15 questions and answers about Underworld: Blood Wars

The latest Underworld movie just hit theaters. It wasn’t shown to critics, with good reason: This is a critically-acclaimed film. In fact, there’s not much to consider it, as it’s clearly a fan-service movie, made with fans of the franchise in mind. So instead, here’s a series of slightly spoiled questions that tackle what goes on in the movie, who it’s for, how silly it all is, and whether the movie will let Kate Beckinsale keep dancing. from tall objects and land in a perfect female superhero or not.So is there any bloody war in Underworld: Blood WarsOr is it just a fancy name?Read: Who is Marius in the underworld There are actually a lot of bloody fights in the movies! Wrapped in is the 1,500-year war between vampires and lycans (i.e. werewolves) that has shaped the Underworld series since the first installment, 2003’s Underworld. But there’s also a secondary war going on throughout. entire series: wars for control of the vampire faction, gun battles, sword battles, a dangerous political web, and lots of contemplative speeches, often made while staring mid range and wears a lot of black leather.This is Thursday Underworld movie. Usually, deep into a series, the original stars are gone. Does that happen here?Kate Beckinsale, star of the original Underworld, still plays the film’s protagonist, a vampire named Selene, who is considered the deadliest, unstoppable fighter in the vampire wars/ lycan. Selene’s vampire/werewolf hybrid lover, Michael (Scott Speedman) appeared after season two of the series, and so did original director Len Wiseman. Every movie since then has had a different director. The season is the directorial debut of Anna Foerster, a special effects specialist who graduated television directing with series like Criminal Minds and Outlander. Charles Dance and Theo James return as patriotic vampire eldest brother Thomas and his beloved son David. Those two were introduced in Underworld: Awakening in 2012.Wait, Charles Dance? I love him on Game of Thrones. How much Underworld: Blood Wars alike Game of Thrones?There are some surprising similarities, including a new sub-group of vampires who all look and dress exactly like Daenerys Targaryen from Game Of Thrones and appear to receive a super fake bone-white wig theirs from the same hair salon she uses . Other than that, Charles Dance plays pretty much the same character he did in Game Of Thrones, except he’s a vampire now and he obviously cares about his son for non-existent reasons. politics. political activism and conspiracies, and with people standing around in fine fine leather, and with people suddenly having their throats cut. Although most of the films take place in the present day and have a lot of modern weapons used, the characters still spend a lot of time hunting each other with swords and knives. Bloodline is hugely important, and Blood Wars has a “guess the secret origin” storyline that’s pretty reminiscent of Jon Snow’s big reveal in Thrones. There’s an ancestral sword in this movie, given to the lineage of an aristocratic family in another scene that feels really familiar. Both series have the content of betrayal after betrayal after betrayal, most of which are suspected of murder. , and it affects every move the characters make, and every throat they cut or spine they tear.I don’t remember any spine tearing Game of Thrones.At first, they didn’t have the budget for such things. Give them time, somehow they have to keep ramping up the brutal speed.So there’s the tearing of the spine. That sounds pretty high. Is this movie fun?It really should be, but it mostly isn’t. The vampire-vs.-werewolf concept is boring and comes with a bit of camp fun, but everyone on screen always seems to be miserable and beaming. Lara Pulver, who played Irene Adler in Sherlock, at least seems to be enjoying her new role as Semira, an up-and-coming vampire council member whose hobbies include wearing revealing clothes and bullying him. chubby baby Varga (star Bradley of Damien James). In addition, also accumulate strength and cherish giant cups of blood while giving power speeches. She lost her mortal family, she lost her lover, she lost her vampire father figure, she lost her clan status and her purpose in life, and she never lets the movie forget. that. This time, she suffers from having to leave her half-vampire daughter Eve forever, as people want to find Eve and steal her magical blood.… Her magical blood?Well, don’t get me started. Like I said, bloodline is super important in the Underworld movies, but that’s mostly because bloodline has all sorts of powers. Vampires can drink human blood and experience their memories. Vampires and lycans both share a common ancestor with blood mutations, and others like Selene who have mixed blood with him will gain more power. And the lycans believed that Eve’s blood would make them super-powered for a reason. They didn’t really understand the reason, but they certainly played the harp on New Year’s Eve a lot.Screen GemsBut come on, vampires and werewolves are fighting. That must be fun, right?It was in the first movie, but it became quite similar, which, to be honest, might explain why this movie has more of a vampire plot than a vampire vs. wolf. The CGI werewolf still looks really cheap and ugly, which has always been an issue with the series, and the combat tends to blur or a Zack Snyder-friendly series of jumps