How To Kill A Baby, Naturally!

Video How to kill a baby

If you want to kill a child under a year old using the most toxic substance on earth, you don’t have to go to a deep web that Team America’s World Police have yet to destroy to buy you poison. You can do that with an easily available natural product that has a multitude of health benefits. No one will doubt.

I never really thought about infanticide in detail, until I discovered an interesting way to do it. Despite billions of dollars being invested in violent games and movies, all it takes is to flip the backstory of the Annals of Internal Medicine. As one did, I lied; that’s where Wikipedia sent me. But it’s a good thing anyway. It’s not that I mean to kill babies, or recommend that. I like babies, except sometimes on planes, in restaurants, and at theatres. I especially like them when they grow up and stop trying to scream, spit, poop and pee at me. film. So hypothetically you’re going to kill a child, which I certainly don’t intend to do or advise, here’s how you can do it and get rid of it. I have never been much interested in infant nutrition. It’s been a long time since I was an infant, and even then, I didn’t have much of an opinion in planning the menu. I never became a parent, to panic at the amusing risk of my precious joy, and to subject myself to endless lectures from those who once had opinions about raise a child. Thus, freed from parenting advice and neuroses, many more fashionable fears passed over me completely. But, as it turns out, this is not true. We all know that honey, the golden nectar of the gods, is amazing. It’s also healthy, as Mother Nature Network, Medical News Today, and random publishers of listicles will tell you. I love when sweet things are good for you, but in that learned medical journal, I discovered that the very symbol of naturally delicious food, worshiped since dawn, can kill a child. stone children under one year old. Worse yet, it does this thanks to the most toxic substance on earth, you see, honey can contain spores of the bacterium Clostridium botulinum, which produces botulinum toxin. Not to be confused with salmonella, a more common type of food poisoning that’s now raging around the world, including at major health food stores, botulinum is considered the most lethal to humans. People. Sugar normally takes care of the spores, and the immune system deals with the colony. Adults get botulism – although rarely – from eating food that has been contaminated with the toxin, or from a wound contaminated with bacteria. However, in a child’s undeveloped digestive tract and weak immune system, spores do what a spore is supposed to do, and as a result bacteria can colonize the intestines and start producing dead toxins. People. Result? Dead child. This is only funny if it’s not yours. condition known as “aging”. That’s also funny only if you’re not the patient. It was first recorded in the 1970s. Many reputable organizations recommend that children under one year old should not be exposed to the dangers of honey. they are contaminated, not considered a source of infant botulism spores. Honey alone, although poisoning is scary, the risk of disease is not high. About 145 cases are reported in the US each year, of which two-thirds are infant botulism. Data on infant mortality is rather sparse, as many countries do not report it, but the manufacturer of the most popular drug to treat infant botulism estimates that 3,700 cases of botulism have been reported. Infant botulism has occurred worldwide over the past 40 years, during which time the world population has increased. by three billion people. Of these cases, only a small number of cases are known to be caused by honey. admitted in a prominent editorial that up to 10% to 13% of honey in California, where the first studies were conducted, contained botulinum spores. The official warnings seem appropriate. It’s great if your child is one in a million, but it’s worse if he’s one in a million who die from botulism. It is curable if detected early. See your doctor if your baby becomes visibly weak or paralyzed. You would think that’s obvious advice, but you don’t know (technically, I don’t) how many mothers would treat tender babies with warm herbal tea perhaps with a spoonful of honey to energy increase. Useful if you want to get away with murder. A non-scientific straw poll of women I know – and I admit, they are few and far between – shows that three-quarters of them don’t know that honey can kill a baby. It would be easy if you sneaked a teaspoon of the lethal substance out of the lard and put it in your target’s apple puree. Of course, honey isn’t the only natural innate killer hiding a precursor to a weapon of mass destruction. Castor beans contain ricin, another terrible chemical that can kill people in gruesome ways no matter how exposed they are to it. How to make this “dummy poison” is all over the internet, although you are more likely to kill yourself than anyone else trying to make it. The famous apple contains cyanide, as well as bitter almonds and about 1,500 other plants. Many plants actively create it, because they hate animals and wish they were dead, which some of them do. The highest concentration of cyanic glucoside, the natural form of cyanide, occurs in bamboo shoots, a favorite food of pandas. Other natural things can cure you. For example, you can make aspirin if you get lost in the woods. Aspirin, or 2-acetoxybenzoic acid, to give it its scary name, is none other than the active ingredient in willow bark tea. It is no different from other so-called “alternative” drugs, except that it works and clinical research has determined safe dosages, pharmacological effects, contraindications, and side effects. His rhythmic poem Storm, “Alternative medicine has not been shown to work, or has been shown to not work. You know what they call proven alternative medicine? Medicine. “Read More: How to Log Out of Skinhub and Get Its Features Right (Sadly, this brilliant rant in defense of rational science has only three million views on YouTube. Despite its marketing minions). Minchin has done a lot of that and even created a picture book of the power of that number, I should point out a classic statistical mistake.Three million sounds like a lot, but it means just 0 0.04% of the world’s population see what should really be taught in every school.) people know that aspirin should not be taken too often, as it will eat your stomach lining, but one aspirin a day can make your heart beat faster because it thins your blood. I was given aspirin as a child to fight a fever, but nowadays most people know there are better alternatives with fewer side effects for children. What they may not know (and I just found out this morning) is that aspirin can kill a child who has just recovered from the flu. Stonedead. If you’re under 18, you’re at risk for certain conditions, although aspirin is generally safe to use for children over the age of two. a willow bark tea that heals, soothes fevers and helps the elderly live naturally? You see, the idea that “natural” and “organic” are good for you, while “chemical”, “artificial”, “synthetic” or “processed” are not good for you, is completely wrong. These concepts are not contradictory. Trying to divide the world into such binary opposites is unscientific and pointless. All natural substances are chemical. According to Professor Bruce Ames, a widely cited cancer researcher, half of all chemicals ever tested, whether natural or synthetic, are carcinogenic or toxic to humans. People. As he wrote, “if you have thousands of hypothetical risks that you have to pay attention to, that completely eliminates the main risks you should be aware of.” Making the wrong difference is an easy trap to fall into. We instinctively divide things into boxes and label them. The fewer labels there are and the clearer the distinction between them, the easier it is for us to think about them. That’s why so many problems seem to have only two sides that you can either be for or against. But this is just shorthand and is often misleading. All-natural foods can kill you. There is a reason why natural herbicides and pesticides exist. There’s a reason salmonella outbreaks are often associated with organic foods. However, this is not a reason to avoid those foods. We know many common chemicals are toxic, which is why there are tight controls on the types and amounts used in food. Conversely, we also know that many synthetic chemicals produced under controlled conditions are significantly safer for use in food or medicine than some complex and arbitrary natural extracts. measured roughly with a teapot and a glass. Not even a proper dividing line. All nature is chemistry. Most chemicals are natural. The basis of organic chemistry is carbon, which is the basis of coal, petroleum, and a variety of toxic solvents. As my former physics tutor has pointed out, dihydrogen monoxide is also a chemical and it can also kill you in many interesting and novel ways, but we consider the fear of the substance to be an event. psychologically odd. natural” and “chemical”. Buying something because it’s natural makes more sense than avoiding it for the same reason. Try it. If it works and is safe, use it. If it’s not safe, because it’s a dangerous germ warfare weapon, just don’t feed it to babies under one year of age. Unless you intend to kill the frog, in which case I want to tell you about writing the true and scary story about the Honey Killer. DMRead more: how to hem the curtain with a sewing machine

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