How To Make The Easiest Balloon Garland Ever! – Easy Balloon Garland DIY Tutorial

How to Make Your Own Balloon Garland – The Easy Way! If you are planning on making your own balloon garland and want an easy tutorial, you’ve come to the right place! I’ll share the step-by-step directions and the supplies you’ll need below. I’ve made a ton of balloon garlands, and I have to say I’ve dreaded making them up until I perfected this method. They used to take forever to make and never seemed to hold up for longer than a couple of days.Balloon garlands make any party extra special and are an easy way to add decor without breaking the bank. I love decorating for events with balloons!Reading: how to string balloons togetherclick here to get the above balloon garland party kit and use code CHELSEEHOOD for 10% off!

How Long Does It Take To Make Them?


This balloon garland took me about 30 minutes from start to finish. It will probably take you around an hour if it’s your first time putting one together. Let me know if you follow this tutorial! I’d love to see a photo. Be sure to scroll down to see the video of myself assembling our balloon garland too!I used to use balloon tape (which is basically clear non-sticky “tape” with holes in it to put the balloons through) to make my balloon garlands, but I’ve found thick fishing line works MUCH better. I will also share how I make a balloon garland using balloon tape below in case you want to try that option.

Supplies You’ll Need to Make Your Balloon Garland

In order to make your balloon garland, you’ll need just a few supplies. Balloons (the below garland uses 64 balloons), strong fishing line, an electric balloon pump, and command hooks.Easy Balloon Garland DIY Tutorial for your upcoming birthday parties, parties, or baby showers

Balloon Garland Supply 1: Balloons in Varying Sizes

First, decide on how big you want your balloon garland. For a 10 foot balloon garland (like the pink balloon garland above and below), you’ll need around 64 balloons of varying sizes. You can find balloons at Party City, Amazon, The Dollar Tree, Michaels, etc. Or, you can purchase a balloon garland kit. I like this one and there are a ton of color options. It is a more expensive option, but the balloons are great quality and they’re biodegradable.Easy Balloon Garland DIY Tutorial for your upcoming birthday parties, parties, or baby showers

Balloon Garland Supply 2: Strong Fishing Line

Next, you’ll need a strong fishing line. This one is great! You will use this to loop the balloons on to. More on that later.Easy Balloon Garland DIY Tutorial for your upcoming birthday parties, parties, or baby showersfishing lineEasy Balloon Garland DIY Tutorial for your upcoming birthday parties, parties, or baby showersabove is our single electric balloon pumpEasy Balloon Garland DIY Tutorial for your upcoming birthday parties, parties, or baby showers

Balloon Garland Supply 3: Electric Balloon Pump

Most importantly, you’ll want to get an electric balloon blower. No one has time to blow all of those balloons up by themselves! This one works great and I own two of them! Better yet, grab this option for about the same price which comes with four nozzles.Easy Balloon Garland DIYEasy Balloon Garland DIY

Pink electric balloon pump with four nozzles

Balloon Garland Supply 4: Command Hooks

To hang your balloon garland, you’ll want to tie each end to something. I often use my stair railing, but if you don’t have that nearby then you’ll want to use command hooks. These ones and these ones are my favorite because the fishing line stays put.

Shop Our Favorite Balloon Garland Supplies

Click any photo below to shop our favorite balloon garland supplies!

Our How to Video

More tips and tricks here:

How To Make A Balloon Garland – Tutorial

Now that you have your balloon garland supplies, here is our tutorial. Hopefully this helps explain our easy balloon garland method easily! I have been making balloon garlands for about 4 years now, so I can whip them up pretty quickly.Easy Balloon Garland DIY Tutorial for your upcoming birthday parties, parties, or baby showersI did an EXTRA long balloon garland for Madisons birthday. Our new home has a 2 story great room, so I wanted to hang the garland down from the 2nd story. This worked great! I didn’t need any command hooks for this as I was able to tie it to the railing and to a latch on our window. For this method, I used fishing string to loop the balloons on. You’ll definitely want to get an electric balloon pump to help blow your balloons up.

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Step 1 – Blow Up Balloons

Blow up your balloons. Again, I use varying sizes and colors. You’ll want about the same amount in small and medium balloons and then a few large balloons. After I blow them up and before I tie them off, I push them up against my body as I hold the opening and let a little bit of air out. This gives me a longer ‘tail’ to work with and it also makes the balloon rounder vs. longer.Easy Balloon Garland DIY Tutorial for your upcoming birthday parties, parties, or baby showersthis is our electric pump – I am pushing the air out of the balloon to make the ends extra long and for the balloon to be rounder

