Why Does My Cat Eat My Hair

All cat parents know how much their cats love to groom themselves. But what happens when your kitten starts to groom you? Why does my cat eat my fur? There are several answers to the question of why your cat is eating or chewing your fur. And if you don’t like the behavior or it’s getting out of control, there are plenty of ways to discourage it.

Why does my cat eat my hair?


1. To socialize

Cats that live in groups tend to groom each other – a concept known as condominiums. They will lick, bite, or rub other cats in the group to show their love and affection. Cat families tend to all smell the same. This smell determines which cat species is friendly and safe for your cat. The stronger your relationship with your cat, the more likely they are to enjoy eating or chewing fur. Cats know that we are not felines, but they still want to build a strong relationship with us, so they use cat behaviors to express this desire.white kitten bites motherIf your cat suddenly starts licking or eating your fur, check to see if you’ve changed your shampoo or other hair care products as they may like the scent. And remember that fur is your hair, so if a cat wants to make you part of its family, chances are it will head there to bond. However, our fur is not designed for cat tongue grooming. Our fur is irregular or thick like a cat’s and it is usually much longer. So don’t get upset if your cat tries to eat your fur and then rejects it.gray maine-coon cat with green eyes looking to the side

2. To relieve stress

Biting or eating a loved one’s fur can help calm cats down if they’re upset or anxious. When your cat is feeling anxious, eating your fur will calm her down because she is showing attachment to you and asking for you. In some ways, self-grooming is kittens’ way of self-massaging to soothe themselves. This can be anything from moving a child in the house to a new pet. This is how cats confirm their relationship with you and mark you as part of their group.black and white cat lying on a rock with the sea behind

3. Soothes

The eating or chewing of fur in cats can often be attributed to thumb-licking behavior in children. It can be a self-soothing behavior that cats develop during weaning to help them calm down and comfort themselves.

4. Because it must

Cats can be tough chewers. Signs of compulsive chewing are your cat chewing on anything and everything and her chewing behavior becoming more intense and/or more frequent.Siamese cat lying on a chairSiamese Cats Keep an eye out for this behavior. If the cat’s behavior in this area is not controlled, it can develop Pica disease. Pica is an obsessive-compulsive medical disorder where a cat develops a desire to eat things other than food. Contact your veterinarian if this situation arises.

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5. Because it has an overactive thyroid

Read more: why am I attracted to married men | Top Q&A If you have an older cat and it begins to chew fur and lose significant weight, your cat may be suffering from Hyperthyroidism or an overactive thyroid.

6. Because they like it

Licking, eating, and chewing on its favorite human’s hair can trigger an endorphin rush in your cat. Or it could be like your shampoo. If your cat likes to stroke your hair right after bathing and washing it, this is most likely her motivation.Kitten licking fingers⇒ Thinking about buying your favorite cat a new collar? Check out my articles on 6 stylish leather cat collars, 6 spooky Halloween cat collars, 8 Merry Christmas Cat Collars option, 7 best cat tracking collars, 4 best cameras for cat collars, 6 best flea collars for cats choice and 5 Best Design Cat Collars.

7. To gain attention

Chewing, eating, licking, or pulling hair – along with other similar activities – can often be a sign of cats that they want more attention. My cat Alexei loves to eat my hair when he’s in a ponytail especially – I think he loves swings and he knows he’ll get my attention.

8. Play

Biting and chewing your hair can be plaything for you if it happens during the day. This is more likely to happen if you are lying down, for example if you give the cat easier head access.Gray melon playing with plush mouse⇒ Get a new kitten? Check out my guide to How to take care of kittens, 6 best wet treats for kittens Option and 8 best dry food choices for kittens

9. To wake you up

If a cat comes to bite or nibble on your fur while you’re sleeping, it’s probably because they want you to wake up. Cats can get quite bored and frustrated in the early hours of the morning and seek attention from their owners.

How to stop cats from chewing fur

To a small extent, cats chewing or eating your fur is a sign of affection and perhaps worth our letting go. However, if you really don’t like this behavior, or if your pet has begun to overdo these behaviors, you may want to have a plan in place to prevent your cat from continuing with this behavior. chew your hair?Big gray cat - lick your face

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1. Stay away from your cat

When the cat begins to chew or eat, move your fur elsewhere. Repeating this behavior will help your cat understand that this is not what you want – and that he wants his owner to want him. However, don’t push the cat away or yell at it as this can damage your overall relationship, especially if the cat’s intention is to show affection.Young woman with allergies hugging cat on gray background wondering why my cat eats my hair

2. Change your behavior

Read more: why do dogs lick their ass | Top Q & AH How do you react when your cat eats or chews on your fur? If you talk to your cat during this time and/or pet him, you may be indirectly letting him know that the behavior is okay. So be careful not to show any reward behavior if your cat wants to groom you.

3. Provide a safe area

If you think your cat is chewing or eating your fur because he is nervous or stressed, find other ways for him to calm these worries. This could be through a cat bed it can snuggle into or a self-warming blanket in one of its key areas. Or lots of soothing caresses from you.Beautiful young woman smiling and lovingly hugging her cat at home⇒ An entertained cat is a happy cat. Check out my articles on 9 best treats for cats, The Ultimate Guide to Cat Gifts, 6 best toys for cats, 14 best chew toys for cats, Cat clothes and The most beautiful costumes for pet cats.

4. Distract your kittens

If your kitten starts pulling at her hair, take a toy – especially a chew toy – and present it to the cat’s attention. It will soon forget about your hair when it has other ways to reduce the urge to chew and eat.

5. Change up your hair products

There are quite a few smells that cats hate. If you choose hair care products with scents your cat doesn’t like, such as lavender or citrus, your cat may not eat your fur.woman wearing cat mask and cat in bed

6. Take your cat to the vet

If you’ve tried some of the options above and none of them work, seek some advice from your vet. Alternatively, this could be a sign that biting and chewing is a more serious health problem, so get your cat checked out.

Frequently asked questions about cats eating and licking human hair

Can my cat be harmed by licking/eating my fur?

Your cat will have to eat a very large amount of your hair for them to experience health problems. However, keep in mind that if your cat is licking you, it could easily ingest some of the creams or products you use on your skin or coat, so be careful, especially if you use them. use some strong to treat herpes or eczema, etc.sleeping woman with gray cat in her hand⇒ Want to take your cat out? Check out my articles on Can I take the cat for a walk??, 7 ways to exploit the best escape proof for cats Option, 5 best carriers for cats option, 14 Best cat carrier for car travel options and Top 4 travel waste boxes option.

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Will certain cat breeds eat my fur more than others?

Asian cats such as Siamese and Burmese are more likely to bite fur and other non-food items such as paper than other cat breeds. Kittens are more likely to practice this behavior as part of their exploration of the world, and kitten psychologists may say that a cat that loves to eat or chew on your fur may have been weaned off by its mother. milk is too early and is trying to make up for it. You know your cat best. If your cat starts biting at your hair while you’re cuddling or playing, it’s most likely a sign of affection and fun. It’s important to notice more sudden and severe changes in your cat’s behavior that don’t have an explanation. Don’t hesitate to check in with your vet to make sure your cat stays happy and healthy.Cute woman and cat sitting on rocking chair in frontPlease note: This post why my cat eats my hair contains affiliate links. That means if you click through most of the links and end up making a purchase, I get a small commission. This will not affect the price you pay. I want to make sure you are aware of this.Like this Why does my cat eat my hair Post? Why not pin it? Read more: Why did my girlfriend break up with me? She left out of nowhere

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