watch dogs 2 how to get research points

A Research Point in Watch Dogs 2The Watch Dogs 2 Research Points are by far the most important collectibles in the latest video game published by Ubisoft, followed by the Key Data and the Money Bags you need to retrieve while exploring San Francisco.Along with the Key Data, the Research Points in Watch Dogs 2 allow you to unlock new hacking upgrades for Marcus which means that you should look for them as soon as possible.Reading: watch dogs 2 how to get research pointsAs all other Watch Dogs 2 collectable, the Research Points won’t appear on your map unless you are close to them and you use the NetHack ability to scan specific zones. Because of this, finding all Watch Dogs 2 Research Points can be very difficult, without knowing their locations.For all Watch Dogs 2 fans, we have created the following guide, with the purpose of helping those who wish to collect all Research Points in the game.Our guide includes three elements and was divided in four parts. First, we have the Watch Dogs 2 Research Points locations maps which can be used to pinpoint the collectibles.Second, we have a text guide with hints and tips for all Research Points in the game. These tips contain useful information, on how to retrieve the Research Points since some of them are very well hidden.Last, but not least, we have included 4 videos from our Watch Dogs 2 playlist on YouTube, which offer even more information on where to find and how to collect the Research Points.Before we can move forward with the guide, there are several things you should know about these collectables.In order to get all Research Points in Watch Dogs 2 we suggest you to focus on buying and upgrading Marcus’s RC Jumper and Quadcopter. These two little toys are required to retrieve most of the Research Points in the city.When you start the game, first finish the Driver SF missions to get more followers and level up. Use the points you receive to upgrade the two gadgets we have mentioned. Next, find the Key Data required to unlock the remaining upgrades for your RC Jumper and Quadcopter, and only after you get the Enhanced Spring and the Remote Gadgets upgrades, you will be able to collect all Research Points in the game.If you don’t have enough points to upgrade your toys after you complete the Driver SF operations, consider finding the ScoutX locations because they also award followers to level up.Unlike the Paint Jobs or the Clothing Items, the Research Points are marked on your map by a white skull on a black diamond, but only after you scan specific areas.Furthermore, you should know that some Research Points are inside cases which must be picked up, while others can be collected by hacking specific devices. A Research Point that must be picked up requires your presence nearby, which means that you can use the RC Jumper, or you have to get close to it.Those that require hacking can be collected from distance using your phone or the Quadcopter.We also suggest using the Fast Travel system to move between areas, or a Unique Vehicle such as the Dangerzone which is quite fast and it’s free.Finally, you should be aware that our Watch Dogs 2 Research Points locations guide follows a specific order. In other words, the 13th Research Point in San Francisco for example, is also the 13th Research Point in our video and the 13th Research Point in our text guide.This order should help you a lot when you try to find the Research Points you may have missed, or when you are looking for hints on how to retrieve a specific Research Point.Now, that we have cleared things out, let’s see how to get all Research Points in Watch Dogs 2 and make you the most powerful hacker in San Francisco.

Marin Research Points Locations


Watch Dogs 2 Marin Research Points Locations MapMarin Area Research Points LocationsResearch Point 1 – Look for it near Point Bonita Lighthouse on top of an electrical box. Simply hop on it to get this Research Point.Research Point 2 – The second Research Point is inside a bunker. Go around the restricted area, and stay on the rocks close to the water. While outside the red zone, send your RC Jumper through the window of the small tower where the briefcase is located, or sneak inside.Research Point 3 – Check the Battery Spencer bunker and you will find it inside a small cell. Since this is a restricted area, remain outside the perimeter and use your RC Jumper to get it. Stay on the ground, and use the small walls in the courtyard for cover.Research Point 4 – For this Research Point you need the Quadcopter to hack the Wi-Fi sniffer. Look for the box under the Golden Gate Bridge, on a platform. While staying on the ground, send your flying toy to hack it.Research Point 5 – Position Marcus on the western side of the red area when you are trying to get the fifth Marin Research Point. Now, send your RC Jumper inside, and stay close to the rocky wall. Move forward and you will find the collectible on some pipes. When the patrolling guard is away, jump on the pipes, get the data and recall your toy.Research Point 6 – At this location you will notice that the ctOS security breach is outside the