why do people not like me

By: Jon JaehnigUpdated February 05, 2021Reading: why do people not like meMedically Reviewed By: Christy B.It’s ok to feel shy or not know what to say all the time-this really does happen to everyone. But if you feel like it happens to you too often, it may be a good idea to speak with a counselor. A therapist can help you think about how to connect with people, give you space to practice social skills, and even give you advice for your friendships and relationships.We all get the feeling that some people don’t like us. But, do you ever get the feeling that nobody likes you? You’re probably wrong about that but it doesn’t mean that the feeling isn’t worth addressing. It could be that there are some things that you should work on in your social life, but it also might mean that the way that you perceive the world is a little off. This website is owned and operated by BetterHelp, who receives all fees associated with the topqa.infoce: topqa.info People Don’t Like MeSome people say that they need to be liked means that you are shallow. However, humans are social creatures and we need to feel that we are supported and appreciated by those around us. Not everyone is going to like you, and every mature and functioning person should be okay with that. However, the feeling that no one likes you can be depressing and scary. Fortunately, there are several ways to address it. How Working on Social Skills Can Help People Like YouDeveloping good social skills is essential to building good relationships. Finding – and keeping – friends does take effort. Think about people that are around you most often, familiarity can often lead to close friendships. Don’t count on working together or going to the same school to be the whole friendship. Find common interests; find someone that has similar beliefs and attitudes. Be aware that you don’t have to agree with everything someone says – that doesn’t make you more attractive as a friend or partner.You can also build your conversation skills by asking and responding to questions with a little more detail than what was said. Make small conversations. This has value in developing rapport and making others comfortable. The most effective way to have the best reciprocal interaction is not to interrupt when someone is talking. Learn things to talk about with others by reading others and by finding common interests. You can also read books or watch videos on communication to increase your skills and confidence in interacting with other people.You May Need to Diversify Your Social Skills to Stop Thinking “People Don’t Like Me”You may have read the above section and thought: “But I’m very polite and a fair conversationalist and people still don’t seem to like me.” You may be right. However, social skills aren’t a one-size-fits-all skill. What might constitute good manners in one setting may seem out of place in another, kind of like how you don’t wear tuxedos to sports events. If you find that you don’t fit in in certain venues, consider asking yourself whether your manners or bearing match those of the people around you.You Don’t See People As IndividualsThe above two sections are both situations in which some people in certain settings may not like you. However, everyone not like you might just be in your head.people donSource: topqa.info

The Need to Be Liked – Where “People Don’t like Me” Stems From

We’ve already mentioned a couple of times so far that humans are social creatures with a need to feel like. However, some of us feel that need more than others. If you feel the need to be loved by everybody, you may be more sensitive to those people that don’t like you. If you think that this might be the case for you, the best thing to do is spend more time focusing on what you’re up to and not worrying so much about what everyone else is thinking about you. After all, it’s fairly probable that they don’t think about you as much as you think that they do. And that’s okay. people donSource: topqa.infoYou Do Not Like Yourself, So Neither Will PeopleFinally, you may dislike yourself. Do you remember how we talked about generalization as a sort of shortcut that your brain takes because it’s easier and faster than constantly dealing with new and complex information? A similar method is called “projection.”“Projection” is when you feel a certain way and assume that other people around you feel that way too. It gives you a ballpark estimate of what someone else might be experiencing without needing to dive too deeply into their actual perception of what’s going on. However, it’s not usually accurate and, once again, your brain can take it too far to the point that it stops being a handy shortcut and starts being a dead-end road.Disliking yourself, or something about yourself can be harmful and misleading in ways other than projection. A phenomenon similar to projection but not so severe is simple self-consciousness or sensitivity. This is when there is something that you don’t like about yourself and you assume that it bothers everyone else too – even though they might not notice it or it might not bother them. Like a self-fulfilling prophecy, if we spend so much time and energy worrying about our imperfections, it’s only going to make them more noticeable.

What Can You Do To Help People Like You?

