How To Get Into Warhammer 40k

I never liked Warhammer 40K because when I buy a game I want to sit down and start playing. Warhammer is the opposite of that. Getting into the Warhammer hobby is like deciding to go back to college to major in Fine Arts, Napoleonic Wars, and Space Opera Biblical Studies—you have to find a mentor, talk to a mentor. finance and plan the next two years of your life before you buy a single figure. So if six years ago you had told me I was going to write a column for advice on how to join Warhammer, I would have asked how much the Game Workshop paid me (no, I swear). If you told me I was going to play a Nurgle army, I would ask when I lost my mind, because of all the factions in Warhammer, I hate the soldiers of Chaos grinning, spewing the Nurgle plague. . : How to Get a Warhammer 40k This series of articles will take you through selecting, assembling, painting, and playing an army of Warhammer 40K (Death Guard specifically), as well as everything I learned along the way. . This is not a professional guide, this is a Tutorial for an idiot, and I am an idiot. Luckily, I have Will, my friend, who really knows what he’s doing. This is the story of how I learned to stop worrying and love Warhammer. Or more specifically Papa Nurgle.

What the hell is a Warhammer 40K?

If you’re an experienced Warhammer player, you can skip this section — you’ve completed your three majors and may be eligible to teach a course on the basics. 40K world (just like I was), threatened by dense lore and the esoteric world of craft-play, here are the basics: Warhammer is a board war game where you Buy your characters, glue them together, paint them, then field them to fight battles. You use six-sided dice to determine if your little soldiers hit or miss and a tape measure to measure distance. Like D&D, you need specific hardcover rules to play. Currently, Warhammer is in version 8.Source: YouTube, MiniWarGamingRead more: how to keep pool water cool in the summer If you want to dig into the lore, I wrote this article about the magic of Warhammer (which offers some insight into the universe). ). They are led by their god-like Emperor, who has been preserved in a mechanical temple called The Golden Throne, and whose legion is made up of giants who are genetically engineered to wear armor. (Space Marines) and armies of normal-sized men armed with tanks and rifles. (Royal Guard). These defend the Imperium against alien races that run the gamut from murderous ancestors like the Tyranids to sophisticated civilizations like the Aeldari, as well as the forces of Chaos, including the armies of the Tyranids. Demons obey the orders of their patron god Chaos. —Tzeentch, Khorne, Nurgle, or Slaanesh.Games Workshop has more models on the shelves for some factions than others (keeps out Space Marines, GW!), but they usually have enough variety to take out any army. whatever you want to build, whether it’s Imperium, aliens, or Chaos (Nurgle’s Death Guard, the army I play, is the Chaos force). Two important rules of preference: First, be sure to respond to everything you disagree with with “heretic!” or “damn xenos…” Part of the fun of Warhammer is the adoption of the fanatical, humorous rhetoric of the Imperium, based on a hatred of heretics and aliens. If you are on the Chaos side, be sure to shout out the slogan of your respective Chaos god, such as “Blood for the Blood God!”, whenever the opportunity arises. mock them mercilessly. Nobody likes T’au. Honestly, the rampant tribalism in Warhammer was part of what convinced me to give it another chance: people seemed happy to swear their undying allegiance to a faction and commitment. perpetual enmity with all others. makes me wonder what made them so passionate about the game. So I took a closer look.

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How I opened my heart to Nurgle

Nurgle is the obese, loathsome Chaos god of disease, death, and decay in the Warhammer 40K universe. Like I said, I used to hate him the most – he was gross. All of the flavor text surrounding his army seems to be variations on “the loathsome, vomiting, bubonic plague.” Who would have thought it would be fun to play a bunch of pus-filled, deformed mutants? Read more: How to draw strange dragon wings is the most adorable, funny and benevolent of the Chaos gods. While the other gods have titles like “Soul Hunter” and “Modifier,” Nurgle is just Papa Nurgle, passing his love on to all his horribly wrong followers. me. In a dystopian future where there is only war, Nurgle is a ray of sunshine — to him, the war that forever engulfs the galaxy is not a terrifying struggle for survival, it’s a non-stop party. about his army changed. Controlling hordes of sick Poxwalkers ignited my love of assassin wizards and armies of zombies (one of my D&D characters actually tried to besiege a city with zombies). ghost bearing anthax), and all that rust and buboes and weird chitinous growth seems so organic and interesting compared to the smooth metal armor plates of the Space Marines and Eldars.warhammer tabletop miniwargamingOn top of that, Nurgle’s heretical Space Marines, Death Guard, are terrifying — Plague Marines are quiet, disciplined killers clad in powerful armor, surrounded by invisible virus clouds. Figure. They carried giant death bells that tore souls to pieces, and their scribes roamed in search of omens of flies, wounds, and puddles of acid. Sure, Khorne has bloodthirsty maniacs and topless Mad Max-like mother dogs, but Nurgle is packing intractable typhoid bugs. Army and Primaris Space Marines, I said, “That’s right.”

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So, despite all the odds, I ended up dropping a few hundred dollars on an army of Nurgles. Since then, I’ve learned about all the different Plague Marine companies, detailed Death Guard weapons and strategies, and even played a few simulators against Will. No one is more surprised than I am about all this, but now that I’ve started playing with them, I’m not giving up my mutant killer squad to anyone, but that’s me. In the next section, I will teach you how to choose the right side for YOU. In fact, I’m paying them to buy all these damn paints, then tell you how awesome they are. This is the insidious genius of Games Workshop. But it is fun.illustration sea warhammer plagueRead more: how to connect poly pipe to pvc

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