15 Fashion Tips On How To Dress As Fairy Kei

Video How to be fairy keiFairy-kei is a fashion style that’s been around for quite some time, and isn’t a new trend by any means.It originated in the late 90’s, when fashionista and fashion entrepreneur, Sebastian Masuda, began retailing fairy oriented clothing in his Japan-based store.Reading: how to be fairy keiA simultaneously operating figure in the budding fashion trend, Sauri Tabuchi, was meanwhile running a second-hand clothing store, Spank!, that specialized in a similar type of clothing style. Together, these pioneers developed a trend that would grow exponentially over the next decade, culminating in the blossoming and unique, worldwide fashion phenomenon we see today.SourceFairy-kei loosely translates to “fairy-style” and is similar to the many other Lolita-inspired, Japanese street fashion trends out there in that it utilizes many kiddish and childhood inspired looks. What makes this trend its own unique style, is its emphasis on bright, pastel and fluro color schemes, and a specific interest in revivalist 80’s cartoons and symbols.From Care Bears, to My Little Pony, and even certain elements of Japanese manga, this trend draws from a variety of cultural pools of interest. It’s incredibly versatile, extremely flexible, and very flamboyant, but more importantly — it’s cuteness level is off the scale.Fairy Kei Model - Charlotte - MyPastelUniverseSourcePastel colored hair is a common feature to the fairy-kei fashionista, but it isn’t a necessity. Leaving hair natural, but dressing it up with a variety of cute, yet simple accessories, is very popular in the scene. Brightly colored bows are commonplace throughout the Western, as well as Asian scenes, but not nearly as much as the 80’s cartoon references people flaunt in their outfits. Tutus, bunched socks, cute crop tops, hair ribbons, and even leg warmers, are all items you can expect to find in a fairy-kei store.You can really wear anything, just as long as it’s colorful (the emo isle is further that way, the darkness is not something that’s worshiped here, folks, only happy places), but again, more importantly, it has to be cute!If you’re unsure as to what constitutes a fairy-kei item, it’s really quite simple: whatever’s bright, whatever’s cute, and whatever suits you. The key to this trend, like most other Japanese street-wear trends, is the unstructured and individual-based theme. You do what suits you, what you think looks good on you, and you mustn’t be afraid to customize things the way you see fit. It’s a DIY subculture as much as it is a theme-based subculture, so don’t hesitate to make something your own!Don’t worry if you’re still unsure as to what to wear, as below we’ve developed a list of 16 fashion tips on how to dress as fairy-kei. Hopefully some of the tips help you with your clothing choices, and maybe you’ll feel inspired to get in touch with your inner fairy!

1. Sailor Moon Denim Jacket, Heart Print Tights, Pink Horse Shoes, a Self-Made Circle Skirt, and the Accessories to Match


Sailor Moon Denim Jacket, Heart Print Tights, Pink Horse Shoes, a Self-Made Circle Skirt, and the Accessories to MatchSourceRight off the bat we start of with this excellent combination of fairy-kei items, that look absolutely cute to the max in an outfit. The pink and blue really go well together, and it almost makes everything look like a blossoming flower! I positively love the Sailor Moon references (the wand MUST be mine!), and the heart-print tights really match well with the skirt. This is a fine example of what the subculture is all about. The outfit creator used elements from other trends that she loves, like the Pastel Goth studs, and the Rockabilly-inspired hairdo, and incorporated them into her fairy-kei look.

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2. Pastel Pink Tulle Skirt, Ardene Black Lace Tights, Pink Horse Shoes, Floral Crown, and a Band T Over a White Collared Dress

Pastel Pink Tulle Skirt, Ardene Black Lace Tights, Pink Horse Shoes, Floral Crown, and a Band T Over a White Collared DressSourceRead more: How old do you have to be to drink gfuelPastel pastel pastel, oh how I love pastel. The contrast between the black and the muted pastel has to be given a 10/10 (if I HAD to score it), and the nerdy tones go swimmingly with fairy-kei I must say. The pink kind of looks apricotty, which I simply love, and the pastel dyed hair looks surreal. I also love the floral crown, which is making me woozy with how cute it looks (◠‿◠✿)

3. Pink Denim Sailor Moon Jacket, Sax Blue Polkadot Bustier Dress, and an Assortment of Cute Pins

Pink Denim Sailor Moon Jacket, Sax Blue Polkadot Bustier Dress, and an Assortment of Cute PinsSourceThis outfit just screams DIY, but also screams cute even louder! Another fine looking Sailor Moon jacket, only this time covered in pretty little pins ☆(❁‿❁)☆ Another brilliant Ardene item in the form of the blue dress, which goes crazy cute with the pastel jacket (blue and pink never goes wrong in the pastel colors). A simple and easy outfit, this one is a must try for anybody looking to throw on something cute and bounce around town.