red area (south-west), but you must hack a CCTV which is on the other side of the perimeter. Go around the premise, and open the gate near the CCTV. While outside, send the RC Jumper to hack the box close to the ground, after you distract the guard using the Electronic Door panel on the wall nearby. Now, fly your Quadcopter back to the ctOS security breach and hack it.Research Point 7 – The Research Point is on the balcony of a house. While standing in front of the main gate, electrocute the guard on the right side using the junction box, then climb the small shack behind him. Send your RC Jumper over the small wall after you distract the patrolling guard with a phone hack. Rush towards the collectible and exit the area as fast as you can.Research Point 8 – For this Research Point use the scissor lift inside the inner courtyard to access the CCT box on the second-floor balcony. Send your Jumper to hack it, then your Quadcopter to hack the ctOS security breach located in the corner of the roof.Research Point 9 – To get this collectable, just hack the forklift behind the building where the Research Point is located. Place the forklift in the backyard near the yellow building, jump on it to reach the lower roof, then use the air-conditioning boxes to get on the roof where the Research Point is located.Research Point 10 – This Research Point is inside a pipe under the pier. Fly your Quadcopter close to it and hack it from distance.Research Point 11 – Similar to the previous one, this Research Point is under the pier and inside a pipe, but you can’t reach it without the explosive upgrade. Once you unlock it, place it on the boxes blocking the Research Point in order to destroy them, and hack the Wi-Fi sniffer.Research Point 12 – The fastest way to get the Research Point marked on our map by 12 is to use the scissor lift in the back alley. After you hack it, place your RC Jumper on it and go up on the roof, then drop on the balcony where the collectible is waiting for you.Research Point 13 – Using your RC Jumper, open the door of the building located in the southern side of the red area. Hack the guard’s phone to distract him, enter the building and pick up the Research Point on the desk.Research Point 14 – The final Research Point in Marin area, is on Alcatraz Island. All you have to do is to send your Quadcopter to the top of the tower located near the prison’s main building and you will see the Wi-Fi sniffer.

Oakland Research Points Locations

Watch Dogs 2 Oakland Research Points Locations MapOakland Area Research Points LocationsResearch Point 1 – This Research Point is located on top of a large oil tank. Use the yellow crane close to the pier to get to the collectible. Simply lower the crane’s platform, get Marcus on it, then align the platform with the edge of the tank. Jump on the tank and follow the ramp to get to the briefcase.Research Point 2 – The second Research Point on our map is under the highway and to get it you need to hack a CCTV. East of the fenced area you should find a forklift. Get it close to the fence, deploy the RC Jumper on it, and raise the platform. Once inside, hack the CCTV to open the gate, then enter and pick up the briefcase. Alternatively, you can use a van to get on top of the train cart, and from there your RC Jumper can jump over the fence, if you have the spring upgrade and the speed boost.Research Point 3 – For this Research Point, first you have to hack the CCTV box using your RC Jumper. Remain outside the restricted area, and send the RC Jumper through the gates near the CCTV. Stay on the right side, after you enter and you won’t be seen. After you hack the CCTV, fly your Quadcopter to the ctOS security breach you have unlocked and hack it.Research Point 4 – Even if it’s inside a restricted area, this Research Point is very easy to collect. Just fly your Quadcopter high enough so the guards don’t see it, and hack the Wi-Fi sniffer inside the yard.Research Point 5 – For this Research Point, look for a forklift in the parking lot near the building where the collectible is located. Load a crate on the forklift, and head towards the lower roof of the building where the Research Point is located. The roof is close to the street. Now, raise the forklift and the crate after you get on top of it. Next, deploy your RC Jumper and look for the office where the CCTV is located. Go around the small office, and search for an air duct behind two barrels. Get inside, hack the CCTV using your Jumper, then the ctOS security breach using your Quadcopter.Research Point 6 – The Research Point marked by 6 on our map is inside an office on the second floor of a warehouse. Using the RC Jumper, distract the guards, especially the one guarding the CCTV you must unlock on the ground floor. Now, head upstairs and quickly grab the Research Point, then recall your Jumper.Research Point 7 – Using the forklift in the backyard of the building, head to the roof and deploy your Jumper. Hop on the ventilation box near the fenced area, then boost and jump over the fence. Hack the CCTV to unlock the gate, then pick up the Research Point on the ground.Research Point 8 – This research point is inside an air duct and it’s secured by two CCTVs. Go to the backyard and remain outside the restricted area. Take control of the red forklift and load a crate, then place it close to the truck you see parked near the building where the CCTVs are located. Deploy your Jumper, and hop on the truck, then on the crate you just loaded. From there hop on the roof and over the fence on the right side. Now jump over another fence and hack the first CCTV. While remaining on the roof, go to the other side, and drop down exactly on top of the stairs where the second CCTV is located. Make sure you distract the guards away from the box first. Next, return to the roof using the same truck and the box you have used earlier, and get inside the duct to pick up the Research Point.Research Point 9 – Using your Quadcopter hack the transformer to take out both guards near the CCTV you have to unlock for this Research Point. Now, distract and stun the guard on the alley. Take control of Marcus, head inside the restricted area and climb the trailer and the yellow stairs to reach the CCTV box. Hack it, then send your Quadcopter to hack the Wi-Fi sniffer.Research Point 10 – For this Research Point, Marcus must reach the roof of a building. Look around for a window washer lift and lower it. You will notice that you can’t reach it, but there is a truck parked nearby. Move it close to the lower roof where the lift is now located, climb the truck and get inside the lift. Move it up and collect the Research Point. Don’t leave the roof yet because you will miss the next Research Point.Research Point 11 – While standing on the roof of the building mentioned above, send your Quadcopter across the street to hack the Wi-Fi sniffer marked by 11 on our map.Read more: how to write a check for 2500Research Point 12 – The Wi-Fi sniffer you have to hack to get this Research Point is on top of the Oakland Theater. Fly your Quadcopter up to hack it.Research Point 13 – For this Research Point you need to solve a puzzle on the Christ the Light building. Once you unlock the ctOS security breach simply retrieve the Research Point using your Quadcopter.Research Point 14 – Take out all guards using your Quadcopter, then look for this Research Point on the porch of the house we have marked on our map.Research Point 15 -To collect this Watch Dogs 2 Research Point, look for a scissor lift close to the location we have mapped above. Take control of the platform and move it to the main street. Place the lift in front of the fast-food restaurant (notice the hamburger on the billboard), and get inside. Go up and deploy your RC Jumper. Look for a wooden ramp on the other side of the roof, and close to it you will see an air duct on the building’s exterior wall. Jump on it and go around the building to reach the CCTV box you need to hack. Now, deploy the Quadcopter and hack the Wi-Fi sniffer facing the main street.Research Point 16 – This Research Point is easy to get but hard to find. The collectible is inside an air duct and can be retrieved using the Quadcopter. Check the southern side of the building (yellow) where the Research Point is located, and while flying close to the ground look for a small entrance inside the building’s wall. You should see a dumpster and above it the entrance to the air duct. Fly through the air duct and hack the Wi-Fi sniffer.Research Point 17 – While standing on the eastern side of the building where this Research Point can be seen on our map, deploy the RC Jumper and use the exterior air ducts to reach the CCTV box that allows you to open the gate nearby. Now switch to Marcus and follow the yellow stairs and the air condition boxes to reach the front side of the building. Hack the elevator on the roof and go up to find the Watch Dogs 2 Research Point resting on another air conditioning box.Research Point 18 – This Research Point is inside a closed yard, near a window. First move the forklift inside the yard to see a hole in the ground. Next, using the RC Jumper cross the street and look for an entrance to the air duct. It should be inside a ditch. Follow this air duct and you will exit through the hole you just discovered. Hack the CCTV to open the gate and get the collectible on the window. Research Point 19 – For this Watch Dogs 2 Research Point place Marcus in the nearby parking lot, and use the RC Jumper. Hop on the dumpster, then on the roof of the nearby building. Turn right towards the Research Point and jump from the roof inside the courtyard. Notice the mattress on the wall, and jump over it. Hack the red box, then fly up using your Quadcopter and hack the Wi-Fi sniffer on top of the electrical tower.Research Point 20 – Look for the Wi-Fi sniffer at this location, behind a large billboard on which you can read Trust the Tech. Deploy your Quadcopter, fly up and hack it.Research Point 21 – When you reach this location marked on our Watch Dogs 2 Research Points map for Oakland, look for an alley and a lower roof. Jump on the box under the said roof, then climb up and cross the bridge between the buildings. Continue to move up, deploy your RC Jumper and jump over the