If you think that one or more of the last four sections in this article describes what you’re going through, there are a couple of things that you can do to change the way that you see the world and your relationship with it.One fairly basic place to start is with practicing mindfulness meditation. Mindfulness meditation is a thought exercise in which you try to clear your mind to notice the thoughts that interrupt your practice. This gradually trains you to be more in tune with your thoughts and emotions so that you can deal with them in healthy and productive ways instead of letting them spiral out of control like they can in the cases of overgeneralization and projection.If you feel like some of your problems are a combination of fooling yourself and actually not being liked, you may want to take a slightly more active approach, like journaling. In journaling, you write about events in your life and how they make you feel. This allows you to consciously reflect on different situations in your life and your responses to them. Another benefit is that sometimes things that seem very real to us in our minds can seem silly when we see them written out or hear them out loud. Finally, unlike meditation, journaling provides a written record that you can look back on and that you can use to plan for how to work through future events. people don Source: topqa.infoA final method is balancing your thoughts. It’s sort of like a combination of the mental exercise of mindfulness and the analytical prompt of journaling. Balancing your thoughts involves taking a thought that worries or alarms you and giving it a deeper look. It’s about not just accepting these thoughts and feelings, but instead asking oneself whether they are realistic. When balancing your thoughts, it’s good to write out a list that expresses the evidence for and against negative thinking patterns. Take time to acknowledge the important themes in the evidence for your negative thoughts. It is equally valuable, to sum up, the learning points in the evidence against such thoughts.Finding HelpSometimes, the methods above for addressing your concerns may not be enough or may not make you feel better. Some people need a little help in dealing with their fears and concerns. One option for finding help is through online therapy. In online therapy, like that offered through BetterHelp, you meet with a licensed counselor or therapist over your internet connection. You may schedule voice or video calls, or even just chat with them, like texting a friend. This method is easier and more affordable than in-person therapy or counseling. Below you can read some reviews of BetterHelp counselors from people who have been helped with similar issues.Counselor Reviews“Lee Blouin is there for me and I truly feel confident with his ability to help me understand my concerns. He has already given me helpful advice and ways to practice coping with the issues in my life. I believe that Lee really listens and has a desire to help. I find it very helpful every time we converse about anything that I am struggling with and I look forward to continuing working with him.” Lee BlouinRead more: why is my roku remote blinking | Top Q&A“Charles is an awesome counselor. He makes the hard topics easy to talk about and helps me understand why I feel the way that I do… In the midst of a storm, it’s very helpful to have the guidance of someone who has a clear unobstructed view of what’s going on so I can make the best choices for myself. Charles’s guidance makes it possible for me to begin doing this…I’m tremendously grateful for his help.” Charles MendlerMoving ForwardWhen you feel like no one likes you, the important thing is to leave people opportunities to like you. It’s a problem that you can’t solve by isolating yourself. No matter what you’re experiencing, with the right tools, you can find fulfilling relationships. Take the first step today.FAQsWhat do I do when people don’t like me?If someone doesn’t like you, it can be difficult for you to adopt a “Who cares what people think?” attitude. You don’t want to give people who don’t like you the satisfaction of being offended by it, but it’s difficult. Here are some steps to help with that.

  • It’s okay to feel pain when you think “people don’t like me”, but you also need to realize that not everyone is going to like you. Sometimes, it’s not your fault; you just rub people the wrong of a way for no good reason. You can’t be friends with everyone.
  • It’s important to be critical of your flaws. Even though some people have no good reason to like you, others may have a reason. However, few people will tell you the reasons, so you need to take a critical look at yourself. What are some reoccurring reasons why you may feel like people don’t like you? Is there any way you can change it? In a case like this, you may want to seek a therapist, as not everyone is good at a deep, personal evaluation of themselves.
  • Find people who do genuinely like you and want to spend time with you. These people tend to make an effort to hang with you, give you advice and criticism because it helps build you up, and they give off positive energy. Don’t spend time with people who give you negative energy.
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How can you tell when someone doesn’t like you?Unless someone tells you outright, you can never know for sure. Some people can come across as standoffish or not very nice to you, but they don’t mind you, or they may even like you. The opposite can happen as well. Some people seem as friendly as they can be, but they are talking behind your back. With that said, there are subtle signs that someone may not like you, and these include:

