, Setup And Play Quake 1

Wind chime. User manual. How to install, set up and play Quake 1

Why do you need a new game engine to play Quake 1 in 2020?


Original Quake was created to work under the control of Microsoft DOS operating system. If you also have an old PC, you’re probably running Windows XP, Vista, 7 or 10. But that shouldn’t be a problem, because when you buy Quake at Steam ($4.99) you get it. Windows versions besides MS-DOS one and even 3d accelerated GL versions support video resolutions up to 1920×1080 pixels. But there are still some problems:

  • No support for ultra wide (Aspect 21:9) screen resolution like 2560×1080 pixels. You can play in windowed mode or up to 1920×1080 with the GL version;
  • No soundtrack playback comes with original cd;
  • No autosave for options. You need to reset all options after each reboot or edit the configuration file manually;
  • The limitations of the original game engine like frame-by-frame animations (which look very raw), weird monster movements, etc;
  • No excessive lightand no support for fullbrights textures in the GL version. This small feature affects the overall atmosphere of the game;
  • Pixels are not square on textures that have no dimensions to the power of two.

John Carmack released the source code of Quake 1 in 1999. This started a lot of forks and mod development. Enthusiasts have reviewed the code and created new versions of the engine, allowing for a more comfortable Quake play. The new solutions aren’t perfect, but they have fewer bugs and introduce new features. Let’s check out the first one and find out how we can use it for a better experience. Read: how to install quakespasm


Quakespasm (official site) is a modern, cross-platform (Windows, Linux, macOS) Quake 1 OpenGL engine based on a different source port FitzQuake (Official Page). It supports 64-bit processors, plays cd music, includes a new audio driver, fixes common graphics problems. This is what the readme file says, but what do we get when we select Quakespasm:

  • This is one of the few engines, support ultra-wide screen includes a resolution of 2560 × 1080 pixels;
  • Fixed texture and lighting issues of the GL version;
  • Option to auto-save game on exit;
  • Support music cd;
  • Support mouse wheel to switch weapons;
  • Supports FOV (field of view) parameter required for widescreen;
  • Mod support (new levels are saved in separate folders). This will come in handy when you decide to play the new episode produced by MachineGames to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the original Quake;
  • Support for new graphical features such as fog, sky box and vertical sync.

Okay, let’s check how the game will look on Quakespazm after a quick setup: Not bad, right? I can say that it’s like a classic old school, quite close to the original atmosphere. Along with ambient music, you will easily dive into the dark world of Quake. To get the same picture, you need to complete several steps. Not bad, right? I can say that it’s like a classic old school, quite close to the original atmosphere. Along with ambient music, you will easily dive into the dark world of Quake. To get the same picture, you need to complete several steps. Not bad, right? I can say that it’s like a classic old school, quite close to the original atmosphere. Along with ambient music, you will easily dive into the dark world of Quake. To get the same picture, you need to complete several steps.

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Step by step instructions on how to set up Quakespasm

