Best Ways that work well for Removing Skin Tags

Skin tags are small, soft, benign growths that are present around the body folds. Are you one among those who suffer from these skin outgrowths? Then it is the best place for you to know how to get rid of these skin tags without any side effects.

Before going into the article, let’s know all about skin tags in detail.

What is Skin Tags?


Skin tags (Acrochordons) are non – cancerous skin outgrowths that are composed of collagen fibers and blood vessels surrounded by the skin. These fleshy growths will rarely cause pain or discomfort but most people (especially women) consider this as a cosmetic problem and want to remove it. They are about 2 – 3 centimeters but can grow larger than 5 centimeters.

Where do Skin Tags Appear?

These harmless skin outgrowths appear on the folds of the skin where the moisture and friction are common. It includes…

    Neck (It is the first and foremost part of the body that causes friction by clothing or jewelry).
    Armpits (Becomes easily irritated, causes swelling and pain upon friction).
    Around Eyes or Eyelids (Easy to identify but difficult to self – treat. Must consult your doctor for proper treatment).
    Groin (Skin tags in genital area will become more irritated and inflamed upon friction and also grows in size due to increased blood flow).
    Face (Become a cosmetic issue and makes people struggle more for removing it quickly).
    Anus (Constipation, obesity, hemorrhoids, anal intercourse or usage of sex toys, rectal surgery are some causes of skin tags on the anus)
    Testicles (Occurs in men – When skin tag appeared on the scrotum then it become sore from friction due to tight pants or underwear, condom use or sexual activity).
    Breasts (skin tags under breasts can become itchy, infected and irritated. They hang loosely from the breast by a narrow stalk or peduncle. The main reason is hormonal imbalances).
    Belly button (Appears during pregnancy or when the belly button pierced and thereby causes friction to appear skin tags).
    Penis (Becomes infected, inflamed or irritated if there is a continuous friction of clothes or when you pull/pick it).
    Vagina (Appears on the outer labia or vulva as genital skin tags and caused due to the body piercings, friction from underwear, feminine hygiene products, and sexual activity).

Causes of Skin Tags:

Although, the causes of skin tags are unknown but it is believed that skin friction (rubbing of skin against skin or clothing or jewelry) is the main cause. The other causes include…

    Obesity (or overweight)
    Diabetes (Type – 2 diabetes)
    Hormonal changes (especially for pregnant)
    Skin irritation
    Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
    Skin scratches due to shaving, jewelry or clothing
    Steroids (either using or used)

Although, the best way is to stop the blood supply for getting rid of these tags and there are many natural remedies that help you in dealing with these skin tags at home without any side effects and cost-effective.

The main drawbacks of using natural remedies are the location (especially around the eye), be sure that you’re dealing with skin tags but not any irregular mole, and finally, these remedies will give results a bit late (be patience) but long-lasting.

Home Remedies for Removal of Skin Tags:

If you’re tired of these annoying skin growths and want to know how to remove these skin tags at home naturally, then scroll down to know about the natural remedies that effectively deals with removing skin tags painlessly.

Remedy – 1: (Apple Cider Vinegar)

Apple cider vinegar has acidic nature (alpha hydroxy acid and other acidic acids) that helps to remove the skin tags without leaving a scar on the skin. It has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that clear skin tags effectively.

    Rinse the skin tag affected areas and dry it thoroughly.
    Then apply ACV on the skin tags by using a cotton ball.
    Secure the ball with a bandage and let it sit for about 10 – 15 minutes.
    After that, take out the ball and repeat the process for 2 – 3 times daily till your skin tags turn darker and fall off eventually.


    Or simply dip a cotton swab in ACV and dab it directly on the skin tag for 2 – 3 times daily.
    If you’ve dry or sensitive skin, then dilute ACV with some water before application to avoid skin irritation.
    Avoid the usage of ACV to clear skin tags that are located near the eyes.
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Remedy – 2: (Tea Tree Oil)

Tea tree oil has a drying effect that dries out the skin tags by penetrating deep into the skin. It also has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties that help to remove the skin tag safely.

    Clean the skin tag affected area and pat dry it.
    Then soak a cotton ball in clean water and squeeze it to drain out excess water.
    Now pour few drops of tea tree oil on this wet cotton ball and rub it gently over the skin tag affected area.
    Leave it on for few hours and continue this process for 2 – 3 times daily.


    Or simply dip a cotton swab in tea tree oil and place it on the affected area for few minutes and rinse it off with water.
    If you have sensitive skin then dilute few drops of tea tree oil in water (or) any carrier oil (or) aloe vera gel.

Read more about Tea Tree Oil for Skin Tags

Remedy – 3: (Castor Oil)

Castor oil helps to eliminate the unusual skin growths without the formation of scars on the skin. It is also loaded with many essential nutrients that help to keep the skin healthy. This combination will detoxify the skin and absorbs all the moisture from the skin tags to shrink it.

