12 Sounds Cats Make and What They Mean

Do you think that cat meows, chirps, purrs, and purrs are just random nonsense? Think. She is really conveying to you information about her world and about how she feels towards you. The good news is that if you listen closely, you can begin to understand what sounds your cat makes and use that understanding to your advantage. While best known for their meows, growls, hisses and growls, the list of sounds they typically make is more comprehensive than this. Depending on the case, your cat may emit a variety of utterances, with varying shades of tone depending on the level of importance. Some reflect contentment and ease, while others express anxiety, fear or even anger. However, they all signify the cat’s emotional mental state.



Probably the most commonly heard cat sound, the meow of an adult cat is mostly used to communicate with humans and not other cats. Kittens first utter when they need their mother, this cry of the young will fade away as the feral cat matures. However, since domesticated cats tend to see themselves as our eternal children, they maintain this lovable designation throughout their adult lives. In general, meowing cats want something — attention or food or maybe a room. Sometimes, though, a meow is simply a “welcome home” greeting. Often, meows can indicate loneliness or even illness. Older cats often meow more because they no longer have senses or because they are worried because they are no longer as agile as before. In smaller cats, meows are often shortened to “meow?” Interrogation “meow?”. when lonely or hungry. And meow frequency is an indicator of a cat’s mental system; The fast firing meow means hey, pay attention to me, I’m talking here! A longer, more lamentable “Meowww” can indicate anxiety, discomfort, or opposition to something. This version will usually be of better quality, almost as if she’s saying, “oh, come on.” And incessant meowing can indicate illness or injury; If you doubt this, consider a trip to the vet.


Perhaps the most enjoyable and hypnotic cat meow, the meow is a soft, low, raspy rumble, usually emitted when your cat is in the best mood. Gently stroking your cat while they snuggle up in your lap is a surefire way to create that tingly sound of complete gratification. It’s similar to how you might nervously whistle or hum while waiting for your in-laws to come over for dinner. The key to recognizing this “anxiety” is body posture; if your cat’s ears come back and his body seems tense, that meow indicates anxiety about something.

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Chirps, Trills and Chirrups

Read more: Why is one eye smaller than the other Originally used by mothers to tell their kittens to pay attention and follow her, kittens may meow in an attempt to get your attention or like a way for you to check what they think is important. Rattles and small rattles can also occur when cats are excited and happy.BlabbingYou may have heard a cat purr as you watched a sparrow or a squirrel in the tree look out a window. Sometimes accompanied by a chirping, hissing, or faint meow, the chirping is thought to be a sign of cats’ hunting excitement and their stress at not being able to get a prize. Some have suggested that the cat is actually a mimic bird or rodent, but this is just anecdotal because a cat’s ability to hunt depends on silence and stealth.


There is no mistaking the intent of the meowing. It sounds like steak sizzling on the grill, which means your cat feels threatened and is ready to fight if needed. A big, goofy dog ​​that is overly interested in your cat is sure to cause hiss and perhaps more. Along with the threatening sound, the cat’s body language also changes, including arched back, puffy fur, tugged tail, flattened ears and mouth wide open, fangs ready to attack. Spitting may also occur with hissing sound. Once your cat takes the form of this snake, back off and do what you can to eliminate the perceived threat. Injury is highly dependent on the individual cat’s awareness and comfort level. Some friendly, outgoing cats may rarely hiss, while a shy, more reserved cat will resort to it whenever uncertain about a situation. A feral or abused cat is more likely to go into “hissing mode” than a well-adjusted, sociable pet.


Unlike the cheerful, logically-seeing sound of a meow, a meow is a longer, more sustained groan that indicates anxiety, irritability, territorial concerns, or mating problems. Meows are often cat-to-cat communication; it can mean “I want to mate” or “I don’t want you to come around my place.” It can also happen when cats aren’t feeling well, when their senses or cognitive function decline, or when something in their environment (perhaps a new cat in the area) is out of order. their liking. Cats that are relocated to new territories or adopted to a new home can often cry out their grief at being lost. And some cats will meow out of boredom. A trip to your vet might be in order. If they still haven’t changed, see a doctor as soon as possible, especially if you’ve left your cat outdoors. Be on the lookout for any cats that may be “intruding” on your cat’s territory; In some cases, a feral or feral cat may need to be confined, released, and hopefully returned to the correct home. Make sure your cat has plenty of toys and that they get enough attention from you. Sometimes all it takes to end a case of yowls is just one extra play session per day.

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Intrigued by women when calling prospective mates, this abbreviated version of the hoarse, dull cry sounds almost “ahh-roo-ugh?” sound for it. For the duration of the struggle, the undead female will do all she can to get out and meet the male cats, who will most likely spank, meow, and fight for honor.


Read more: why does my dog ​​eat ice | Top Q&A If the female has not yet spawned outdoors, the caterpillar’s wait will attract the male, then mating will inevitably occur. The female will be in a position with her head down (called the queen), while the male will bite the neck and start the mating process. When pulled out, the male’s thorny penis clearly produces pain sensations for the female, causing her to let out a scream of pain. Moral here: neuter your cat! Cats in the middle of a fight can also scream. These proto-calls are usually followed by a long, ominous cry, and often through a paw or vicious bite. Whole cats are more likely to fight, although even stationary pets will actively defend their territory. To avoid injury to your cat, consider keeping your cat indoors.

Screams and growls

Often accompanied by hissing are random growls and growls, often an expression of fear, anger, or territorial threats. Unlike larger cats, such as tigers and lions, domestic cats growls and snarls have a higher pitch and may begin or end with a meow. In general, leave this cat alone, unless it is about to be in danger from another cat. A cat that growls or snarls will have the classic defensive body posture — fur puffed, back arched, ears back, tail tugged.

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Talk about breed

Some cats are more talkative by nature than others. As a general rule, short-haired cats tend to be more talkative and extroverted than long-haired cats. And if you’re instinctively looking for a kitten, consider some of the cat breeds native to Asia. These include: If you prefer a less vocal cat, consider a Persian, Russian Blue, Chartreux, Norwegian Forest Cat or Maine Coon. These breeds tend to be on the quieter side. But breed-specific guidelines are not safe; you can end up with a noisy Persian or a silent Siamese! By knowing what your cat is trying to say, you’ll be better able to predict their moods, intentions, and needs. Whether she’s hungry, sick, happy, lonely, playful, or insane, you’ll understand and be better equipped to give her what she needs. And the two of you will be able to have fun, friendly cat chat whenever the mood is right!Is your cat especially talkative at night? Click here to learn more about annoying nighttime meows. Read more: why does my cat chew my fingers | Top Q&A

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