  • Their body language is closed off. They don’t want to express themselves, they don’t look you in the eye, and they don’t apply this evenly across the board. The latter is important, as there are socially awkward people who may have trouble with body language, but they mean well. However, if you see someone be open with their body language towards someone else, but not you, it could be a sign that something is going on.
  • You have to make an effort to speak with them. They never text you first or try to imitate plans. Quite often, the person may cancel the plans with a paper-thin excuse. Again, this doesn’t always mean that a person doesn’t like you, but it’s something to look out for.
  • The person is only around you when another friend is. This can be a friend of a friend’s situation, where they merely tolerate you instead of like you.
  • Finally, you feel like they don’t. This one can be tricky, as some people, especially those who have anxiety, may think everyone is out to get them, but if you don’t normally feel this way, and combined with the other signs, it may indicate the person doesn’t like you.

In the perfect world, people would say it outright, but we don’t live in this world. Some people may even tolerate you because they’re trying to get something out of you. Selfish people like that have no place in your life.How do you stop caring if people don’t like you?The most important step is to realize that not every person is going to like you. You can be the nicest person in the world and someone will find a reason, or maybe not even a reason at all, to not want to talk to you.With that said, if it’s still bothering you, perhaps it is insecurity you have. Figure out your flaws and see why someone may not like you. Then, try to make some self-improvement. Finally, surround yourself with people who do like you. While the people who don’t like you may change their minds, you can’t force it. Instead, spend your energy doing things that make you happy.What to do if someone doesn’t want to talk to you?If someone doesn’t want to talk to you, it can be upsetting. Perhaps the person used to talk to you, and now is ignoring you. Or maybe you want to be friends with someone, but they don’t seem to open up.First, you need to realize that it’s okay if people don’t want to talk to you. You can’t force a friendship or relationship with someone who outright ignores you. With that said, making an effort to figure out why it is still a good idea.Ask the person if you did something wrong, and mention you want to make it right. Should they respond, listen to what they have to say. If they say that they need space, give them space. If they want to talk to you about their issues, they will.Finally, if they keep ignoring you, there is no reason you should continue this one-sided relationship. Instead, surround yourself with people who do like you and want to make an effort to talk to you.Is it okay to have no friends?Some people have no friends, and they may wonder if that’s okay. The answer is yes. While it can be upsetting to not have friends, there are often cases where having no friends can make you stronger.This especially applies as you get older. It can be harder to make new friends, and your old friends may have moved out. While a good friend can be helpful, so can learning personal accountability and self-sustainment.Why do people ignore me?It can be quite frustrating to talk to people, only for them to cut you off or ignore you. On the Internet, you may get ignored through the “message seen” notification, or even worse, the person doesn’t read your message at all. Sometimes, it’s not your fault, and sometimes it is. Here are some potential reasons.

  • Social awkwardness. You don’t talk loud enough, confidently enough, or you may end up inserting yourself in a conversation awkwardly. Many people have social awkwardness, and it is something you have to work on, be it self-help or taking some speaking classes. Sometimes, this social awkwardness can come in saying things at the wrong time, too. For instance, you may have tried to talk to someone when they’re about to go to bed.
  • You’re ignored because of what you’re saying. Sometimes, you may come off as overly negative or critical all the time, or what you’re saying has no contribution to the conversation. In texting, you may be sending people one-word greetings that don’t contribute anything to the conversation.
  • You may be ignored because you always try to make the conversation about yourself. Sometimes, selfish people don’t realize they’re being like this. Take a look at your words. Do they come across as being a little bit selfish? Is there a way for you to stop being like this?
  • Finally, you may be ignored because the people you surround yourself with don’t care for you. If you’ve done a critical evaluation of yourself and don’t believe it’s your fault, one solution is to find people who do care about you and want to listen to what you have to say.

How do you not let people bother you?It can be hard to stop people from bothering you. Even if you try to avoid it, some people live rent-free in your head. Here are some ways to stop that.