next alley. Make sure you boost its speed. Hack the CCTV box on the next roof, then use the wooden ramp to reach the roof where the Research Point is located.Research Point 22 – Simply fly your Quadcopter up to get the Research Point on top of the building under construction. You don’t have to enter the restricted area.Research Point 23 – Using your RC Jumper, hop over the fence near the trailer inside the restricted area. Stay under the trailer and exit close to the briefcase containing the Research Point. Jump close to it and grab it.Research Point 24 – To hack the ctOS security breach on top of Blume Arena you need to solve the puzzle on the building’s wall. Watch our video below to see the solution. Once you are done, use the Quadcopter and hack the breach you should see close to letter U.Research Point 25 – When you enter the restricted area for this Research Point, make sure that your RC Jumper stays close to the left wall. Distract the guards or electrocute them, jump on the green pipes, and then on the box where the Research Point is located.Research Point 26 – Take a boat from the pier and head towards the beacon to get this collectible. When close, deploy the Quadcopter and fly above the Wi-Fi sniffer to hack it.Research Point 27 – When you reach this location, use your Quadcopter and fly on the roof. Enter the air duct through the opening facing the main street, then look down to see the Wi-Fi sniffer.Research Point 28 – To get the last Research Point on our Oakland map you have to infiltrate the Regwell Gun Range base. The briefcase is in the middle of the courtyard. You can get it while playing one of the missions that will lead you here, or by using the RC Jumper and distracting the guards.

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Silicon Valley Research Points Locations

Watch Dogs 2 Silicon Valley Research Points Locations MapSilicon Valley Area Research PointsResearch Point 1 – For the first collectible marked on our Watch Dogs 2 Silicon Valley Research Points map, start by hacking the nearby forklift and load a crate on it. Take it to the southern part of the building and climb on the lower roof. Deploy the RC Jumper and go through the air duct you see nearby. Go up, and when you reach the exit, carefully drop on the roof where the collectable is waiting for you.Research Point 2 – Go around the hospital marked on our map above and look for a lower roof you can reach with Marcus while on the ground. From there go right, and around the corner, jump on the air conditioning boxes to reach the upper roof. Cross the roof between the buildings, turn right and drop on the lower roof where you will see an air duct. Using the Jumper enter the air duct and look for the Research Point inside.Research Point 3 – This Research Point is located inside a fenced area. Nearby you should see a flatbed truck and some bikes. Drive the truck in front of the main gate and lower its platform to create a ramp. Now, using one of the motorcycles jump over the fence and unlock the red CCTV box. Go around the small building and use your Jumper to enter the air duct above, where you will find the collectible.Research Point 4 – For this Research Point check the alley between the buildings and look for a solar panel on top of some stairs. Jump on it using your RC Jumper and then on the nearby pergola. From here hop on the roof, turn left, boost your speed, and hop on the next house. Make another left turn, boost, and jump on the third house. Now, boost again and jump on the balcony where the CCTV box is located. Hack it, switch to Marcus and lower the window washing lift. Go up and retrieve the briefcase.Research Point 5 – When you are close to Stanford University, you will be able to get the Research Point marked by 5 on our map. To do so, get the forklift nearby and drive it to the arched tunnel. Look up to see the entrance to an air duct. Place the RC Jumper on the forklift, raise the platform and jump inside the said air duct. Follow the tunnel and drop inside the chamber where the CCTV box is located. Hack it, then switch to Marcus and deploy the Quadcopter. Check the roof for the ctOS security breach which is now unlocked.Research Point 6 – Check the south part of the restricted area to see a hole in the fence. Use the RC Jumper to enter the premise, turn right, jump on the blue barrels and enter the air duct. Go all the way up, then drop inside the garage. Hack the red box (CCTV), take the forklift and drive outside. Place your Jumper on the forklift, go up and jump on the roof. Explore it to find a hole on the other side and drop inside the next garage to get the briefcase.Research Point 7 – Place Marcus on the eastern side of the building and use your RC Jumper to get on top of the dumpster in the corner nearby. Jump on the air conditioning boxes, then cross the bridge between the buildings and you will find a small office with a CCTV box inside. Enter the air duct nearby and you will end up near the red box. Hack it to unlock the ctOS security breach, and collect the Research Point using the Quadcopter.Research Point 8 – Using Marcus, just follow the stairs outside