Step 2 – Tie Balloons Together

Next, we’ll tie our balloons together. If you are going for more of a rainbow garland, you’ll obviously want to keep all your colors separated. If you want it more randomized, tie any of your colors together. I take a medium balloon and a large balloon and tie them together. Then, take a medium balloon and a small balloon and tie those together. Next, take a small balloon and a medium balloon and tie those together. Basically, you’ll want to tie random sizes together in groupings of two.Read more: How to reduce microwave interference with wifiEasy Balloon Garland DIY Tutorial for your upcoming birthday parties, parties, or baby showersWe’ll take our groupings of two balloons and tie them together with another grouping of two balloons. This will make a ‘quad’ which will make up our balloon garland!Easy Balloon Garland DIY Tutorial for your upcoming birthday parties, parties, or baby showersEasy Balloon Garland DIY Tutorial for your upcoming birthday parties, parties, or baby showershere is our grouping twoEasy Balloon Garland DIY Tutorial for your upcoming birthday parties, parties, or baby showershere is our grouping of 4 (or a quad)

Step 3 – String Balloons on to Fishing Line

Now that all our balloons are blown up and tied together in groups of four, this next step goes super quickly! You’ll take your first quad of balloons and fishing line and tie them on. Make sure to leave around a yard of fishing line on the end so you can tie it up. You’ll loop the fishing line around one of the balloons on the quad and tie it twice.Easy Balloon Garland DIY Tutorial for your upcoming birthday parties, parties, or baby showershere is our finished garland for our daughters birthday!Easy Balloon Garland DIY Tutorial for your upcoming birthday parties, parties, or baby showersNext, you’ll take your second quad of balloons and push them as closely to the first quad as possible. When I say close, I mean really push them close (it will almost feel like you’re going to pop them!). Then, you’ll loop the fishing line around one balloon and push up tightly. They should be super tight together to give a full look. Please watch my video above if this doesn’t make sense! You’ll finish looping each quad onto the fishing line until you have your balloon garland as long as you’d like it to be.Easy Balloon Garland DIY Tutorial for your upcoming birthday parties, parties, or baby showersEasy Balloon Garland DIY Tutorial for your upcoming birthday parties, parties, or baby showers

Step 4 – Add in Tiny Balloons (Optional)

For this balloon garland, we did not do this. For our New Years Eve balloon garland (below), we did. This one came with really small balloons so I used glue dots to add those in. I knew I wasn’t going to keep this up for very long otherwise I would have used a low temp glue gun. You can also use scotch tape. The low temp glue gun works really well and lasts the longest!Easy Balloon Garland DIYThis was our balloon garland for New Years. The girls loved popping the balloons with confetti for our count down!Easy Balloon Garland DIYbench // olive tree // pillows

Step 5 – Tie Up the Balloon Garland

Our last step is to fasten our balloon garland! Again, I like tying our balloon garlands to our stair railing or loft railing but this doesn’t always work for where I want our balloon garland to go. You can also tie your balloon garland to a command hook, let the end hang, or fasten the other end to another command hook. It really just depends on the look you’re going for! For our New Years garland, I had a random nail left on the wall so I tied it to that!Easy Balloon Garland DIY Tutorial for your upcoming birthday parties, parties, or baby showers

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • How many balloons do you need? – It depends on the length of the balloon garland of course. But, for the longer pink themed balloon garland above we used 64 balloons in varying sizes.
  • How long do they last? – I have had balloon garlands last for several weeks! You can definitely make them the day before your event or even longer.
  • How long will this take me? – If this is your first time making a balloon garland, plan on at least an hour. Again, I have made a ton of these so I can make them in about 30 minutes. Your first garland will probably be very frustrating, but keep going and you’ll get better!
  • How many balloons pop? – I rarely pop balloons when I’m blowing them up surprisingly! I’d say I might lose 1-2 for each balloon garland which isn’t bad!
  • Do I need helium? – No! The great thing about balloon garlands is that no helium is needed.
  • How far in advance can I make them? – It’s really nice to have a balloon garland for party decor because you can make them in advance. Even though I’ve gotten really good at this method and it only takes me about 30 minutes, it’s still nice to make it a day or two ahead of time. The only downside is my kids end up trying to play with it!
  • How do I attach it to the wall? – Again, I mainly use command hooks. They seem to last the longest. I also use random things around the house if it works for my set up. I’ve tied the balloon garland to my stair case, cabinet knobs, a random left over nail on the wall, or even a tack! To keep your walls looking nice, I still recommend command hooks over any other hook.
  • What size balloons should I use? – I like to use varying sizes with a few extra large balloons thrown in. 9″ to 24″ and everything in between!