    Add 1 part of baking soda in 2 parts of castor oil.
    Stir well to make a paste by adding few drops of lemon oil (or peppermint oil – optional).
    Apply it on the skin tag and cover it with a bandage.
    Leave it on for overnight and rinse off in the next morning with warm water.
    Do the same process daily till you get complete relief from skin tags.


    Or simply rub some castor oil (or coconut oil or any carrier oil) on your skin tags at night before bedtime to get rid of the problem.
    Or mix a little water in 1 teaspoon of baking soda to make a paste. Apply it on the skin tags and rinse off after it dries on the skin.

Remedy – 4: (Oregano Oil)

Oregano essential oil has phenolic terpenoids compounds like thymol, arvacrol, and p-cymene that exhibits antibacterial, antimelanomic, antioxidant, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties that help to clear skin tags effectively.

    Mix 2 – 3 drops of oregano oil in 6 – 8 drops of coconut oil.
    Stir well and apply it on the skin tag affected areas.
    Wait for few minutes to get dry the applied mix.
    Regular follow – up of this mix for 2 – 3 times daily will dry out the skin tag and make it fall off easily.


    Or you can use any carrier oil to dilute oil of oregano before application to prevent redness and irritation. Also, never place it in and around your eyes.
    Alternatively, prepare homemade oregano oil by infusing fresh oregano in olive oil for several weeks and then strain it to apply on the skin tag affected areas regularly until this tag dries and falls off.

Remedy – 5: (Dandelion Juice)

Dandelion detoxifies the body, promotes collagen production and prevents hormonal imbalances which in turn helps to get rid of skin tags and also prevents its recurrence. It effectively breaks down and removes the excess skin tissue with its rich content of vitamins and minerals.

    Extract the juice from the dandelion root by squeezing it gently and apply it on the skin tags.
    Wait till it dries on the skin and then rinse off with water.
    Repeat the same process for 3 times daily till you get complete relief from the skin tags.

Note: Or simply apply the juice that extracted from the dandelion stem on skin tags to get rid of the problem.

Remedy – 6: (Fenugreek Seeds)

The antioxidant property of fenugreek seeds will help you a lot in removing dead cells on the skin, including skin tags. Regular usage of this fenugreek seeds will shrink your skin tags.

    Take 2 – 3 teaspoons of fenugreek seeds and soak them in 1 glass of warm water for overnight.
    Strain the seeds in the next morning and keep that strained water in another bowl.
    Then drink this strained water in the morning on an empty stomach.
    Or apply this water on the skin tags and chew the soaked fenugreek seeds.
    Do it once daily for 2 – 3 weeks regularly till you get complete relief from the skin tags.
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Some Other Effective Remedies:

    Aloe vera has antioxidant, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that detoxify the skin and removes skin tags. Apply fresh aloe vera gel on the affected area and massage gently (or) mix enough turmeric powder in 1/2 teaspoon of aloe vera gel and apply it on the skin to get rid of skin tags. Do it 2 – 3 times daily till you get rid of skin tags.
    Banana has essential nutrients and antioxidants that help to remove skin tags. Rub the clean skin tag with a piece of banana peel and place the peel (inside white part) over the tag. Cover it with a bandage at night and take it out in the next morning. Rinse off with water and continue this daily in every night until the skin tag drops off.
    Onions have phytonutrients and antioxidants that detoxify the body and clears skin tags effectively. Mix 1/2 teaspoon of salt and a chopped onion in a container and leave for overnight. In the morning, extract its juice and apply it on the skin tag at night before bedtime. Rinse off with warm water in the morning. Do it daily till tag comes off.
    Vitamin E oil has antioxidant and skin regenerating properties. Extract oil from vitamin E capsule and apply a thin layer of oil on the skin tags. Cover it with a bandage and change the oil and bandage daily after cleaning the tag affected area. Repeat once daily for best and quick results.
    The citric acid in lemon juice helps to clear skin tags. Apply fresh lemon juice on skin tags using a cotton ball. Rinse off after few minutes. Be sure to apply sunscreen while going out in the sun. Or replace lemon juice with pineapple juice.
    Usage of liquid nitrogen is also called cryotherapy. Be careful while using a liquid nitrogen, as it has a burning effect and harms the skin. Wear a glove and dip forceps into it and press on the skin tag. This process will disconnect the supply of oxygen into the tag and thereby eventually falls off from the skin.
    The presence of acetylsalicylic acid in aspirin shrinks and dries the tag. Crush few aspirin tablets with water and apply this paste on the skin tag. Repeat for quick relief.

Also, Know about How Garlic is used to Remove Skin Tags.

