How To Build Vape Coils With the Coil Master V3

Video How to use the coil fixture

An absolute beginner over the shoulder looking at the construction of a basic coil


Honestly, I found the whole coil building a bit daunting and spent a whole bunch of time watching You Tube video tutorials. Read: how to use the coil As I said in the review I don’t have any tools but have invested in a small package of pre-made coils that cost a few pounds. [not a real man lol] which meant I had to amputate my first ‘legs’ with my trusty old nail a basic coil with DIY master coil v3So as a complete and consummate new to coil construction, here is my go-to guide to building your own coil. with any suggestions – advice or criticism.

Why Build Your Own Vape Coil?

Building your own coil will not only save you money in the long run, but many experts say it will also give you a much better vaping experience. Experiencing it is also extremely therapeutic as well as rewarding. It sounds a bit sad but I found the whole coil building process extremely relaxing almost hypnotizing and my mind [usually far too busy] quiet – actually quite Zen. And it’s really rewarding when you feel almost liberated from the need to feed your tank like a hungry baby bird but instead of worms an endless supply of expensive stock coils! The other bonus is flavor and vapor You won’t believe the difference between the reserve coil inside the tank and the homemade coil inside the dropper or RTA – it really will make you think. Master V3 is highly recommended – but you’ll need some basics to get the job done well and more importantly – safely.coilmaster v3 . contentTo make things a lot easier, you’ll need the following:

  • Cut the rope
  • Pliers
  • Scissors
  • Screwdrivers
  • Ceramic tweezers
  • Pen Style Philips Screwdriver / Flat Head

Most RDAs and RTAs come with a ‘small blue screwdriver’ or hex tool but it’s always helpful to have a few more ????Some say you need an ohm reader and of course if if you can afford it then buy one – if not then of course can use your mod to test the coils.

Ready-made rolls

There is a big difference between the reserve coil for your average tank and the stock coil for the dripper and RTA. social media – such as twitter is a great place to hunt for the best pre-made coils with @chris1grimes, a guy who seems particularly popular with some of the reviewers out there. and the RDA isn’t too good – in fact it’s a great way for you to see if this style of vaping is for you. with a pair of ready-made Clapton coils included.cleito rtaI just got my Cleito RTA kit – because I love that tank – and can honestly say the included coils are fantastic and have breathed new life into my vaping experience. Read more: how to transport golf cart in truck to upgrade to Cleito 120 in the near future. I heard you say what is Clapton coil? Before we quickly build your own basic coil run through – check out the incredible amount of coils available to our lucky vapers.

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The Complete Guide to Coil and Vaping

First up the different strings:

  • Stainless Steel – Lasts longer with good overall performance. Can be used in both power and TC modes (The latter on compatible mods)
  • Kanthal – Perfect choice for beginners easy to work with and use in power mode only.
  • NiChrome – Again only used in power mode – obviously it has a faster ramp up time which means it heats up faster.
  • Ni200 or Nickel – Heats up extremely quickly. Only for temporary control of vaping.
  • Titanium – Obviously gives the best flavor because it heats up quickly and cools down quickly. Again for TC vaping.

What is the best wire to build coils?

  • Clapton: a round wire wound with a larger gauge wire
  • Unified Clapton: one Clapton but with more than one core
  • Staggered fused Clapton: these are two spaced Claptons held together by another wrap
  • Staple Coil: up to 10 ribbons stacked before being wound with a higher gauge
  • Tiger Rope: a round wire twisted with a ribbon
  • Alien Coil: this is pretty confusing lol – it’s like a fused Clapton but with a weave effect created using a pre-made Clapton! Yes, I know it’s confusing to you and to me – but they sure look nice.

Of course, there are many weird and wonderful variations on these themes that extremely skillful people create themselves.

Where can I buy pre-built coils?

UK / EUROPEpre-built vape coil

Build your own coil from Scratch

OK and for this over the shoulder, I’m going to assume you have at least one Coil Master set. of the Coil Master V3 kit, you will need:

  • 24 gauge kanthal wire
  • 30mm roll fixture – black with corresponding number at the end
  • Matching 30mm scroll bar – out of the red block
  • Main base of coil
  • Wire nips
  • Ceramic tweezers
  • Ohm Reader
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Step one:

main coil cut off coilI usually cut about 10 inches of wire – as you become more proficient, you’ll know how much to use.

Step two:

coil main fixtureYou need to remove the top cap from the Coil Master base – thread the steel rod through the top and then screw it back on.

Third step:

thread coilThread a few inches of wire through the hole in the top so it passes through the larger holes on the side.

Step four:

start windingWrap the wire around the steel pole about half a turn and then clip it to the 30mm coil fixture.

Step five:

coil windingAt this point, I want to keep the part we strung with my thumb and then start the turns – in this case seven times.

Step 6:

Once the number of turns you have selected has completed, squeeze the newly created coil before removing the fixture.

Step 7:

basic vaping coilTrim the pins – leave one leg longer as this adds coils to your deck And have your reels! Easy – repeat as often as you want and experiment with the number of turns – the size of the wire, etc.

Using the Ohm Coil Master reader

OK at this stage you will need to attach your coil to whatever floor you are building. I find the Coil Master ohm reader to be a great base build. Read more: how to make a sink from a galvanized sinkcoil on reader ohmFor the purposes of this, I’m using the Serpent Mini, which is a single coil deck. interested in learning about how to ‘clean’ your coils – I have to be honest and say I struggle with the ‘build your own’ aspect. a variety of decks [phew!].OK after you have the coil on the base – in my case it was a simple velocity style deck. I just unscrewed the little hexagon screws – fitted the pins of our new coil through the post holes – then screwed it back in. Once the coil is securely screwed, you can use a suitable coil [in this case the 30mm] to move the coil so that it is directly over the inlet of the air stream. Then simply screw your device into the ohm reader. First check your resistors. [click switch to the left] and in this case I get 0.53 ohms, which is a great safe construct. What we are looking for is a coil that glows from the inside out.glow coilSwitch the ohm reader to trigger and start ‘smashing’ the fire button with a light press – just the first two or three times. ‘coil while pinching and scraping. As I alluded to if you see hot spots or your coil doesn’t glow inside, give it a pinch and a scrape and pulse until you’re satisfied. time to wick that bad boy.

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Pinch and roll that cotton

There are many different types of cotton including the cotton inside the Coil Master set. Just make sure you use organic, unbleached cotton. Cut a thin strip – clamp and roll gently, then bend one end to let it go through the coil as if you were threading a needle.cotton wick rollWhat you are looking for is cotton moving through the coil with only a small amount of resistance. As a general rule, you cut each end just enough to allow the cotton to rest right on the base of the deck. art form and each and every type of deck has a slightly different way of ‘doing it right’. and the clouds are very prominent. It took me four years to make my own coil and I have to say I don’t know what I’m worrying about. is the movie that finally made me build – well worth watching [below]Hope this super basic and simple ‘How To’ piece inspires you to start building your own coils – if I can do it, trust me anyone can. can do it! Vape On! Read more: how to add a crossbody strap to a bag

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