Why Doesn’t He Want Me? (If He Doesn’t Want You, Read This Now…)

When a man doesn’t want you…


If you’re single and dating, chances are you’ll have the magical experience of meeting a guy you really like. Like that. He has everything you ever wanted in a guy. He’s fun to be around, he’s also great to look at and talk to and he’s a great guy. The chase? He doesn’t want you. Even worse than a breakup sometimes. You do not understand. Everything seems to be great, what’s the problem? Why doesn’t he want me?SEE ALSO: 11 Signs He Doesn’t Like YouYou can’t help but follow the negative path. Am I not pretty enough? Not smart enough? Not interesting enough? It must be something! I have been through this many times. Being wanted, but wanting is not enough. And it’s falling apart. I think the worst case scenario for me is Kevin the Damage Case, we have electrochemistry, we get along well, can talk for hours, we have similar goals and values. … but he doesn’t want to be with me. He just didn’t “see it.”MORE: How to Get Over a Guy Who Doesn’t Like You BackI called him a case of damage for a reason. He’s pretty hurt emotionally. He has never been in a healthy relationship before me and has a bunch of other issues. I know this, but I still think I might be the exception. I thought I could be the woman who inspired him to change. I thought that as long as I was “enough” he would be healed. I think what a lot of women think and like all of those women, I burned painfully. He likes me and I like him. We’re so good together…so why aren’t we actually together? Maybe it was his hurt, maybe we just didn’t get along (in the time I realized it was really a combination of the two), the reasons didn’t matter, the facts did.SEE ALSO: Why The Guys You Want Don’t Want YouAnd this is a very important thing to understand about men…

Boys are either all or none.

There isn’t really a middle ground. But “no” covers a wide range. It ranges from the guy who is completely uninterested in you, to the guy who is semi-interested but not enough. When a guy likes you, he’s everything. And that is obvious. As in, clear as day, with no room for interpretation or doubt. Read more: Why is mona lisa so expensiveSEE ALSO: Signs He Doesn’t Like YouNone of the excuses he makes will give you the clarity you crave. Maybe he says he’s stressed at work, now is not the right time, he doesn’t want to ruin the friendship, he likes everything as it is…. But it’s all just code for him not wanting to be with you. When I was single and dating, a friend told me this: “You want a guy who will look at you and say, ‘I can’t believe you exist.’ And something clicked inside and I realized, that’s what I want! None of the boys in my life have ever given me that. All they gave me was uncertainty, doubt, and a feeling of inadequacy. A few years after that conversation, I started dating my husband. And I think maybe on our third date, he looked me straight in the eye and said, “I just can’t believe you’re real. Where have you been all this time?” And he gave me a look. “I can’t believe you exist and you’re mine.” That’s not some unrealistic Hollywood ideal. That’s what it looks like to be thoroughly wanted.A guy who texts you here, there and all for a number of days and disappears without a trace, is a guy who doesn’t want you to follow. He doesn’t want you in a way that really matters.SEE ALSO: Signs he’s not interested in you

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Why does he keep coming back if he doesn’t want a relationship?

So if a guy doesn’t want you, why won’t he let you go? Why does he keep reappearing (and always as soon as you start moving on)? Well… it wasn’t always that dry. He may not want to be in a relationship with you, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have feelings for you. He may be attracted to you, he may enjoy your company, he may see you as a really cool girl… he just doesn’t want to be with you and like I said, why because it doesn’t matter. You just take it at face value and try not to take it personally.MORE: Ask a Guy – Signs He Doesn’t Like YouIf he doesn’t want to be with you the way you want him to, it’s not because you’re unlovable, unwanted, or flawed in some way. It’s not because he’s a bad guy with bad intentions who wants to break your heart. It’s not because he’s trying to play you. Much of it is down to circumstance and choice. Some of these things are within your control and some are not. I’m the type of person you always need to know. That’s probably how I ended up doing this for a living! So, if you’re like me and need a reason, here are some of the most common…

Reasons he doesn’t want you:

1. He doesn’t want anyone.

He may not be in a place where he can give anything to anyone. This is common with “damage cases.” Sometimes people have too much going on in their lives and this puts them in a very withdrawn state of mind, making them incapable of giving anything to anyone else. This is a mistake that I have made many times. You think that just loving him is enough, as long as you show him the right amount of respect, he will break through his wall and become the man you need. It doesn’t work like that. You want a partner, not a project.SEE ALSO: Signs he’s losing interest in you

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2. You are not an opponent.