the building to reach the terrace where the Research Point is waiting for you on a table.Research Point 9 – This Research Point is on a balcony. Start in the south-western part of the area, and look for a van. Drive it close to the lower wall, just behind the van. Jump on the van, go up on the air conditioning box, turn left and move towards the collectible. Turn right and go up on the next balcony, then cross the bridge between the buildings. Go left and jump down again, then climb the yellow stairs to get the briefcase.Research Point 10 – Using the RC Jumper hop on the solar panel and then on the roof to find an air duct. Make sure you take a closer look to the path you need to follow before going inside, then enter the duct to hack the Wi-Fi sniffer.Research Point 11 – For this Research Point you need to hack 4 CCTVs, so make sure you follow the red lines. Two of them are very easy to access since they are not obstructed. The third is behind some planks you can smash with the car nearby, while the fourth is behind some shelves, and can be reached with the RC Jumper. After you hack all four, use the Quadcopter to hack the security breach on the roof.Research Point 12 – When you reach the location on our map, you will notice that it’s a playground. Enter the yellow slide, then the air duct on top on the tower. Move towards the collectible and continue to drop inside the air duct until you get close to it so you can hack it.Research Point 13 – This Research Point is probably the most difficult to get. It’s in a restricted area, which is in fact a construction yard. To get the collectible you have to reach the roof of the main house which is not finished yet. Use the forklift in the yard and the RC Jumper but be very careful because there are many guards here. Head towards the house using the forklift and load the crate near the green pipes in front of you. Jump on it using the RC Jumper and head to the roof. Reach the other side and enter the air duct. Drop inside and continue to follow the duct until you reach another grate you can open. Place an explosive here to destroy the barrels blocking your path, but move away before detonating the charge. Now, enter the room and get the briefcase.Research Point 14 – Distract the guards with the RC Jumper and look for this Research Point on several wooden boxes near a shack. You can also engage them if you like or stun them using the IED on the Quadcopter.Research Point 15 – This Research Point on San Bruno Mountain is very easy to collect with the Quadcopter. Without entering the red area, fly above the guards and hack the Wi-Fi sniffer through the window.Research Point 16 – Place Marcus in the north-eastern corner of the building we have marked on our map, and look for an exterior air duct above the yellow windows. Fly under the said air duct and you will see a hole you can enter and hack the Wi-Fi sniffer.Research Point 17 – The final Watch Dogs 2 Oakland Research Point is not included in our video guide but it appears on the map above. It is located inside a container on a platform. You can notice that the said platform is on water. To get on it, you can use the flatbed truck to create a ramp on the shore, then jump on it while driving a bike, or you can use a boat. Once you are on the platform, look inside the red container and use the RC Jumper to get the briefcase on the yellow pipes. You will also reach this location when you play The Zodiac Killer DLC Side Operation.

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San Francisco Research Points Locations

Watch Dogs 2 San Francisco Research Points LocationsSan Francisco Area Research PointsResearch Point 1 – The first Research Point on our map is located in a campsite. Look for it on a box near a pink flamingo.Research Point 2 – This Research Point is behind a gas station. Check the backwall for a crate and an air duct. Use the RC Jumper to get inside the air duct, then hop on the higher roof. Cross it and drop on the lower roof to hack the CCTV box, then return to the ctOS security breach and hack it.Research Point 3 – To get the next Research Point, position Marcus in front of the main gate, and use the RC Jumper to infiltrate the area. Stick to the right-side wall and distract the guard near the CCTV box, then hack the ctOS security breach on the roof using the Quadcopter.Research Point 4 – Approach this Research Point from the backyard, behind the large silos. Follow the yellow stairs behind the containers and hack the CCT box on the roof of the building nearby, then use the Quadcopter to reach the higher roof where the collectible is located. Open the door and hack the Wi-Fi Sniffer.Research Point 5 – Look for the fifth San Francisco Research Point on our map, in the area under the bridge and use the Quadcopter to reach it.Research Point 6 – Take out all guards in the alley, then enter the air duct on the ground to get the collectible.Research Point 7 – The Research Point at this location is inside another air duct. Enter the area where you will see a building under construction and check the third floor. Near the stairs is a grate that allows your Quadcopter