How To Get To Stormwind From Kalimdor Alliance

Questions of character “How to get from Darnassus to Stormwind and back?” arise not only among new players of the game “Word of Warcraft”. But those who have received a high level a long time ago also forget the route back. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the guide and find out how to get from Darnassus to Stormwind and vice versa.

What is Darnassus and where is it?


Darnassus is one of the main cities of the faction, the capital of the night elves, so it is located at their starting location. That is, everyone who started playing for this race, after the tenth level, go to Darnassus. Quests (tasks) lead there, and only through this city can you get to others. After all, the initial location is located in the north of the mainland Kalimdor, on an island in the branches of a huge tree.Reading: how to get to stormwind from kalimdor allianceRead more: how to sleep on memory foam pillowIn connection with this location, many players often have a question: “How to get from Darnassus to Stormwind or to another city?” After all, when you enter the capital of the night elves, it is not clear the first time if there is any kind of transport or teleport.Also, sometimes high level players forget how to get back to Darnassus. The question is: why do they need this at all, because the location seems to be the initial one? As mentioned earlier, Darnassus is not just a city, it is a capital. Here are all the teachers of professions and classes, here you can learn to ride, buy transport in the form of saber-toothed and several pets (owls and hawks). Therefore, many return here when they accumulate gold in order to replenish their collections of vehicles and satellites.

How to get from Darnassus to Stormwind: looking for vehicles

Darnassus itself has no means of transportation. Therefore, in order to get to Stormwind, you need to get out of it. To do this, go to the middle of the city to the big tree where the bank is located. From there, head west. You will see a large pink tent. Go into it – you will be teleported to the coast of the location. Here you can already get to anywhere in the world “WWII”

WOW: how to get to Stormwind from Darnassus?

From almost any city, this can be done in four ways:

  • by air;
  • through a magic portal;
  • on the ship;
  • under its own power.

When you come out through the tent from Darnassus to the shore, you can see three piers. And if you go a little further, you will also findHow to get from Kalimdor to Stormwind and back. Guide: how to get from Darnassus to Stormwind and vice versa How to get to Stormwind as a night elfIn order not to visit any other locations and immediately get to Stormwind – the main capital of the Alliance, it is recommended to use the ship. To do this, go to the end of the pier, which is to the left of the house located behind the portal tent. Wait for the ship, go to its deck and sail away. You will be presented with a loading screen showing your route from Darnassus to Stormwind with a dotted line. You will sail to the port main capital… Therefore, it will be possible to go back in the same way.You can also get to Stormwind by roundabout ways:

  • Sit on air Transport flight master and fly to the village – the next pumping location, and from there fly further and so with various transfers to get to Stormwind. This route will come in handy if you plan to pump your character in the places planned by the game itself.
  • Meet a high-level mage in Darnassus and ask him to open a portal to Stormwind.
  • Join a guild and ask someone who is currently in Stormwind to summon you with the appropriate spell.

If you are already of a high level and have air transport, then you can independently fly over the water and land on the lands of Kalimdor, and from there fly to Stormwind.They get back to Darnassus in the same ways as they get out of it.Questions of character “How to get from Darnassus to Stormwind and back?” arise not only among new players of the game “Word of Warcraft”. But those who have received a high level a long time ago also forget the route back. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the guide and find out how to get from Darnassus to Stormwind and vice versa.

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What is Darnassus and where is it?

Darnassus is one of the main cities of the faction, the capital of the night elves, so it is located at their starting location. That is, everyone who started playing for this race, after the tenth level, go to Darnassus. Quests (tasks) lead there, and only through this city can you get to others. After all, the initial location is located in the north of the mainland Kalimdor, on an island in the branches of a huge tree.Reading: how to get to stormwind from kalimdor allianceRead more: how to sleep on memory foam pillowIn connection with this location, many players often have a question: “How to get from Darnassus to Stormwind or to another city?” After all, when you enter the capital of the night elves, it is not clear the first time if there is any kind of transport or teleport.Also, sometimes high level players forget how to get back to Darnassus. The question is: why do they need this at all, because the location seems to be the initial one? As mentioned earlier, Darnassus is not just a city, it is a capital. Here are all the teachers of professions and classes, here you can learn to ride, buy transport in the form of saber-toothed and several pets (owls and hawks). Therefore, many return here when they accumulate gold in order to replenish their collections of vehicles and satellites.