between slo-mo and time. fast time. Martial arts face-offs tend to be more fun, but gunfights are just a lot of blood and bodies slamming to the floor.So who are these movies for?Role-playing players love Vampire: The Masquerade (and its millions of multimedia software) but can’t get enough political discourse about vampires and angry werewolf slavery. Longtime fans of the Underworld series, which has turned into a soap opera punctuated by violence: people are always interested in who did what to whom so many years ago, there’s a lot of music to be had. The plot of the bad guy hammy, and sometimes the two pitiful characters will come together in the unlikely case. Unfortunately, the sex in this series is often as deadly as it is in the killer movies.Is this a good place to enter the series?Most are not, because all story plot. That said, a good character tutorial should cover most of the basics, and the characters helpfully stop every 10 minutes to remind the audience of Eve’s magical bloodline, or of the The crime that led to Selene’s exile. Or they just rekindled their relationship together for anyone feeling the loss. This is one of the things that makes the movie so compelling.What else makes the movie a drag?Well, this is really a thing to complain about about the entire franchise, but everything in this movie is too opaque. Vampires can’t stand sunlight, so it makes sense that all vampire scenes would be like David Fincher lighting them up with the same 20-watt light bulb he’s been using since Fight Club. . But there’s no obvious reason why lycans also like to work in bleak and dreary low-light environments. The whole movie has the same blue-black color scheme, and it’s really similar and visually bleak. It means that visibility in many scenes is quite poor. It also means that the entire franchise feels like it’s trapped in a sassy goth-grunge era, post-Nine Inch Nails feels tired of the previous three films.SeleneSoSadScreen GemsBut will this movie transition? Underworld story? Does it add anything new?Sure. It added that the faction of the vampire Daenerys Targaryen, who lived somewhere in the frozen north, and had a special connection with the Sacred World.What… what now?Read more: Who is the actor in the silverado commercial that cheats Sacred World from Underworld: Blood Wars, whose magical future-predicting loom is Wanted. It’s a big question mark that’s deeply distracting, it ruins the whole movie. And then a prominent figure visits the Sacred World and comes back with all the “Wow, the Sacred World definitely changed me”, but we never really saw it, or got any answers. What do you like about it, or what it means, or how it changes people?It sounds ridiculous.It really is like that. The same goes for the way the movie uses it as a deus ex machina, but there’s no way to go into it without spoiling important plot points.Is the Sacred World you’re alluding to about the most ridiculous moment in this movie?Not really. The most ridiculous thing is probably the scene where tough vampire David and new lycan leader Marius (Tobias Menzies) stand about 3 feet apart and hurl automatic weapons at each other, then howl angrily at each other. face each other. Bullets bounce off their healing bodies.Are you sure? Which is the most absurd?Okay, maybe not. Maybe that was when David glimpsed a new weapon emerging in a major war and this grim, serious hero, burdened with responsibility and many complications of eternal life, “Fuuuuuck” said in the trans. Super slow motion blur as the camera zooms in on his face. However, it was actually a pretty good moment.SeleneSoSadScreen GemsIs that your final answer? Is that the funniest thing in the movie?Okay, fine, it was the moment Selene drank her own blood to experience her own memories. In the middle of a great war. Because it’s definitely the best time for a sexy flashback involving Scott Speedman. Why doesn’t she remember those memories? It’s not clear at all. She probably wanted to feel them more intensely at the moment, but that was completely inexplicable. It’s just your normal moment when, “I’m so mad about this fight that I’m going to spend some time biting myself and watching myself have sex with Scott Speedman to win”.I have many more questions.It’s format fraud. You get one more.Okay, here it is: How many more questions will I have if I actually watch this movie?Stealthy. I bet if you find a genie and it gives you three wishes, you’ll try that lame wish. But we didn’t start with any ground rules, so this is legit. Here are some questions audiences can look forward to as they walk out of Underworld: Blood Wars: Will all vampires bite themselves to re-experience their own memories? Is that the vampire equivalent of a family photo album? Seriously, what the hell is the Holy World? Why shell out such a large sum and then use it as a cheap free card? Given Marius’ origins, why would he care about the vampire/werewolf war? With how the war finally ended, do the filmmakers owe royalties to the Mortal Kombat producers? How did Marius and his vampire lover meet in the first place, since the two could never be in the same room without trying to kill each other? Why do these movies keep going back to the vampire/werewolf romance angle when it completely never works? franchise – how many more of these will there be? Read more: Realtor in grants pass, former programmer

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