  • First, realize you can’t change other people, only yourself. If someone is doing something that bothers you, learn to let go of what you can’t change.
  • If the reason the person is bothering you is that they are being toxic, perhaps it’s time to cut them off. Either that or establish some boundaries and keep them as firm as possible.
  • Do not take it personally. When you don’t, people tend to avoid bothering you since it’s no longer making you miserable.
  • Another thing you should do is to look at how other people handle them if the person is a repeated botherer. When it comes to handling people properly, if you don’t, people will walk all over you. With that said, everyone responds differently, and you need to find a way that works for your situation.
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How many people have no friends?The number may surprise you. One YouGov poll found that one in five millennials say they do not have friends. The number may be many more, especially if people confuse a friend with an acquaintance. You may believe that the younger generations, which were raised on social media and connectivity, would have more friends. However, digital friends may not replace in-person interaction, and having close bonds with people can be more difficult.Why do I assume people don’t like me?People who experience this may feel isolated. They often fear a large group because they worry that its members are talking about them. They overanalyze, looking for hidden meaning in the words or actions of others to indicate their dislike. They may have self-esteem or abandonment issues. Negative responses toward you on social media sites can also exaggerate the feeling that all people don’t like you when it’s simply not the truth.What is it called when you think everyone hates it?Borderline personality disorder-related hypersensitivity is one disorder that can sometimes give you a feeling of paranoia that everyone hates you. It can cause paranoia that they’re talking behind your back, giving out personal information about you to others as to knock you down or laugh behind your back.Why do I think everyone is plotting against me?Read more: Why Is College So Hard? (5 Tips To Handle The Stress!)Do you find yourself moving through life always on the defense, poised for the next attack? Maybe the world feels like a scary place, and you find it hard to trust people. After all, everyone is out for themselves, right? Paranoid Personality Disorder (PPD) manifests as a long-standing pattern of distrust. Someone suffering from PPD will nearly always believe other people’s motives to be suspect. Because of this, they might come across as controlling, critical or secretive, and their suspicions might even go as far as to cause them to act in devious ways.An important part of life is learning about balance. Being cautious in itself is no bad thing. But if this level of caution has put you in a state of high alert and you find yourself constantly questioning the motives of everyone you meet, then there might be something more at play. Belief patterns like this usually stem from past experiences. When we feel suspicious of people and as though we need to always have our guard up, we are living from a place of mistrust. Trust is formed – or not formed – in our earliest relationships. That’s because as a child we are our most vulnerable. We are almost entirely reliant on adults as children, and without an alternative, we place our trust in their hands.How can you tell a fake friend?

  • They are selfish. A little selfishness is normal in someone. But if you’ve noticed your friends always looking out after their own interest, at the expense of others, that’s a red light.
  • Your relationship with them is conditional. Fake friends only give you attention and support when it’s convenient for them. Otherwise, they won’t waste the energy on you or others.
  • They feed on gossip and drama. There’s no more obvious sign than this. Nothing excites fake people other than to talk about other people’s misery. They love it when people have a lot of drama. And they absolutely like to be in the center of it when it happens.
  • They act weird when you’re with other people. You shouldn’t be made to feel like someone is ashamed to be friends with you. And you surely don’t want to be surrounded by people whose mood changes erratically.
  • You have to fake things so they like you. It’s normal to please the people you love. But if you’re going above and beyond just so your friends like you, then you know something is wrong. If you have to change who you are just to feel accepted, then your friends are fake.
  • They are pathological liars. You’re dealing with a liar, and fake friends are liars.
  • Fake friends are extremely manipulative. A fake friend maneuvers every situation to their own advantage, and they feel good doing it. And you might think this has nothing to do with you.
  • They speak badly of you when you are not around. Have you heard that one of your friends likes to talk badly of you when you’re not in the room? With their propensity for drama, this is not really that surprising.
  • Fake friends are jealous. Fake friends are easily jealous of you. It’s healthy for you to recognize this important fact.
  • They are overly critical. Nothing pleases a fake friend. No one is good enough for them. And they like to say it out loud, too. They often have a superiority complex and think they are in a position to be overly critical about everyone else. They notice the tiny mistakes you make and amplifies them. They will try to downgrade your achievements as if they are not that important. And they rarely ever give you a genuine compliment.
  • You can’t trust them. Fake friends can never be trusted. They sell you out and don’t give it a second thought. Their first instinct is to protect and think about themselves. They will never put you into consideration. This makes them extremely untrustworthy.