How to get from Darnassus to Stormwind: looking for vehicles

How to get from Kalimdor to Stormwind and back. Guide: how to get from Darnassus to Stormwind and vice versa How to get to Stormwind as a night elfDarnassus itself has no means of transportation. Therefore, in order to get to Stormwind, you need to get out of it. To do this, go to the middle of the city to the big tree where the bank is located. From there, head west. You will see a large pink tent. Go into it – you will be teleported to the coast of the location. Here you can already get to anywhere in the world “WWII”

WOW: how to get to Stormwind from Darnassus?

From almost any city, this can be done in four ways:

  • by air;
  • through a magic portal;
  • on the ship;
  • under its own power.

When you come out through the tent from Darnassus to the shore, you can see three piers. And if you go a little further, you will also find

Video: Where to buy the first mount or pet in the Exodar – how to get from the Exodar to Darnassus through the portal

How to get from Kalimdor to Stormwind and back. Guide: how to get from Darnassus to Stormwind and vice versa How to get to Stormwind as a night elfIn order not to visit any other locations and immediately get to Stormwind – the main capital of the Alliance, it is recommended to use the ship. To do this, go to the end of the pier, which is to the left of the house located behind the portal tent. Wait for the ship, go to its deck and sail away. You will be presented with a loading screen showing your route from Darnassus to Stormwind with a dotted line. You will sail to the port of the main capital. Therefore, it will be possible to go back in the same way.

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You can also get to Stormwind by roundabout ways:

  • Get on the flight master’s air transport and fly to the village – the next leveling location, and from there fly further and so with various transfers to Stormwind. This route is useful if you plan to pump your character in the places planned by the game itself.
  • Meet a high-level mage in Darnassus and ask him to open a portal to Stormwind.
  • Join a guild and ask someone who is currently in Stormwind to summon you with the appropriate spell.
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If you are already of a high level and have air transport, then you can independently fly over the water and land on the lands of Kalimdor, and from there fly to Stormwind.They get back to Darnassus in the same ways as they get out of it. Attention, only TODAY!On both continents, including the Eastern Kingdoms, there are both Horde and Alliance cities, as a result of which players of both factions often have to travel between two parts of Azeroth, which raises a lot of questions about how to get from Kalimdor to Stormwind and vice versa.

Kka from Kalimdor to Stormwind by ship

Alliance players use ships instead of airships and can enter Stormwind from Kalimdor from two docks in the Eastern Kingdoms:

Neutral ships from Kalimdor

From Pirate Bay, which is located in the very south of the Eastern Kingdoms, a neutral ship goes from Kalimdor to Ratchet. Both factions can use it.In addition, it is worth noting that the division of ships and airships into factions is conditional: if you are not afraid of the guards and players of the opposite faction, nothing will prevent you from reaching the mainland by any transport. You can also or directly from StormwindRead more: how to keep mice out of refrigeratorThe map below shows the routes of all ships and airships for the Horde and Alliance.

Portals to Stormwind

The most comfortable and quick way how to get from Kalimdor to Stormwind – use the portal. You can ask for a small fee to create a portal for you to one of the cities on Kalimdor.

