Best Baking Soda Methods to Cure Bloating

Abdominal bloating is caused due to the buildup of gas in the small intestine (due to improper digestion of food) and that makes you feel full and tight in the stomach. Bloating and gas not only makes you feel full in stomach but also causes cramps, diarrhea, difficulty in breath, belching, etc.

Overeating, constipation, peptic ulcers, smoking, water retention, trapped air due to improper chewing of food, stress, food allergies, bacterial infections, specific dietary choices, indigestion, etc. are some of the causes for the abdominal bloating. Passing stomach gas and a regular bowel movement is the best way to relieve from bloating.

You can treat this embarrassing problem with some best natural remedies instead of using over the counter medications or antacids. One such best remedy that work well in treating bloating and gas naturally is baking soda.

Baking Soda for Bloating:


Baking soda or sodium bicarbonate helps to react with the stomach acids and produce carbon dioxide, which in turn helps to expel the excess gas from the stomach through belching. It exhibits various properties which make it as an effective remedy for treating intestinal related problems, including bloating & gas.

Is Baking Soda good for Bloating?

Baking soda is an excellent substance when it comes to relieving stomach bloating and its effects. Here are some of its properties that make you know how it works for clearing stomach bloating.

    It acts as an antacid that neutralizes your excess stomach acid and thereby relieves you from indigestion, acid reflux, etc.
    It reacts with hydrochloric acid in the stomach and thus forms a combination of sodium chloride, carbon dioxide and water that in turn eases for proper digestion and clears the stomach gas and bloating.
    Baking soda when mixed with water, releases the antacid and alkalinity nature which are essential for getting rid of bloating.
    It exhibits antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties that in turn ease the intestinal and digestive issues, including bloating.
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How to use Baking Soda for Bloating:

Baking soda will act as the best alternative to combat bloating and its symptoms. So to get rid of this problem, you have to follow these 4 best methods of using baking soda to prevent gas and bloating.

Method – 1: (Baking Soda with Warm Water)

This is one of the easy and best processes that give quick relief from gas and bloating. This combination will release carbon dioxide and stimulate burping to expel gas. So, prepare this baking soda water and have it whenever you suffer from this bloating.

Steps to be followed…

    Mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda in 1 glass of lukewarm water.
    Stir well and drink this mix to get quick relief from the problem.
    The intake of this mix for once or twice a day to get rid of abdominal gas and bloating. Also, it clears the cramps caused due to accumulation of gas.
    Consume this baking soda water whenever you suffer from abdominal gas and bloating to get rid of bloating.

Note: Never ever drink this baking soda water on a full stomach, as it may results in any intestinal disorders.

how to use baking soda for bloating

Method – 2: (Baking Soda with Lemon)

This process neutralizes the gas by having proper digestion of food and thus treats bloating and other stomach related problems.

Steps to be followed…

    Squeeze 1 fresh lemon in 1/2 glass of water.
    Then add 1 teaspoon of baking soda in this water and stir well.
    Now add more water to the glass and mix it until it stops fizzing.
    Drink it slowly to get relief from the problem.
    Continue drinking it whenever you suffer from stomach gas and abdominal bloating.

How to use Baking Soda for Bloating


    Or mix 1 teaspoon of fresh lemon juice, 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda to 1 cup of cool water. Stir well and drink it after meals to get control over bloating.
    Also, mix 1/2 – 1 teaspoon of baking soda, 1 teaspoon of fresh lemon juice and a few finely crushed peppermint leaves in 1/2 cup of water. Stir well and drink it immediately to get relief from the problem.
    Alternatively, mix 1/2 – 1 teaspoon of baking soda, juice of 1/2 a lemon and a pinch of salt in 1 glass of warm water. Stir well and drink this to get relief from bloating and other abdominal problems.
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Method – 3: (Baking Soda with Apple Cider Vinegar)

This combination works well in clearing bloating and constipation why because both the ingredients help to balance your pH levels and thereby clears bloating and enhance a healthy bowel movement (to clear constipation as well).

    Mix well 1 teaspoon of baking soda in 1 glass of water.
    Then add 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to this water and stir well.
    Keep stirring until the fizz is stopped and drink this solution to get rid of bloating and upset stomach.
    Have this drink twice a day (if needed) to get relief from bloating.

Method – 4: (Baking Soda with Fennel)

The carminative nature of fennel will stimulate the body to expel the excessive gas from the intestine. It has anti-spasmodic property that helps to relax your stomach muscles and gives a quick relief from the problem.

    Steep 1 tablespoon of fennel seeds in 1 glass of water for overnight.
    In the next morning, strain the water and mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda.
    Stir well and drink this to soothe gas and bloating.
    Continue the intake of this drink will help to clear bloating.

Also Read How to Grab Best Benefits of Baking Soda by Drinking on an Empty Stomach

Tips and Precautions:

    Sodium content in baking soda may raise the blood pressure which is the main cause for hypertension. So, avoid using baking soda if you’re on a sodium restricted diet.
    It might interact with certain medications and drugs, so consult your doctor before using it for getting rid of stomach bloating.
    Never ever drink baking soda mix on an overly full stomach. Also, children and pregnant women should not take this baking soda without consulting your doctor.
    However occasional gas, indigestion and bloating are common but chronic bloating and stomach upset may indicate the presence of any underlying medical conditions like IBS, celiac disease, etc. then consult your doctor immediately for treatment.
    Remember that too much usage of baking soda can lead to some serious side effects like heart problems, nausea, etc.
    Avoid taking any antacids while using baking soda for treating the stomach or intestinal problems.
    Avoid excessive or frequent usage of baking which can disrupt the pH and chemical balance in the body, especially for those who are taking water pills or suffering from kidney problems. It also causes abnormal blood sodium and low potassium levels.
    Always use best quality baking soda and also use baking soda in any supplement forms like tablets or any extract for treating bloating.
    Stay hydrated, avoid over eating or eating too fast, chewing gums, quit smoking, have some regular exercises, sufficient sleep, etc. will help to prevent the recurrence of stomach bloating.
    If you are a busy bee and don’t have enough time to prepare natural home remedies then you can rely on anti-bloating pills. Want to know which one works, read it “HERE”.
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Try using these baking soda methods for relieving the uncomfortable pressure or feeling of fullness in your stomach. Do you know any other successful Natural Baking Soda methods to cure Bloating? Then feel free to share your experience with us in the below comments box.

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