Why do some people have no friends?Usually, when someone doesn’t have friends it’s rarely because their core personality is unlikable. It’s usually due to a mix of interfering factors such as They’re not knowledgeable about the skills for making friends. They’re too shy, socially anxious, insecure, or unconfident to pursue friendships, and they have to work harder than others to develop those friendships.How do you spot a hater?Every normal person has some people who hate him. Haters come in two different kinds, the least dangerous ones who express their hatred directly and the more dangerous ones who express their hatred in more subtle ways. Because the second type of haters sometimes acts as friends you must learn how to spot them and single them out. Here are some signs:

  • They won’t compliment or congratulate you. One of the hardest things to do for a hater is to compliment or congratulate someone that he hates. Even if he did it once you will find that the way he does it is very different than the way others do it. While most friends will congratulate you warmly when you do a great job a hater will barely be able to do it
  • They exhibit body language signs of sadness when you succeed. When you do a good job or when you reach one of your goals a hater will be unhappy with the result. While listening to your story the hater might touch his nose (A body language sign which shows that a person doesn’t like what’s going on).
  • They won’t laugh at your jokes. Even if you said something really funny a hater won’t be able to laugh at it unless he fakes a smile.
  • They will bad mouth you. Not every person who talks about you in your absence is a hater but when a person talks about you in such a way that motivates others to hate you as well then certainly he is a hater.
  • They will want to know your personal business. A hater will always want to know about your progress in life just to make sure that you are still suffering and that you feel worse than them. You might find him asking too many detailed questions about you just to get to know whether you are happy or not
  • They will display content when they find you unhappy. While listening to your sad story the hater might touch his eyebrows (a body language sign that shows that a person is happy with what’s going around) become more energetic or even smile. They love it when you fall short and don’t achieve your goals.
  • They will try to warn you when you attempt to succeed. They don’t want you to change your life for the better. Those are the ones who will usually try to warn you when you attempt to succeed in life or do something that they didn’t manage to do.

What does it mean if someone hates you for no reason?Let’s get this fact out of the way – not everyone will like you, and there are many reasons why most probably have nothing to do with you. Unfortunately, that’s just how life is. There’s a quote by an unknown author that states, “A person hates you for one of three reasons: They want to be you, they hate themselves, or they see you as a threat.” People that are genuinely comfortable with themselves don’t desire to be anyone else. They are truly happy with their lives, and that allows them to be genuinely happy for someone else and their successes. When they’re jealous of you, they feel a need to bring you down, maybe say that you don’t deserve what you have or that you were lucky to achieve what you’ve accomplished. Yes, it is possible to be jealous without hating someone, but when someone hates you, their jealousy is exponentially greater, revealing how insecure and unhappy they are with their own lives. Just remember that it really has nothing to do with you. Their perspective is clouded by their own unhappiness, and they feel the need to bring down others.Why does everyone leave me?One reason people may be leaving you is that, consciously or subconsciously, you may be emotionally pushing them away due to self-esteem or abandonment issues. You may feel that if you push them away first, then you won’t have to feel the pain of them leaving you, even though they may not leave. It’s important to look at whether they are truly leaving you, or are you causing it. Until you find the answer, you more like won’t trust yourself or others.What makes a person think they are always right?Being right is a paradox. It’s easy when we are in the right, but it’s hard when we realize we’re not. People who are “always right” seem to have such confidence and assuredness. But understand now that righteousness is usually touted by someone who isn’t certain and is usually a very insecure person. They are more likely to have to make themselves bigger than they are to compensate for their insecurity.Do real friends ignore you?We’re all human, and so no matter the relationship, we’re not going to be perfect all the time. Even marriages have their ups and downs, so why wouldn’t friendships? But what do you do when you suddenly realize your friend is totally ignoring your texts, calls, and invitations to hang out? Knowing the correct response can ensure you stand up for yourself without overstepping any boundaries. First, here are some signs that your friend might be ignoring you:

