What is UNI Coin ? How to own and trade coin Uni in Binance

What is UNI Coin ? How to own and trade coin Uni in Binance


Uniswap decentralized exchange has launched its own token, UNI with the desire to bring high value and make Uniswap’s ecosystem more developed. And in fact, on September 17, 2020, Uniswap suddenly held an airdrop event to give away 400 UNI tokens to those who previously had a trading account on this exchange. If you wonder coin UNI What is it, let’s find out right here!

Learn about what UNI coin is

What is UNI Coin?

Before learning about coin UNI then you need to understand what is Uniswap concept. This is a decentralized protocol. Or you can also understand that it is an automated market maker protocol (AMM) built on the Ethereum blockchain. Thanks to that, ERC-20 tokens can make transactions with each other.

In November 2018, Uniswap V1 version was also the first version officially launched and put into operation. After about a year, ie May 2020, the 2nd version – Uniswap V2 was released. Users will have the right to swap, add tokens to pools through Uniswap to increase their profits or also list tokens without having to rely on any middlemen. The reason is because all interactions are done on-chain, so a maintenance gas fee is required.

UniswapUnderstanding Uniswap . exchange

And now Uniswap has become one of the prominent gas providers on the Ethereum network. Besides, it is also a decentralized application that is being used very popularly.

Coin UNI is a cryptocurrency or is also a governance token of the Uniswap ecosystem. This is a native token and is used for the following 3 main purposes:

    • Governance: Allow holder
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UNI token

    make decisions about changes in protocol Switch Fee As a reward for Liquidity Mining.

Highlights of UNI . coin

UNI coin has a lot of highlights. Including the ability to solve difficult problems that the market is facing. Due to its decentralized nature, UNI can remove the power and control that has been accumulated for a long time on major exchanges. In addition, it also helps new businesses increase their access to international liquidity.

What is UNI Coin?Coin UNI has unique floating characteristics

Coin details UNI . coin

Name, supply, contract

UNI coin is good UNI token is built on the Ethereum blockchain and has a total supply of 1,000,000,000 UNIs. In which, the circulating supply is 627,917,321.23 UNI.

Of these 1 billion UNIs will be issued within 4 years and initially allocated as follows:

    Uniswap community members: 60% Team members, future employees: 21.51% Investors with 4-year maturity: 17.8% 4-year vetted advisors: 0.69%

Thus, after UNI token When officially launched on the market, the issuer will use 60% of the supply to allocate to community members. About a quarter of the supply will be used to reward former Uniswap users, those who have made transactions since September 1, 2020 or earlier.

The rest of the UNI coin will be through yield farming – mining liquidity on 4 pools, ETH/WBTC, ETH/USDC, ETH/USDT and ETH/DAI, and is expected to have a liquidity mining time of 3 months.

Starting from 2024 onwards, each year the supply will increase 2% at the rate of inflation.

Basic information:

    Ticker: UNI Blockchain: Ethereum Token Standard: ERC-20 Token Type: Governance Contract: 0x1f9840a85d5aF5bf1D1762F925BDADdC4201F984 Supply code: 1,000,000,000 UNI Circulating supply: 627,917,321.23 UNI
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Current rate

Each time the rate of UNI token can fluctuate up or down depending on market fluctuations. Below is the current exchange rate of UNI token on Coinmarketcap that you can refer to:

Current Unicoin exchange rateCurrent Unicoin exchange rate

How to own and trade UNI . coins

If you want to own UNI coin, you can register or buy it at cryptocurrency exchanges that list this virtual currency. For example: Binance, Huobi Global, OKEx, Coinbase, Uniswap, etc. The transaction method is similar to when buying and selling other cryptocurrencies.

Roadmap and team of developers

Roadmap of coin UNI

The developer has announced the details of the roadmap of coin UNI from 2017 to 2022. Details how you can refer to the picture below:

Uni coin RoadmapFuture development roadmap of UNI coin

Team developer / backer of UNI . coin

The person who came up with the idea and developed Uniswap is Ethereum Hayden Adams. In the process of perfecting Uniswap he participated in many different projects and also worked with Vitalik Buterin – the founder of Ethereum. Before taking the official name Uniswap, this project was called Unipeg.

UNI coin development teamUNI coin development team

According to Adams himself, he got the idea to create Uniswap from a Buterin blog post.

In addition to Adam, the project also has the participation of Ian Lapham and Moody Salem and many other famous names.

Closing and Disclaimer

So we have shared with you the most important information about what UNI coin is and the outstanding features that this virtual currency possesses. If you want to get your hands on this coin, you can find the exchanges we have recommended.

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Disclaimer: The above information is shared only for the purpose of providing reference, not as investment advice or encouragement. Therefore, any result of your investment in UNI coin we are not responsible for.

Currently, the Vietnamese state does not provide legal support for any electronic currency, you still have the right to mine and use it, however, when there is a dispute or conflict, the state has no obligation to assist in resolving these issues. this problem.

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