Video how to get from Kalimdor to Stormwind

About Stormwind

Stormwind in World of Warcraft has two functions. It is the main city of the playable human race and at the same time serves as the capital of the Alliance. However, despite its “capital” status, there is only one road leading to Stormwind.V central part In the Eastern Kingdoms, where Stormwind is located, only one path has been laid – from Elwynn Forest. However, allied players on the side of the Alliance will have no difficulty getting to the capital on horseback on a griffin (if, of course, the appropriate path is open) or, in extreme cases, agree on teleportation with a magician for 10-15 gold coins.But for representatives of the Horde, the question of how to get to Stormwind from Kalimdor can be a rather serious problem. As a rule, the only transport artery from Elwynn Forest is very well guarded, so you will have to look for other ways. Those in the game are present, although they do not really advertise themselves.As is known, in the game World of Warcraft performs two functions at once. It is the main city of the playable race of people and at the same time serves as the capital of the Alliance. However, despite its “capital” status, there is only one road leading to Stormwind. In the central part of the Eastern Kingdoms, where Stormwind is located, only one path is laid – from Elwynn Forest. However, allied players on the side of the Alliance will have no difficulty getting to the capital on horseback on a griffin (if, of course, the appropriate path is open) or, in extreme cases, agree on teleportation with a magician for 10-15 gold coins.But for the representatives of the Horde, the question is, how to get to Stormwind, can become a rather serious problem. As a rule, the only transport artery from Elwynn Forest is very well guarded, so you will have to look for other ways. Those in the game are present, although they do not really advertise themselves.

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Underground path to Stormwind

The indefatigable dwarves, thanks to their technical achievements, were able to connect Ironforge and Stormwind with the underground railway. The ticket office in Ironforge is located in Tinkertown, and the route ends at Stormwind Dwarven Quarter.

Sea Route to Stormwind (Rare)

Happy owners of the “Cataclysm” add-on can get to Stormwind by ship. To do this, you need to install and activate the licensed add-on. After that, the capital of the Alliance will have its own harbor, which can be accessed from two points:

  • The pier, located in the Borean tundra (coordinates on the map – 59.6; 69.4).
  • Berth in Darnassus (55.0; 93.6).
  • Here, perhaps, are all the possibilities for resolving the issue. how to get to Stormwind in World of Warcraft… As you can see, there are very few of them. Which, in principle, is logical. Otherwise, the double capital would be too vulnerable and accessible to enemies.In the WarCraft universe, Stormwind is considered the capital of humans and the most big city in Azeroth. The city is located in the northwest of Elwynn Forest and is an Alliance territory. Stormwind Keep is subdivided into several main areas. Directly in front of the gates of the city, there is the Alley of Heroes, which is a rectangular square, on the sides of which there are statues of these heroes.Next is the Trade Square – the largest shopping center for people, and to the northwest of it – Cathedral Square, considered a spiritual center for people. To the northeast of the entrance is located Old city, in which there are many criminals. The old town remains from the pre-war times.To the southwest is the Mages’ Quarter, which is home to all the spellcasters in the kingdom. The center of the city is Stormwind Keep. The throne room is located there and the king himself lives. The city also has a port and several less important areas.For a time, the city was ruled by the king’s son Anduin Wrynn with the help of regents, and the kingdom was going through a serious crisis. Recently, however, King Varian Wrynn returned from a long journey to reign over Stormwind. With the return of the king, the former power began to return to the city.The realm of the kingdom of Stormwind is vast, which allows it to be characterized as the largest kingdom in comparison with the rest located to the north of it.

    How to get to Stormwind?

    There are several ways to get to Stormwind. Stormwind is located in the northwest of Elwynn Forest and is open to travelers.Read more: How to get a gamer girl to like you

  • Stormwind is a port city. Consequently, travelers can get into the city by boarding a sailing ship in any location that has such an opportunity.
  • The most frequent route is on foot to Stormwind. In this case, it is spent a large number of time, but there are many routes. Their choice is made by the player himself. When entering the city, all visitors must pass through the Heroes Alley, located just outside its walls. It is almost impossible for a hiker to get to Stormwind in other ways.
  • You can get to Stormwind by air, but for this you have to pay a griffin tamer. This method of entering the city is typical for a specific mission, and it is the fastest and most reliable.
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