4. Large Rose Floral Crown, Pastel Rainbow Layered Fairy Kei Skirt, Pastel Pink Long Sleeved Jumper, Pink Horse Shoes, and Retro My Little Pony Pins

Large Rose Floral Crown, Pastel Rainbow Layered Fairy Kei Skirt, Pastel Pink Long Sleeved Jumper, Pink Horse Shoes, and Retro My Little Pony PinsSourceOMG what a cute little piece of creative cuteness this outfit is. The pastel sheen this entire look creates is reminiscent of a cute and cuddly little My Little Pony toy, and the wig almost embodies that entirely! I love the Angelic Pretty socks, and they flow so seamlessly into the shoes as well as the cutesy little dress. The shoulder bag is a nice little added treat, and so to is the resin pink heart necklace from Nerdy Little Secrets.

5. Pastel Tie-Dyed Smiths T, A Black Shoulder Studded Cardigan, Two-Tone Wig, Pastel Pink Ribbon, Black Lace Bow Tights, and White Docker Creepers (with many cute pins)

Pastel Tie-Dyed Smiths T, A Black Shoulder Studded Cardigan, Two-Tone Wig, Pastel Pink Ribbon, Black Lace Bow Tights, and White Docker CreepersSourceThis one’s a bit more of a mix mash of trends, but it’s still Lolita, still fits with the fairy-kei style perfectly, and still entirely cute. I love the addition of white on black creepers, as well as the studs on the shoulders, and if gives a nice little alternative feel. A pastel tie-dyed Smiths shirt brings the whole look together, a perfect mix of Grunge and fairy-kei, and the pastel blue skirt brightens up the look completely. I also love the two-tone wig, especially when combined with the bow.

6. Retro My Little Pony Shirt, Lavender Cardigan, Mint on Lavender Tulle Skirt, and Holographic Oxford Platforms

Retro My Little Pony Shirt, Lavender Cardigan, Mint on Lavender Tulle Skirt, and Holographic Oxford PlatformsSourceA cute totally 80’s inspired look from start to finish. I love the pastel tutu, and it almost has a kind of 3D-type look to it (o´ω`o) Iridescent, holographic, pastel, and completely 80’s, this outfit is a must try for any occasion. Love the hoop earrings, love the bow, love the pins, and love everything about this outfit. Perfect pink to purple color scheme, and perfect fairy cuteness.

7. Self-Made Pastel Tie-Dye Shirt, Pastel Clouds Dreamy Layer Skirt, a Chubby Pink Heart Pattern Bow, Pink X White Over Knee Socks, a Baby Pink Cardigan, and a Sailor Moon Wand Necklace

Self-Made Pastel Tie-Dye Shirt, Pastel Clouds Dreamy Layer Skirt, a Chubby Pink Heart Pattern Bow, Pink X White Over Knee Socks, a Baby Pink Cardigan, and a Sailor Moon Wand NecklaceSource“Pretty in pink” is the theme here (or at least I would like to think it is?) and the matching items all combine together to make for a wonderfully cute outfit. The hair is a rich pink which offsets the dull pastel pinks that are seen throughout the outfit, which may not occur if you try it, but it’s worth noting it if you’re thinking of dying your hair! The toxic blossom skirt is a gem of a piece, and goes well with the self-made and thrifted pieces of pastel clothing. Love the sailor moon necklace, which has been provided by Nerdy Little Secrets, who also provided the cute little headband.

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8. A Printed Baby Pink Dress, with a Lavender Cardigan, Printed Pastel Blue Tights, Baby Purple Combat Boots, and an Ace of Hearts Shoulder Bag

A Printed Baby Pink Dress, with a Lavender Cardigan, Printed Pastel Blue Tights, Baby Purple Combat Boots, and an Ace of Hearts Shoulder BagSourcePink on purple is a match made in heaven — especially when it’s all pastel. I really love the layered look this outfit has, with the collared pink shirt being covered by another purple shirt, a pink dress, and a purple cardigan. All of this descends into some really nifty looking tights that ends with a pair of muted pastel purple combat boots. Rough and cute, but bright and pretty at the same time.

9. Pink Cardigan with White Ribbon Buttons, Mint Polkadot Retro BabyDoll Dress, Whip Showcase White Over Knee Socks, a Giant Floral Crown, and Bubblegum Pink Horse Shoes

Pink Cardigan with White Ribbon Buttons, Mint Polkadot Retro BabyDoll Dress, Whip Showcase White Over Knee Socks, a Giant Floral Crown, and Bubblegum Pink Horse ShoesSourceRead more: Aethoxysklerol Sclerotherapy treatment of varicose veins and hemorrhoidsThis is an example of how to rock natural hair, with the blond hair being used as a canvass to be dressed up and prettied. The giant self-made floral headband does this excellently, but the hair has been spun to look extra stylish and cutesy — making me rage with cute envy (≧◡≦) The Ardene dress is a perfect item choice for this outfit, and goes very well with the cardigan that also had a cute scalloped collar feature on it. Love the horse shoes, which are a must have for your collection (if you don’t already have them!).