or RC Jumper to enter and hack the Wi-Fi sniffer.Research Point 8 – Use the Quadcopter to reach the Wi-Fi sniffer inside the beacon on the water. Hack it while flying above the beacon.Research Point 9 – At this location on our map you will find a large building. Just use the Quadcopter to fly up on the roof and hack the Wi-Fi sniffer near the pool.Research Point 10 – Approach the restricted area from south-west and stay above the guards and close to the right wall. Jump on the yellow container which holds the Research Point, then drop behind the nearby guard to collect it.Read more: How to size a heat exchangerResearch Point 11 – Follow the hill up and locate a blue house with a pergola in the corner of the backyard. Jump on the pergola and deploy the RC Jumper. Move from one roof to another until you reach the balcony where this San Francisco Research Point is waiting for you.Research Point 12 – Hack the Wi-Fi sniffer at this location using your Quadcopter. You can do it through the glass wall of the bridge, while standing below it.Research Point 13 – To get this Watch Dogs 2 Research Point in San Francisco area, look for a shed. Get close to it, activate the NetHack ability and hack the camera inside the shed. Now, hack the ctOS security breach.Research Point 14 – For this Research Point use your RC Jumper, enter the restricted area through the front gate, and hide behind the trailer on the right side. Jump on the wooden planks near the trailer and when the guards are not looking, get the collectible.Research Point 15 – Look for a forklift near this collectible and use its platform to get on the balcony where the case is located.Research Point 16 – Start by activating the window washer lift on top of the building, and take Marcus to the roof. Deploy the RC Jumper, and from the corner of the roof jump on the balcony on the other side. Go around the balcony, hop on the boxes on the other side and hack the Blume CCT box. Go back to Marcus and open the grate that allows you to enter the air duct.Research Point 17 – You can get this Research Point by boosting and jumping with your RC Jumper from the porch of the green house nearby.Research Point 18 – The first Research Point in Golden Gate Park is on top of a windmill. You can hack it with your phone or using the Quadcopter.Research Point 19 – The second Research Point in this location is on the balcony of the Le Potager restaurant. Check the parking lot for a scissor lift and use it to get the collectable.Research Point 20 – Look for this Research Point under a bridge. You can get it while playing as Marcus.Research Point 21 – For this collectible take control of the scissor lift and get it out of the restricted area. Put the RC Jumper inside, then go back to the red zone and get the RC Jumper on the upper platform.Research Point 22 – The briefcase containing the Research Point is on the ground, inside a restricted area. To get it you can melee all guards, you can stun them or, you can kill them if you like.Research Point 23 – Just use your Quadcopter to get to the roof and hack the sniffer we have marked on our map.Research Point 24 – Near the Painted Ladies is another sniffer you can hack just by flying your Quadcopter. Look for it on the roof of a large white building.Research Point 25 – Approach the restricted area from north-west, follow the stairs up and head left climbing the nearby roof. Deploy the RC Jumper and drop close to the stairs when the guards are not looking. Look under the said stairs for the briefcase and the Research Point.Research Point 26 – Check the roof of the building we have marked on our map and use the Quadcopter to hack the sniffer.Research Point 27 – Similar to the previous one, the sniffer is attached to an antenna on a lower roof between two large buildings. You can hack it using the Quadcopter.Research Point 28 – Across the street from Papa B’s Pawn is a large building. You can reach the rooftop and the sniffer using the Quadcopter.Research Point 29 – This Research Point is north from Transbay Center and it requires a motorcycle. Once you get one drive up the stairs to the top floor of the Transbay Center, and look for a wooden ramp behind a restaurant. You should see some green tables nearby. Jump on the wooden ramp and you will land on the balcony where the briefcase containing another Watch Dogs 2 Research Point can be found.Research Point 30 – To get the 30th Research Point on our map, check the inner courtyard and activate the window washer elevator. While on the roof, turn right and jump over the white gate on the left side to see the collectible under a blue umbrella.Research Point 31 – This Research Point is under the pier. Use the Quadcopter and check the end on water. Enter through the hole above the white wooden fence, then look for the collectable at the other side of the pier (close to the shore).Research Point 32 – To get this Research Point marked on our map, use an IED to destroy the grated wooden fence under the porch of the restaurant. Make a hole near the stairs and use the RC Jumper to access an air duct where you will find the sniffer.Research Point 33 – Look for the