How To Read From A Teleprompter

Video How to Read from a Telescope You are filming and you will read a script from TelePrompter. It means someone thinks you’re pretty special. If this is your first time using Prompter, you will probably have some questions. Such as What is TelePrompter? Read: reading from the telePrompter (referred to as the Prompter) is a mirrored device placed in front of the camera lens. The script is projected onto it in such a way that you can read it while looking directly into the lens. An operator sits not far away, controlling the scroll speed to sync with your submission. Using Prompter for the first time can feel a bit awkward. Luckily, there are some easy things you can do to do it like a pro.1. Familiarize yourself with your script. It seems obvious, but you’d be surprised how many people haven’t even seen the script until they’re in front of the camera. That is a very bad idea. You must be familiar with the words you will say, and that must happen before the day of the shoot.2. Practice reading. Ideally, practice reading your script from an actual Referral, a few days before shooting. If that’s not possible, read the script from your computer screen instead of reading it on paper. At Allied Pixel, we’re happy for you to come and practice with Prompter before shooting. Read more: How to draw a flamingo3. Possession of words. There’s a big difference between just reading words on a screen and actually speaking. Practice with a trusted colleague and ask if it’s like you’re reading. Remember that each and every sentence has a single most important word. Learn how to stress the word. To understand this, try reading Dr. Seuss’ book aloud. Serious.4. Slow down, then speed up. The first few times you practice reading, take it slow. Retain words and sentences so they sink in. Then, once you’re confident with the script, get up to speed. Your on-camera reading should be normal, clip-on conversation – neither rushed nor too slow.5. Be comfortable. Good posture will help you deliver. If possible, stand rather than sit. Find something to do with your hands (other than stuff them in your pocket.) If the light bothers you, let your manager know. Too warm? Too cold? Too many distractions? Speak up.6. Bring your personality. Instead of telling you to “be yourself”, I recommend “be yourself plus 10%”. I mean, make your delivery and manners a little bigger than real life. (Unless you’re a little too hyped, in which case you might want to scale them down.)7. Find out your prompter operator. You will dance a tango with the prompt op. He or she will be in step lock with you, accelerating and decelerating to track your delivery. Try to develop a little relationship before the camera turns.8. Adjustment. Text format and size are adjustable. If you want slightly larger words, just ask your Prompter staff. You can also convert the text from white on black to black and white if that makes it easier for you to read. Read more: how to ski downhill josh luca9. Have a drink. Not bourbon, but water. Have a bottle of water on hand and take a sip between sessions to prevent dry mouth.10. Smile. All kinds of little bumps can become irrelevant with one simple technique: a smile. Breathe and smile at each break point. Make it look like you’re having fun, even if deep down you want to walk on your nails. Will you automatically become a world-class TelePrompter reader? In fact, yes, you will. Good luck and have fun.Bill HaleyPS Do you have a question about the video? Let me know and I’ll try to answer that in a future post. Read more: how to cheat in scattered slots

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