Easy Balloon Garland DIY Tutorial for your upcoming birthday parties, parties, or baby showers

Method Two

This is my original balloon garland method. I do still like it, but the fishing line method is just a lot easier.Here are the supplies you’ll need:

  • Balloon Tape (I’ll talk more about it in a bit)
  • Low Temperature Glue Gun
  • Balloons (I like 2-3 different colors depending on the look you’re going for)
  • Balloon Pump – I linked this one to Amazon which costs around $20, but is worth it if you are going to continue to make balloon garlands!
  • Command Hooks (or, if you don’t mind patching up small holes you can use tacks)

Balloon Tape

Easy Balloon Garland DIY Tutorial for your upcoming birthday parties, parties, or baby showersMy old method for creating balloon garlands, was literally tacking them to the wall. I have one wall in our bonus room that I use when setting up party scenes. It really needs to be filled in because it’s full of holes! The girls would also rip them off the wall, so it was basically a disaster.I discovered balloon tape while searching on Amazon. It is basically just a roll of clear “tape” (it isn’t sticky) with holes punched through. The holes are where you will put your balloons through. This helps to make the base for your balloon garland.

Low Temp Glue Gun

Easy Balloon Garland DIY Tutorial for your upcoming birthday parties, parties, or baby showersThis made a huge difference from my old balloon garland method! I used to tape the smaller balloons onto the bigger balloons, and it would never hold for more than a day or two. With the low temp glue gun, you can glue your smaller balloons onto the bigger ones. You need to look for the low temp specifically, since the high temp will pop the balloons!

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Assembling Your Balloon Garland

Easy Balloon Garland DIY Tutorial for your upcoming birthday parties, parties, or baby showersEasy Balloon Garland DIY Tutorial for your upcoming birthday parties, parties, or baby showersEasy Balloon Garland DIY Tutorial for your upcoming birthday parties, parties, or baby showersFor the base of my balloon garland, I used around 30 balloons blown up to their capacity. This is where your balloon pump will come in handy. No one wants to blow up 30 balloons on their own!I hooked them onto the balloon tape with two pinks, then one white and so on. I wanted the pink to stand out a bit more which is why I used more pink.Read more: How to draw a lion face easy step by stepWhen you get your balloon tape, you’ll notice there are bigger holes and smaller holes. I used the bigger holes for this garland. I placed our larger balloons on every other large hole. This gives me room to actually stick the balloon tape to the wall without popping any balloons.Once I have my base done, I then tack the balloon tape to the wall. Again, you can use command hooks if you don’t want to leave holes.If you tie a string to each end of the ballon garland, it’ll hang easily to the command hook. We patch our walls often (thanks toddlers), so I didn’t mind adding a couple more spots to the list.

Adding Dimension

Easy Balloon Garland DIY Tutorial for your upcoming birthday parties, parties, or baby showersIt looks a little sparse and sad doesn’t it? This is where the smaller balloons will come in to give it dimension.Easy Balloon Garland DIY Tutorial for your upcoming birthday parties, parties, or baby showersEasy Balloon Garland DIY Tutorial for your upcoming birthday parties, parties, or baby showersEasy Balloon Garland DIY Tutorial for your upcoming birthday parties, parties, or baby showersOur next step is to add the smaller balloons for some dimension. This is what really makes your balloon garland “pop”. Ok, not really pop because that would be bad but you know what I mean. I blow up more balloons in varying sizes from medium to super small. Then, I start randomly placing the smaller balloons wherever I think looks good and add a one or two dots of glue.I hold them against the large balloons for around 20 seconds till the glue sets. Keep doing that until you’re happy with the way it looks! You can also add in greenery if it goes with your party theme.Easy Balloon Garland DIY Tutorial for your upcoming birthday parties, parties, or baby showersEasy Balloon Garland DIY Tutorial for your upcoming birthday parties, parties, or baby showersEasy Balloon Garland DIY Tutorial for your upcoming birthday parties, parties, or baby showers3 sizes of balloons for this garland

Past Balloon Garland Photos

Easy Balloon Garland DIYour NYE balloon garlandTrolls Princess Poppy Birthday PartyMcKinlee’s Trolls theme partyEasy Balloon Garland DIY Tutorial for your upcoming birthday parties, parties, or baby showers

Balloon Garland Inspiration

There are some pretty intense balloon art out there, and these are all so beautiful! I love the addition of foil balloons for a little extra shine. Click the links below to check out these talented artists!Rainbow balloon garland on front porchimage via Instagram – That Balloon GirlRainbow balloon garland on staircaseimage via Balloon TherapyPink balloon garland with gold bar cart for valentineimage via Girly Gifts – check out her shop for easy and beautiful DIY garland kitsballoon garland and childs party set up with white table and cakethis is such a darling set up from The Happy Wish Company!

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I hope you found this balloon garland tutorial helpful! Balloons really do add so much to a party set up in an easy and inexpensive way. Let me know if you end up trying either of these methods and what you think! Feel free to leave a question below in the comments or you can DM me on Instagram!Blog SignaturePink balloon garland hanging off stair railingRead more: More Than 100 Weave Hairstyles You Can Try

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