why is god keeping me single
Do you keep asking yourself why does God keep me single? I remember I asked God the same thing and that’s when God decided to answer me and the answer was a hard pill to be realistic and it’s not pretty. Because the answer is not about OTHER people, the answer is God keep me single because there are some things I need to improve in myself. I think we can focus on why God doesn’t give us a relationship, this becomes our whole focus. In my case, there were a few things OR MANY things that God wanted me to heal before he ever got me into a relationship. I remember I used to sit in one place in the house and just whine and complain and pray a lot. about God not giving me a man. BUT it’s a shortcoming, in the sense that if I obsess over a relationship THAT much then it’s a problem means it’s become an idol. And single women I will tell you as God told me, why He keeps you single and what you can do about it.
1. Why God kept me single because you have a purpose.
Relationships are fulfilling, I don’t get it wrong but I don’t think God went through all the trouble to form you in your mother’s womb (Jeremiah 1:5) so that you can. girlfriend, wife or attachment to a man. ? I think that God has given you your unique talent and purpose that He wants you to do in this life without depending on anyone else and that when you do that, the man will come naturally. [believers will be called to account and] all must appear first [a]judgment place of Christ, so that each person may be repaid for what he has done in the body, whether good or bad [b]bad [that is, each will be held responsible for his actions, purposes, goals, motives” the use or misuse of his time, opportunities and abilities]. 2 Corinthians 5:10 (AMP)When you’re single, what I want you to reflect on is how you spend your time, what God is putting in front of you that you don’t take advantage of, perhaps because you’re too focused on a man. One of the things God told me about why He kept me single is that I have a purpose and maybe when I start working towards that purpose I will meet a man along the way. But refusing to move forward would get me stuck. Because of the fact that when I listened to God, He was right. I don’t date the same type of man and I know a man who would like me that way. That can only happen when I know what I have to do with my life and don’t focus on the man who isn’t in my life. Also, be sure to watch my video on why you should be purposeful and not a man, where I go into more detail on this. And subscribe to my channel by clicking here.
2. God is keeping you single because relationships are your idol.
I know we know about the entire 10 commandments and even the deeds of the flesh about having idols. Most people associate this with having other gods BUT NO. It is whatever you want or desire rather than God. [with its sensual, self-centered instincts] immorality, impurity, passion for sin, evil desires and greed, that is [a kind of] idolatry [because it replaces your devotion to God]. Colossians 3:5 (AMP)So perhaps all the energy that you’ve spent thinking about a relationship or even wanting one should be put back into God. Relationships are not a bad thing BUT when you crave them to the point where you only think about and all you want then that is idolatry because idols take the place of your devotion to God. And God is a jealous God, God is jealous of you and He will NEVER give you something to distract you from Him. Ideally, a relationship that moves you closer to God, not away or displaced. Read more: Why is it called a poop deck. Christ. 2 Corinthians 11:2 (AMP)
3. Why God kept me single maybe it’s because you need to heal
We all have baggage it’s just a fact of life, having it is not the problem but having it without being aware of it and not handling it is the problem. If you have low self-esteem, then you will attract men who take advantage of it. If you are needy or have father problems then you will attract toxic and emotionally abusive men. And if by chance you get a good man even with all your problems, it will be hard for you to have a healthy relationship because your baggage will pile up the whole relationship because it doesn’t. be solved. And either he will leave or the relationship will just be unbearable. No one wants to shoulder all the responsibility for your unsightly baggage. Nobody is perfect. We all have luggage even when I have it BUT I’ve learned to deal with it. It was a very sad day when I saw women with luggage they didn’t even know it was. They swore they were ready to be in a relationship but they ran into all these problems and God knows if you join you with the other your problems will turn to them and the rest of the world. that’s not fair. This leads me to my next point.
4. God keeps you single because you’re toxic
I’m a woman and I’ve run into other toxic women so I can only imagine how some of these men feel dealing with some of you. Some of them whine, complain and scream too much. And making a mountain on a mountain slope, every little thing is a problem. For the Bible makes it clear: It rains continuously on a regular rainy day, and a quarrelsome (or quarrelsome) woman is the same; whoever tries to restrain her [criticism] can also try to block the wind, and grab the oil with his right hand. Proverbs 27: 15-20It means that some of you are mouth-watering, some of you are exaggerating and don’t know how to talk to people. As you read Proverbs 31 Women, which I advise you all to do, says this: Her husband’s heart trusts her. [with secure confidence], and he will not lack benefits. She comforts, encourages and he is only good, not evil. All the days of her life. Proverbs 31: 11-12That means you have to ask yourself who you are in a relationship. Can a man trust you? Are you flirting with other men? Are you encouraging or are you always yelling at him that you’ll leave if you don’t get what you want? If you are toxic energy when you are in a relationship, then you need to find a way to heal from that because no man wants to get infected with it. A great place to start is to watch my video on the type of woman God wants you to be. Which you can see below.
5. Why God Keeps Me Single, It’s Because You Don’t Know What Love Is.
I am a big violator of this. For some reason, women think our purpose is to be a ride girl or die even to men who reject men. And we somehow feel that this is the true nature of love when it is simply NOT true. When you read the following scripture: Read more: Why are YouTube users asking for likes? | Top Q & ALove endures with patience and serenity, kind and caring love, without jealousy or envy; love does not boast and is not arrogant or arrogant. It’s not rude; it’s not self-interest, it’s not provoked [nor overly sensitive and easily angered]; it does not take into account a mistake suffered. It does not rejoice in injustice, but rejoices in the truth [when right and truth prevail]. Love gives it all [regardless of what comes]believe everything [looking for the best in each one]hope everything [remaining steadfast during difficult times]endure everything [without weakening]. 1 Corinthians 13:4-8While no one is perfect and we may never be able to find this form of true love, we should at least try to both be and find someone like this. I told about my emotionally abusive relationship with my son’s father and everything was the exact opposite of this. So, if you keep getting yourself into a wrong relationship, God won’t continue to allow you to hurt yourself. Your celibacy is to protect you until you can realize true love and accept that this is God’s will for you and not some random version of it. Also, check out my video below on when love wasn’t enough.
6. God is keeping you single because you have nothing to offer.
Leave it to me to keep it real to you. Some of you women have nothing to offer and have the guts to want the BEST man possible. The truth of the matter is that when God created Eve, He created her to be a companion to man. [that was] suitable (a companion) for him. Therefore, the Lord God put Adam to sleep; and while he slept, he took one of his ribs and hammered the flesh there. And the rib that the Lord God took from the man that He made (formed, created) into a woman, and He took her and presented her to the man. Genesis 2:4-3:24 (AMP)Relationships aren’t just about sex, it’s not just about a man giving you money, in fact, relationships are NOT all about you. You have to bring something to a relationship. No one wants to feel taken advantage of and no one wants to feel like they are in a relationship with someone who has nothing to offer. In the book Played or Be Played (you can click here to buy it but to be fair it has some profanity in it and I also talked about this with my patron (you can click here) come here and become a member of) He rates women A women F and women F as desperate women with nothing to offer and has become an A woman and as I said if you need help to do that then join my sponsor.
I know some of this advice isn’t the kind of advice you want to hear but if you’re asking yourself why God kept me single then you know that the only person you can change is you. It could be some of these reasons or none of these reasons, BUT it’s best to keep working on yourself so that you can attract and be the ideal partner. If you know someone who might need to read this blog then go ahead and share it with them. PLUS, I have a book for single Christian women that you can buy here and it’s even audible. If you’re not sure if the book is for you, click here or the image below to get the first chapter for free.
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