How To Fix A Screen Printed Shirt

There are many reasons why printers sometimes misprint some t-shirts during the printing process. (Not anyone in this industry will openly admit to making any mistakes. We’re all perfect, you know.) Hopefully none of your employees do it out of incompetence. force, this could be a completely different article. This issue, though, will focus on a few possible issues that, if fixed, could allow you to ship that “misprinted” problem shirt with your order. Some misprints are absolutely disastrous, and you certainly can’t send them in. Those are immediately put in a pile of proof paper, or used to mop the floor afterwards. Here are some tips to repair certain shirts so that the problematic order is delivered in full:

  • Fluff ball or thread. A piece of lint or a thread is stuck on the underside of the screen. After the brush stroke, there is a hole or thin wavy line in the print that is quite noticeable. If your captors are as highly trained as ours, they will spot these minor inconsistencies and take steps to correct them.
  • First, make sure you tell your printer to stop printing and fix the problem so the rest of your production doesn’t have this problem.
  • To fix affected shirts, simply apply some ink to a piece of cardboard. Use a toothpick to lightly dab the ink stain on the shirt in the smeared area. Mix well, mix well… Put the shirt in the dryer.
  • Take a look around your press area. If your appliance hasn’t been cleaned in a while, you might consider spending some time cleaning the juicer and the surrounding area. Also, the lint challenge is made worse if you use a spray-on glue, as glue sticks to the air causing a variety of problems. Try switching to a water-based adhesive that can be carded onto the sheet. Also, if your print pool is down, this is a major cause of ghosting. Owner: This is a floor monitoring management issue. Make sure you have a word with your leaders.
  • Distorted Circle or Square. Speaking of spray adhesives… applying too much to the roller can cause the printed image to distort as your press puller pulls it away from the roller. That left circle is now an egg shape. That square is now a trapezoid. Sorry !!
  • Set all affected shirts aside. Usually it is limited to a few, as it usually occurs shortly after the roller binder is applied (too extensive).
  • What was happening was that the fibers of the shirt were stretched in the direction of an amazing force that was applied to push the shirt fabric out of the press.
  • To overcome the challenge, if you manually stretch the fabric in the opposite direction from the one you see with the shirt, you can pull the image back into shape with a few pulls. Eggs become round, trapezoid becomes square.
  • To increase the likelihood that this problem will not happen again, ask the press operator and puller to help troubleshoot the problem. Don’t just leave it to the catcher. Asking them to participate in fixing the shirt and explaining how it happened will educate them about the cause and effect of how they run journalism. This challenge is completely preventable.
  • In addition, there are a variety of lower binders on the market to use. These are especially valuable for shirts that don’t have a lot of fabric, such as burnout or some slimmer fashion t-shirts. These are more prone to visual distortion than a normal t-shirt.
  • Table sign. This is when a ghost image of a shirt board shows up on your t-shirt, mostly due to a combination of heat and pressure. It is most visible on dark shirts and this can be avoided with proper care during the manufacturing process. Recommended methods to reduce board tracks in your store:
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  • Round the corners of your rubber broom.
  • Reduce the pressure of the squeegee as little as possible. Remember that you have to cut the ink through the screen, not let it hit the shirt like a nail. The answer to everything in the press is not more pressure !!
  • Minimize the fire extinguishing temperature. You only need to gel the ink, not cure it.
  • Check your squeegee length. Use a squeegee just slightly wider than your image if possible. Never use a squeegee wider than your roller.
  • Burn marks. Mostly on white shirts, you may occasionally get light brown or light brown scorch marks on the shirt. Check the heat and dwell time on your flash and heat settings on your dryer. T-shirts are not pizza; you just need to cure the ink stain so watch your temperature!
  • You can sometimes remove scorch marks with hydrogen peroxide on a white shirt. Use an appropriately labeled spray bottle and spray some hydrogen peroxide on the affected area of ​​the shirt and let it dry. This can sometimes remove the scorch mark, but depending on the severity of the challenge, is not 100% effective.