  • The slow play. A classic sign of being ignored is the slow play. This is when you send a text message, call your friend, or invite them somewhere, and they take an abnormally long time to respond. If you’re truly being ignored, you’ll get slow-played multiple times over a short period.
  • The fake response. Sometimes you’ll talk to your friend and you’ll notice they’re giving vague answers and not making eye contact. This is often coupled with a desire to quickly leave or change environments. When you’re being ignored via fake responses, there’s typically an underlying cause that’s rooted in hurt or angst.
  • The total shun. Finally, there’s the total shun. This is when you reach out to someone multiple times and they never get back to you. In the dating world, this is called ghosting.
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Now, it’s important to note there are certain situations in which being ignored is nothing purposeful or malicious. People get busy and don’t always realize they’re blocking people out.Protect yourself. While it’s easy to spend your time thinking about what you could have done differently, it’s an important fact that you need to protect yourself at least in the short term until trust is built. Don’t set unrealistic expectations and prepare for the worst. Ideally, you’ll be able to have a conversation with your friend and settle everything but don’t assume everything will be great. Set up some guards and protect yourself. People change and you don’t deserve to be taken on an emotional roller coaster for weeks, months, or years.Meet face to face. While smartphones and social media are great, the one downside to these tools is speaking face to face has become a bit of a lost art. When we have an issue, we’re more likely to send a text or pick up the phone. The problem with this response is so much of communication is dependent on non-verbal cues – such as facial expressions, body language, and hand motions. If you can, try to get together with your friend for a conversation about the issue. This will allow you both to communicate with each other without any sort of division. This also makes it more likely you’ll settle the problem and agree on a solution.Avoid overreacting. It’s easy to automatically assume someone is ignoring you because they hate you or have replaced you. This most likely isn’t true and you need to avoid overreacting. There are two distinct types of overreactions – external and internal – and both are unhealthy and unproductive. Sometimes it’s not easy to overreact, but it’s important to try not to.Have another friend intervene. If all else fails, then you may want to get a friend to intervene. But proceed with extreme caution when doing so. If you pick someone who only knows your friend, this could cause more harm than good. come back. Then, you can have an honest conversation about ways to repair the relationship.How do you tell if a friend is jealous of you?They say situations are “unfair”. Are your friends the kind to regularly talk about how it’s “unfair” that you have certain things and they don’t? This could relate to a job, a significant other, or material things like a nice car.They’re always super competitive. Competition: A little of it can be a good thing, but too much could very well be a sign your friends are seeing green. They don’t want you to improve your personal or professional life nor do they want you to succeed. Not only does excessive competitiveness go hand-in-hand with jealously, but it can also be a sign the friendships are overall toxic.They’re also always super negative. You tell your friends that you got a promotion, and somehow you’re met with negativity over the achievement. They don’t want to support or build you up, but rather place a negative connotation to it.They need to upstage you. If you’re dealing with jealous friends, they might first hit you with that negativity we talked about, and then they might transition right into comments that manage to upstage your achievement. Sure, it sounds counterproductive, but that’s their passive-aggressive goal.What are the signs of fake love?There are many reasons people fake love. Here are some common signs indicating there may be signs of fake love:

  • They try to change you
  • They try to control you
  • They don’t trust you
  • They don’t prioritize you
  • They’re emotionally distant
  • They seem uninterested
  • They don’t meet you halfway
  • They easily give up on you

How can you tell if a girl is faking it?Same with a man or a woman, some telltale signs that a girl is not genuine are these:

  • They don’t use eye contact
  • They’re inconsistent
  • They’re inconsistent in their actions and words

They’re also the braggers of the group. They will keep talking about things they did or are doing, and they will inflate the most insignificant things and their role in those things. They may even exaggerate to the extent of lying if that serves them a purpose.Contact BetterHelpFor more information on where to find a therapist that can help you, you can reach out to [email protected]. You can also find us on LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, Facebook, YouTube & Tumblr.Read more: why are my pictures greyed out android | Top Q&ARead more from BetterHelp about the Thoughts “People Don’t Like Me” & Mental Health:

  • Does It Matter If Other Girls Don’t Like Me? – topqa.info/advice/self-esteem/does-it-matter-if-other-girls-dont-like-me/
  • Why Don’t People Like Me? – topqa.info/advice/anxiety/why-dont-people-like-me/
  • In The Friendzone: Does My Guy Friend Like Me? – topqa.info/advice/relations/in-the-friendzone-does-my-guy-friend-like-me/
  • Why Do Women Not Like Me? – topqa.info/advice/relations/why-do-women-not-like-me/
  • Signs Of Attraction: How Do I Know If They Like Me? – topqa.info/advice/attraction/signs-of-attraction-how-do-i-know-if-they-like-me/

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