Wi-Fi sniffer on the beacon in the water, and hack it from distance using the Quadcopter.Research Point 34 – Use the Quadcopter to hack the sniffer under the Bay Bridge, at the location we have marked on our map above.Research Point 35 – For this Watch Dogs 2 Research Point use the RC Jumper and enter the air duct located under the front stairs of the restaurant in the corner of the street. You will also find one of the Hidden Gnomes here. If you want to collect all 10 make sure you check our guide.Research Point 36 – Place Marcus in front of the north-eastern gate of the restricted compound, and use the wooden crates to get your RC Jumper inside. Jump over the fence and through the open window at the bottom of the yellow stairs. Once inside, follow the stairs up behind the guard, and pick up the briefcase and the Research Point.Research Point 37 – While on the ground, go around the large hangar mapped above, and check the small building in the corner. Open the grate with your RC Jumper and hack the CCTV box inside. Now use the scissor lift to get Marcus on the roof, and the RC Jumper to enter the air duct you have unlocked. Follow the tunnel and in the next room jump over the boxes and enter the air duct close the ground. In the next room jump inside the air duct on the right side (notice the grate on the floor), and follow the tunnel. When you exit, you will see the Wi-Fi sniffer.Research Point 38 – West of Coit Tower is another Research Point you can collect using only your Quadcopter. Check the rooftop of the house we have marked on our Watch Dogs 2 map above.Research Point 39 – Remain on the alley north of the restricted area and send the RC Jumper to retrieve the briefcase. Jump on the dumpster, then over the fence to your right. The guard here should face the other way, so sneak behind him and get the collectible on the ground.Research Point 40 – For this collectible go to the back alley and hack the CCTV box in the small room with a yellow ladder on the exterior wall. Drop the RC Jumper inside the air duct to hack the CCTV, then use the scissor lift outside to get your RC Jumper on the roof. Cross the said roof and enter the air duct you have unlocked. Follow it and you will find the Wi-Fi sniffer and another Hidden Gnome.Research Point 41 – The Wi-Fi sniffer we have marked on our map is behind a large billboard showing a blue car. Hack it with your Quadcopter to get the Research Point.Research Point 42 – This Research Point is inside an underground garage. When you reach its location you will see that is behind a locked door. Hack the camera outside, then the tablet in the room where the collectible is located. After you gain access, open the door and get the briefcase.Research Point 43 – The Wi-Fi sniffer is on top of a pillar in Union Square. Fly your Quadcopter up to hack it.Research Point 44 – Make sure that when you reach the building we have mapped at this location you go around it looking for a hole close to the ground. The hole should be at the bottom of some stairs and will allow your RC Jumper to enter the area under the stairs and get the Research Point.Research Point 45 – Use the Quadcopter to reach the sniffer on the roof of a building on which you can also see a green billboard. The sniffer is on an air duct.Research Point 46 – South-east of Lombard Street you will find another Research Point you can collect using only the Quadcopter. Simply open the grate to the air duct and fly inside to find the sniffer.Research Point 47 – For this Research Point, deploy your Quadcopter and fly up above a blue building. The sniffer you need to hack is under a wooden porch. Make sure you align your Quadcopter accordingly.Research Point 48 – Place Marcus north-east from the restricted area, and use the RC Jumper to get the collectible. Jump on the rocks and over the bench on the terrace because the guards won’t see you.Research Point 49 – The briefcase you need to retrieve here is in a backyard. You can distract the guards or simply sneak behind them to get it. You should find it close to a small shack, on the ground.Research Point 50 – This Research Point is inside a room used to grow marijuana, behind a blue house. There is a hole in the wall and you can use it to fly inside, or you can hack the sniffer while being outside.Research Point 51 – Look for this Research Point collectible under a porch. To get it, check the lower area close to the green bushes for a grate and an air duct. Fly inside, then up, and continue to follow the tunnel to reach the sniffer.Research Point 52 – While standing in front of the gates that lead inside the restricted area, create a diversion on the right side of the yard to lure the guards away. Now, use the RC Jumper and rush towards the briefcase which is located under the Tidis Corporation sign. Recall the Jumper and leave the area.Research Point 53 – Deploy the Jumper on the eastern side of the bunker marked above, then boost and jump to the upper level where the briefcase is waiting for you. If you move fast, nobody will see you.Read more: how to remove a door in rust | Top Q&A

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