  • Use the gun on the spot. As ubiquitous as a slingshot in a t-shirt store, the cannonball gun is a fairly common sight. If you don’t have one of these miracle healing devices, you should consider it. They’re basically power sprayers that concentrate cleaning fluid with tremendous force through shirts to remove ink stains, stains, stains, and other weird patches on fabrics. Make sure your employees use proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and check for chemicals on your SDS, as generally the better the chemical works, the more harmful it is to humans.
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  • The most common use of an ink gun is to blow away ink from the pinholes of a shirt. These are the little spots in your emulsion that your screen room missed during their quality check. When pressed, they grow over time and tiny ink dots will appear on your shirt. These are usually caused by dirty glass on your exposure unit or debris on the positive side of the film. If your store switches to a Computer to Monitor system, these problems will be eliminated overnight.
  • Dirty shirt. Sometimes shirts have stains, oil stains, or other weird marks on them. More often than not, this is due to the condition of your printer or the working habits of your crew. Believe it or not, you can’t eat Cheetos and load a t-shirt press at the same time. Well, I really just wrote that… as I had to say to a printer before.
  • Raw squid. Your prints should have ink residue that is smooth to the touch and beautifully soft. So what do you do if the ink is rough or textured like an old cobblestone street?
  • Once the shirt is dry, try using a heat press with a smooth silicone pad and use heat and pressure to smooth out the ink stain.
  • While it’s easy to blame the ink for this problem, the root cause lies somewhere in the mechanical printing method. Every problem is different, but I would consider stress and loss of communication as the main culprits of this type of problem. Properly constructed screens with good EOM (Emulsion Over Mesh) will allow ink to be deposited into the openings on the screen during flooding. The ink brush only cuts the ink in the gap and deposits it on the surface. If you have good screen tension, a flat plate and a sharp brush, this will allow you to print amazingly smooth, translucent ink stains.
  • We Forgot – The case of some missing art. Sometimes, I’ve seen cases where the art department missed something in the seps, the screening room blocked a piece of art, the print team removed part of the art fixing a pinhole or registration mark, or things another “mystery” as to why a detail or item on the artwork was omitted. Worse yet, the print run occurs and the challenge is discovered too late. What are you doing now?
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  • Of course, depending on the situation, you may need to create a separate “repair” screen where only a small bit of art is left behind.
  • Your best printer, take their time, can load the shirt onto the platen and stack the printed shirt with the newly added fix. This takes some special skill and care. And laser beams. If you haven’t bought a laser for your store yet, get in the car now and go down to your hardware store and buy a few sets. These thin red lasers shine down on your platen. You can use these to permanently line up the screen with the printed shirt centered on a few landmarks on the printed shirt so that each shirt can be loaded correctly. (We also use them to stack pocket tees for casual tasks).
  • Does this work all the time? No. Will it take all afternoon to fix? Right. You won’t get anything done while trying to save on these shirts. However, that’s better than buying them back any day. Or the embarrassment of omitting an important detail in print and having to explain it to the client.
  • Final thoughts. While some problems occur beyond your employees’ control, a lot of them are due to staff inattentiveness, clean shopping, improper training, and often just a focus on details. Your store leader has the authority to enforce certain general housekeeping rules, promote training, and develop your quality control program. Make sure you log these problems and if you can find the root cause of the problem. Remember the tried-and-true proverb, “You can’t manage what you don’t measure”. Store managers should actively work to continually review these challenges and develop policies and procedures to eliminate them.What’s your secret trick? These are just the things I thought of, but if you have anything that I’ve missed, feel free to share! 2-burning coleman propane stove Read more: how to make old clothes go away Read more: how to clean propane 2-burning coleman stove Read more: how to make clothes look old Read more: how to clean propane 2-burning coleman stove Read more: how to do clothes look old

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