10. Self-Made Mindfulness Tee, Pink Cat Bow, Pink Cat Skirt, Black Cardigan, Black Faux Heart Thigh Highs, White Creepers with Black Trimmings

Self-Made Mindfulness Tee, Pink Cat Bow, Pink Cat Skirt, Black Cardigan, Black Faux Heart Thigh Highs, White Creepers with Black TrimmingsSourceAgain, another example of how to rock natural hair: keep the style cute, and doll it up with cute accessories. I love the creepers with the thigh highs, especially because the color molds into the two items so well. The black on the thigh highs also matches the cardigan, which is another plus! Any time cats are included, I’m all ears, because who doesn’t love cats? They’re adorable ! (°∀°)

11. Pink Lolita Shirt, Mint Cardigan, Layered Lavender Skirt, Multiple Print Socks with Rainbow Layering, and Pearl Wrist Bands and Necklaces

Pastel Tie Dyed Smiths T A Black Shoulder Studded Cardigan Two Tone Wig Pastel Pink Ribbon Black Lace Bow Tights and White Docker CreepersSourceThis outfit is like a pastel rainbow, and shows that a mixing of different colors can work with the pastel color scheme. It’s like a fairy-kei extravaganza, and the Lolita elements really prove to be quite stunning features when they’re contrasted with different colors. I also love the pearls! They give a shine and a gloss that simply cannot be achieved with other jewellery items.

12. Pink Unicorn Shirt, Pale Blue Cardigan, Black and White Polkadot Skirt, Faux Knee High Winter Boots, and matching 6% Doki Doki Miniature Baby Pink Sugar Bows

Pink Unicorn Shirt, Pale Blue Cardigan, Black and White Polkadot Skirt, Faux Knee High Winter Boots, and matching 6% Doki Doki Miniature Baby Pink Sugar BowsSourceReally love the black on pink here, which is contrasted with the fluro hair color and the deep yet pale blue look of the cardigan. This time it’s not a My Little Pony shirt that’s responsible for the ponies, as this my friends is the pony’s mythical cousin — the majestic unicorn. Ah yes, the majestic and illusive unicorn, so elegant, yet so cute at the same time (well, when it’s portrayed in a cute manner — those horns could really hurt somebody you know).

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13. Mint Frill Blouse, Pink Print Tights, Cat Face Watch (and an abundance of many other cute accessories), and Rocking Horse Shoes in Bubblegum Pink

Mint Frill Blouse, Pink Print Tights, Cat Face Watch (and an abundance of many other cute accessories), and Rocking Horse Shoes in Bubblegum PinkSourceBright and colorful, and it just screams fairy from the tips of the highest mountain (or cloud). Cuter than the word itself, this outfit features an array of different items, which if you’re having a lazy day, don’t even attempt to try this outfit out. This is more for those days when you have extra time to burn, and you don’t care how long it takes for you to embody everything the word cute is defined as being. The extravagant wig is supplied by Toxic Blossom who make simply amazing fairy-kei items, and the blouse is a Cherry D specialty. 3 Items featured in this outfit are from Angelic Pretty, which are the detachable collar, the brooches, and the ivory-made item.

14. A Pink on Lavender Dress with Polkadots on Top, Baby Blue Printed Tights, Baby Blue Heel Sandals, a Muted Pin Cardigan, and a Hello Kitty Plush Handbag

A Pink on Lavender Dress with Polkadots on Top, Baby Blue Printed Tights, Baby Blue Heel Sandals, a Muted Pin Cardigan, and a Hello Kitty Plush HandbagSourceNothing says the word cute quite like this outfit looks, and I have to say that it’s probably the cutest one on this list. The Hello Kitty bag just takes everything to a whole other level of cute, and how something can be so plush and yet still be real will forever be a mystery to me. I love the light pinks mixed in the light blues, and the star necklace really stands out as a result of the light colors present. Everything from the hair accessory, to the shoes, all makes my cute meter flaunt with the idea of exceeding its threshold. Even the earrings are a fantastic element that makes this outfit pop!

15. Little Twin Stars T-Shirt Dress, Mint Fluffy Cardigan, Light Pink Knee High Socks, and Creepers Sneakers in Black and White

Little Twin Stars T-Shirt Dress, Mint Fluffy Cardigan, Light Pink Taobao Knee High Socks, and Taobao Creeperesque Sneakers in Black and WhiteSourceRounding off this list is everything that embodies this scene — simple, colorful, cute, and fashion oriented. Utilizing items for unconventional things, like taking an oversized Tee and turning it into a lovely little dress, and incorporating other trends into the style like the creepers or the red hair tip highlights. After seeing something like this, how could you not feel obliged to let your inner fairy flourish!You can go thrift shopping to find timeless pieces and gems, or you can customize your own clothing and make Fairy Kei items to your taste. The possibilities are endless!Check us out on Instagram, Pinterest & Facebook!Read more: how to access ps4 screenshots from pc

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