Tips and Precautions:

    Consult your doctor or dermatologist to rule out any possibility of the serious situation or if you’re getting pain, bleeding and irritation on the affected area, for proper diagnose and treatment.
    You can also cover the skin tag with a piece of duct tape to get quick relief from the problem.
    Drink plenty of water and consume a healthy diet (rich in fiber, fresh fruits, and vegetables, iron and zinc rich foods, antioxidant or vitamin E rich foods) to get rid of the problem.
    Always wear loose clothing and jewelry to avoid rubbing or friction on the skin.
    Do regular exercises to maintain proper hormone levels and also proper weight.
    Avoid smoking, alcohol, excess sugar intake, fat, caffeine, processed foods, oily or greasy foods for clearing skin tags quickly.
    The lauric acid in coconut oil that helps to kill the microbes causing skin problem and also clear the tags. So, apply coconut oil in every night before bedtime and leave it for overnight.
    Never ever pick or attempt to cut your skin tags. If you do it then it will increase the risk of infection and scarring.
    Tie a thread all around the tag and leave it for overnight. It restricts the blood flow into the tag and thus dries out the tag to fall off. Do it for a couple of nights.
    Remember to rinse your skin with mild soap and warm water and dry it thoroughly before applying any of the above mentioned natural remedies for quick relief from these tags.
    Cover your skin tag with nail polish and allow it to dry for few minutes. Do it 2 – 3 times daily till the tag fades off from the skin.
    Applying liquid iodine on the skin tags by using a q-tip for once daily will help to break down the skin cells and eventually fall off the tags. But make sure to apply coconut oil on the surrounding healthy skin to prevent the damage before applying this iodine on the tags.
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How to Identify the Skin Tags on the Skin?

Most people are unaware of these skin tags on their skin, as they fall off on their own due to rubbing or friction but the problem arises when they grow to a large size or causing embarrassment or pain & discomfort. You can easily identify the skin tags with these features.

They are brown or flesh colored (or dark colored), looks like mushrooms with their skin stalks and observe pendulum like growths. After you identified it, the first thing you have to do is to cut off the blood supply to these skin tags.

Are there any tips to take care of skin after removal of skin tags?

Yes, your skin becomes sensitive, so you have to take some proper care after removing these skin tags which are mentioned below.

    Clean the area with an antibacterial soap for twice daily – once in the morning and once in the evening.
    Never ever scratch the area or rub it with pressure or apply friction on that skin area.
    Apply a sunscreen with an adequate amount of SPF while stepping out in the sun to prevent the sensitivity of the skin.
    At night before bedtime, rinse the area and dry it to apply a moisturizer for faster healing and nourishment of the skin and to prevent the recurrence of these tags on the skin.
    Avoid placing any ornament or clothes that cause irritation or friction on the skin area where you cleared the skin tag, as it causes irritation and redness on the skin.
    Avoid applying rubbing alcohol and hydrogen peroxide why because they slow down the healing process of the skin.
    Avoid taking off the scab and cover the area with a small bandage to protect the area.

Are There any Conventional Treatments Available for Skin Tags?

There are 7 best conventional skin tags treatments used by dermatologists by depending on their size, location and skin condition. But make sure to discuss your problem thoroughly with the health care provider before choosing the treatment and the treatment should be done by a dermatologist or a trained medical professional.

    Surgery (removing with a scalpel)
    Cryotherapy (freezing with a liquid nitrogen compound)
    Cauterization (burning off a skin tag)
    Tying a String (tie a sterile string around the base to stop blood supply to the skin tag)
    Laser removal (CO2 lasers used to remove skin tags)
    Ligation (or Tying off skin tags where a thin piece of thread used to inhibit the blood flow)
    Excision (Surgically cutting off this skin growth)

Is it normal for skin tags to bleed while removing them?

We are aware that skin tag is an extra growth of the skin. So, when you cut it or removed then it obviously bleeds, just like any cut or wound bleeding on the skin. But in maximum cases, there is less bleeding or no bleeding. Although it depends on the location of the skin tags, if it is close to a vein then the tag bleed more than normal. So, always use an antiseptic to clean the area and place a band-aid to reduce the bleeding.

How weight and skin tags related?

There is a correlation between weight (BMI) and skin tags on the skin (1). Obesity results in the excessive buildup of adipose tissues, which in turn lead to fat. The fat deposits not only add weight to your waistline but it makes you look bulkier. This finally causes hormonal imbalances in your body and thereby changes all the bodily functions and the fat causes skin tags on the body.

In maximum cases, skin tags are the result of weight gain. So, always check your weight and try to maintain a healthy weight as per your age to get rid of these skin tags.

Final word:

Don’t forget that the skin tags are neither dangerous nor contagious or result in any serious health problems. So, don’t bother about these skin tags. If you find any visible changes in their appearance or causing pain then follow these natural home remedies to get rid of these skin tags. Do you have any successful remedies for getting rid of skin tags? Then share your experience or queries in the below comments box.

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