  • Purchase the original game via Steam or Gog;
  • Install Quake and find the game’s data files. Go to the game’s home directory. Usually, it is located at SteamLibray / steamapps / common / Quake. We need a folder called ID1:
  • Download Quakespasm for your operating system. I use Windows 10, but should work fine with older versions (7, Vista, XP);
  • Create a new folder named Quakespasm to store the original Quake engine and files;
  • Extract all the files inside the archive (mine is “quakespasm-0.92.1_win64.zip”) into a new folder;
  • Copy ID1 folder from the original Quake to the Quakespasm folder. You now have the original Quake data file and the Quakespasm tool file in the same directory. You will get something like this:Quiz file
  • Now we are ready for the first run. Double-click the topqa.info file to get started. You will see the main menu screen. Honestly, the original game starts with a demo replay, and we’ll return the same behavior a little later. Right now we need to do the initial setup: Read more: How to remove caulk from tilesQuakespasm main menu
  • Go Options → Video options → Video mode. Set the native resolution for your monitor. For example, I have set 2560 x 1080. Hit Vertical sync above. Turn Full screen above;
  • Save changes by pressing Apply changes;
  • Now go back to main menu and start new game via Single player → New game;
  • If the game starts without problems, we can continue to set up the engine. Let’s give up;
  • Quake (mirror) original soundtrack download time;
  • Create a new folder Quakespasm / Id1 / music. Go to the topqa.info/quake_campaign_soundtrack/id1/music folder inside the zip archive. Copy all music files to Quakespasm / Id1 / music. Now you will get music inside the game;
  • Please fix the demo playback when you run the game. Create a shortcut for the file “quakespasm-sdl2.exe”. Go Properties” → Tab Shortcut → Target. This field allows to run the game with options. Add command + replay demo1 Go to the end of the target and click Okay:Edit keyboard shortcut to play demo on start
  • Now we want to adjust some video settings. To do this, create a new file topqa.info in the directory Quakespasm / Id1 /. The engine runs this file at the end of the initialization process every time you run the game. It allows to adjust some motor variables. Put this code inside topqa.info: fov “100” r_particles “1” scr_showfps “1” scr_conalpha “1” mist “0.02” “0.8” “0.6” “0.4” r_skyfog “0” gl_texturemode “1” crosshair “1” + mlook
    • fov – View. Allows viewing of more information on wide and ultra-wide screens. Value 100 works for me, you can also try different values. The default value is set to “100”;
    • r_particles – Determine the shape of 2d particles (fire, smoke, blood, etc.). “0” – no beads, “1” – round beads, “2” – square beads;
    • scr_showfps – Display frame rate per second. “0” – hide, “1” – show;
    • scr_conalpha – Set panel opacity. The value must be between “0.0” and “1.0”;
    • fog – Allow fog effect. The first number sets the density in the range from “0.0” to “1.0”. The next three numbers set the RGB components for the color of the fog in the same range. This command will not be executed automatically like other variables before. To make it work, you need to run “autoexec.cfg” manually every time. I’ll show you how to do this later in this guide. Now let’s continue with the other options;
    • r_skyfog – Control fog density for sky background. I set it to 0, because it looks weird with other values;
    • gl_texture_mode – Set method for texture mapping. “1” – GL_NEAREST, “2” – GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST, “3” – GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR, “4” – GL_LINEAR, “5” – GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST, “6” – GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR. Set the value to “1” for a sharp look and use “4” for a smooth texture;
    • crosshair – Set the shape of the cross. “0” – hidden, “1” – diagonal;
    • + mlook – Allows mouse viewing.
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  • There are many other useful variables and commands at the Fitzquake homepage.
  • Alright, we’re ready to play Quake with the Quakespasm engine. Run the shortcut we created earlier to get started:Quakespasm running Quake demo Looks and sounds much better now. Let’s try to complete a few levels before we continue our experiment. Edit the settings and find out what works better for you.

    Configure file

    Do you remember the “fog” command located in topqa.info? It still doesn’t work, please fix this. Run the game and press the “~” key (usually located above the Tab key). The console will appear. This is a terminal-like command line interface in the operating system. You can execute each command here. Let’s turn on the fog effect. Start a new game and enter inside the console: fog “0.02” “0.8” “0.6” “0.4”With (right) and without fog effect Configuration files allow to execute console commands, set variables, and create key aliases. The file “config.cfg” is managed by the engine. You can tweak it, but if you start the game you might lose some command lines, comments and spaces. So a good way to work with configuration is to put the lines inside the file “autoexec.cfg” and this is what we have done. Now open “config.cfg” and find the line “ENTER” “+ jump” link at the beginning and replace it with: bind “ENTER” “execute topqa.info” This command will execute the configuration file “autoexec.cfg” every time you press the Enter key. Now run Quakespasm, start a new game and press Enter. The fog effect will be turned on immediately. You can create separate configuration files, for example, “fog.cfg”, put the fog command inside and assign another node in “config.cfg”. This will allow you to create as many profiles as needed. If you have any questions or want to know more about console commands, feel free to use this thread.

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    Time to play Quake

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