
Video Why God Doesn’t Love MeA few years ago, I was having lunch with a man I had just met. For some reason, he opened up to me about his troubled marriage. When I asked him how God would fit into his marriage, his face darkened, and he cut me off: “I don’t believe in God, and I don’t want to talk about religion. .” Read: why god doesn’t love I don’t want to push too hard, I respect his stance and continue talking about his marriage without mentioning anything more about God. He interrupted me again, repeating that he did not believe in God and did not want me to promote religion into him. I paused in confusion, then resumed the conversation, all more determined than not to mention God. For the third time, he exclaimed, “I don’t want to talk about God. I don’t believe in God. “It finally dawned on me: This wounded man really wanted to talk about God. Since he wouldn’t drop the subject, I asked carefully, “Tell me about a God you don’t believe in.” He is happy to oblige. He said he doesn’t believe in an angry god who is always waiting to catch wrongdoers and loves to send people to hell. This time I cut in: “That’s really interesting. I don’t believe in that God either. “He looked confused. “But I think you’re a pastor.” Seeing a slightly open door, I explained, “I believe in a good God who cares about all of us. My God loved the world so much that He was willing to send His Son, Jesus, to die for us. I believe in a god who loves you more than you can imagine. “The man looked at me sadly, clearly carrying heavy emotional pain. After a while, he said, “I wish I could believe in that God, just like you.” The words of this honest man speak to a reality many of us experience every day in silence. All my life, I’ve heard the phrase “God loves you.” I’ve seen it on bumper pads, heard it in sermons, and heard it in songs on Christian radio. This is one thing to hear with our ears, and another to understand it with our hearts. Loves us. We as Christian atheists can easily believe that God loves others; We just can’t understand how or why He loves us. We hide our true selves from others to make sure they don’t reject us. How much more do we hide from God! There’s no way God could love someone as excessive and evil as I am.

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Unrequited love

When Amy and I were first married, we bought a tiny house built in 1910. Unfortunately, the whole house only had two shoebox-sized closets – enough space to hang one dozens of shirts, but there’s no place to hang the guest coats. , hide a piston or stash a bag of dog food. Thankfully we were able to store everything in the basement, which worked fine until our first heavy downpour. Read more: The ‘Orange Is the New Black’ star on Surprise Season 4 Return and Jon Snow Compares the year, which, unfortunately, we discovered one day while driving home in torrential rain. It rained not only cats and dogs but also goats and llamas. After about an hour of pouring rain, we got home to find the basement flooded up to 3 meters deep. We owned few things of value, to our dismay, trying my best to create like a sponge, I jumped into the water and found myself standing deep in the water. Amy, watching safely from four steps up, helpfully reminded me that previous owners had left a sump pump in the basement. I remember seeing it, so I felt around until I found it. And its power cord. (Can you see where this is going?) Looking around for an outlet, I noticed the end of an extension cord dangling from a truss directly overhead. Standing waist deep in the water, a rope in each hand, I had a spark – so to speak – inspiration: if I plugged this in really, really, really fast, maybe I wouldn’t get a jerk. I pressed on the two metal prongs. of the pump wire into the corresponding slots on the connecting cord. When they connect, I see another dimension. My body became the conduit for billions of billions of tiny electrons, an open channel for electric currents to flow through the wires. The penetrating shock activated certain neurons in the language center of my brain, where a long unused word – a very bad word – is stored. out of my mouth. I remember looking up to see the horror on my new wife’s face. Her evangelical husband had just yelled at the mother full of bad words. She was also certain that it would be the last thing he would ever say. And the pump worked. But that moment shocked me in many ways. How can the same heart that speaks of the love and glory of Christ utter such unclean things? And more importantly, how could God love someone as bad as me? You might be thinking, Nothing at all! And you were right. I did a lot of things worse, but that was in my old life. Now I am a pastor. I just got married and am still trying to prove to myself that I am worthy of Amy’s love. And of God, I felt bad about myself and distanced myself from God because of my sins. Job, who had lost everything, said, “My ears have heard of you, but now my eyes have seen you. Therefore I despise myself. – Job 42: 5-6 Have you ever felt this way? The closer I got to God, the more I realized how bad I was. Even the apostle Paul – who wrote two-thirds of the New Testament – had some serious negative feelings about himself. I am the worst of the apostles, he wrote, and do not even deserve to be called an apostle, because I have persecuted the Church of God. – 1 Corinthians 15:9 If Paul feels this way, it’s no wonder I wonder how God could love someone as bad as me. It’s not just guilt that prevents us from believing that God loves us – sometimes it’s just a simple, insignificant feeling. , genocide – we wonder why God loves ordinary people like us. Six billion people live on this planet; How can God love us all? That seems unlikely, let alone likely, and God certainly has bigger things in mind for him. When God asked Moses to rescue God’s people from bondage, Moses replied: Read more: why is my dog ​​sucking in the air uncontrollably | Top Q&A Do I think I should go to Pharaoh and get the Israelites out of Egypt? – Exodus 3:11: King David, who is described as a follower of God’s heart, asked the very question: But who am I, and who are my people, What can we give Him? – 1 Chronicles 29:14 NLTWhen an angel of the Lord encouraged Gideon to take on the Midianites, he immediately presented his unimpressive résumé to prove why he did not carry out his assignment. . The restless warrior said: But God… how can I save the Israelites? My family is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the weakest in my family. – Judgment 6:15-16 If these stories tell us anything, it’s that we’re in a good friendship if we’ve ever felt like we weren’t good enough or important enough to be loved by God love. How can God love so many people equally until I have more than one child. In 1994, Catie, our first child, was born. From the moment she laughed, Catie wrapped me in her little finger, a classic dad’s girl. When we found out we were having a second daughter, I remember asking myself, “How can we love someone else as much as the first?” It seems impossible. Then Mandy was born. She is the opposite of Catie in many ways, but I find more love in my heart. I love her just as much, but with a personal kind of love. Three years later, Anna was born. Once again, I discovered an untapped reservoir of love I didn’t know I had. The same holds true for Sam, then Stephen, and finally Joy. God gave us six very different children. I love them all equally, but I love each one equally. That’s how God loves you. You are one of His children. He’s crazy about you. There is nothing you can do to make God love you more. And there’s nothing you can do to make God love you less. Love is not something that God does. That is who God is. And because of who He is, God loves you. Dare to declare the truth in John 3:16 to yourself: Because God loves so much [insert your name] that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. Because that is who God is: He is love. And that’s what you are: to be loved.

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Your turn

Do you wonder how God can love you with all your mess, bad thoughts and bad deeds? Take a moment today to reflect on the fact that God is love, which means that He cannot help but love you no matter what you do or do not do? Please share your thoughts with us on our blog. We want to hear from you! ~ Devotionals Daily Read more: Why did barney harris leave the wheel of time

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