I know it’s a personal feeling, I know it sounds like something is wrong with you, but it’s not. Sometimes it’s not a match. There will come a time when you’ll shine, and you’ll break some poor guy’s heart. And other times, the guy will have the clarity and you will be the one who doesn’t understand because he doesn’t see how perfect you two are together?? Read more: why does youtube keep logging me out | Q&A top If it’s not a match, it’s not a match. You can’t force him to be with you or change his mind. All you can control is yourself. So just take it for what it is and don’t beat yourself up for it for what use?

3. There are some things he doesn’t like about you.

Life is an evolutionary process, and it can take us a lifetime to become our best selves. You may not be there, some are further away than others. Or maybe you just have a strong, outgoing personality and he likes softer girls. That doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with you, it just means you’re not right for what he wants or needs and that’s okay! All you can do is push yourself and try to be yourself. If you do that, then you know that you did all you could and whatever was out of your control.

4. Different goals/values

Things that may not be a big deal to you could be a big deal to him. We all have things that are important to us and these carry varying degrees of importance. Men tend to have a more realistic approach to relationships than most women. Women see the potential of what is possible and hold fast to that ideal. See what it is. If something important isn’t there, he won’t treat the relationship as a permanent project, he’ll cut his losses.

5. Wrong timing.

As they say… timing is everything. My husband and I had been intertwined in each other’s lives for 11 years before finally realizing that we should date again (we dated in high school), and since then it took about two dates for us realize they are perfect for each other. I’m not saying you should wait for a guy to change his mind, it’s the worst thing you can do. And then just see what happens. You are not the author of your life, you cannot write your perfect ending or steer the story in a certain direction. You just don’t know what will happen next.MORE: What to do when he says he doesn’t want to be in a relationshipAbove all, when a man tells you he doesn’t want a relationship, believe him. This is where a lot of women make mistakes. They continue to act like his girlfriend even though he’s made it clear that’s not what he wants, and then she gets annoyed when he doesn’t act like a boyfriend. You hold him to some unfair standard because he never wanted to be cast in the role. You’re 100% single until he explicitly and unequivocally locks it down. That means you can “be friends” and he can. If he sees that you’re not committed to him and he could lose you to some guy while he’s sitting on the fence, and if he really likes you, then he’ll walk away. up and will commit. If he continues to be indifferent then it means that he doesn’t like you enough and at least now you know to not waste any more time. It includes the following: • Great relationships don’t happen because you turn a “no” into a “yes”. • Great relationships happen because you said “no” to men who don’t want you to make room for them. • Don’t say “yes” to a man, you should say “no”. That’s really all you need to know!SEE ALSO: 5 Signs Your Boyfriend Doesn’t Love YouI hope this article has helped you understand why the guy you want doesn’t want you back. Now there are many things you need to know. At some point, men will wonder: Is this the woman I want to commit to? The answer will determine whether the relationship deepens or ends. Do you know how a man decides if a woman is a girlfriend or material wife? Do you know what inspires a man to want to commit? If not, you need to continue reading this article: The #1 things men want in a woman The next problem many women will face is when he seems to be losing interest, withdrawing. or appear cold. Do you know what you do? If not, read this next: If He’s Pulling Away, Do This… Read More: Waxing | Top Q&A

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Here are the most likely reasons he doesn’t want you:

  • He doesn’t want anyone.
  • You are not an opponent.
  • There are some things he doesn’t like about you.
  • Different goals/values.
  • Time is not correct.

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