How To Say Dragon In Different Languages

This page on how to say ‘dragon’ in different languages ​​was published a long time ago in the early 2000s. Do you enjoy playing with Duolingo and other language apps? better culture. And isn’t it interesting that so many cultures and languages ​​use the word ‘dragon’ in their vocabulary? in other languages. You can also try using the online dictionary at Omniglot. Below are some more famous words!



What is the Chinese word for dragon?

The Chinese word for dragon is ‘slang.’龙

What is the Norse word for dragon?

The Norse word for dragon is ‘Ormr.’ The name Lindwyrm comes from the ancient Linnormr word meaning ‘snake that stalks.’

What is the Celtic word for dragon?

The Celtic word for dragon is ‘Aerouant.’ The masculine Breton name Erwan and its French equivalent Yves derive from this Celtic word.

‘Dragon’ in different languages

Africans: Nrgwenya Afrikaans: Draak Albanian: DraguaArabic: Ah-teen, Tah-neen (plural), (Al) Tineen, (Al) Tananeen (plural)Shirt: Drach’n, Lindwurm Bhutanese: Druk Breton (Celtic): Aerouant Bulgarian: Drake (transliteration) Catalan (N/E Spanish): Drac Cherokee: UnktenaChinese people: lung / long, Liung (Hakka dialect)Mandarin characters:chinese_dragon_character [Left is “long” in Traditional Chinese. Right is “long” in Simplified Chinese.]chinese_dragon_symbol Spiritual calligraphy from the kanji ‘long’: dragon. from Zhongxian Wu, Introduction to “Fu” Read more: How to check curaleaf scoreCroatian / Serbian: Zmij, Krilat Zmaj (pronounced “Mai” means Dragon), Azdaja (pronounced “Azhdaya” means Hydra) Czech: Drak, Draeek (Draaachek) Danish: Drag Ha Khac: Khoth, (pl. Khothu) Dutch: Draak Elven/Drow: Tagnik’zur Elvis: Fenume, Amlub, Angulooke, LookeEnglish: DRAGONEstonian: Draakon, lohe, lohemadu or tuuleuss (Wind Snake), Vayav madu Finnish: lohikäärme, draakki, dragoni Flame Witch Blade: Katash wei ‘vorki (kah-TASH whey VOR-key) Flemish: Draeke French: Dragun, dargon Gaelic: Arach German: Drache (pl. Drachen), Lindwurm, drake (pl. Draken)Greek: greek_drag Drakontas. Male: drakos (or thrakos), Female: drakena (or thrakena)Hawaiian: Kelekona, (plural) Na KelekonaHebrew:hebrew_dragon Drakon, (plural) Drakonim, TanniymHindi:hindi_dragonGo-ta (transliteration)Hmong: Zaj Hungarians: Sarkany Icelandic: Dreki Indonesian language: Naga Iranian: Ejdeha Irish: Draic Islamic: th’uban, tinnin Italian: Drago, dragone, volante, dragonessaJapanese: Ryu (pronounced “Riu”, rhymes with “several”), Tatsudragon_kanji Kanji Magnet “Ryu” from J-BoxJibberish: Gidadraggidaen (takes money from “gid-a-drag-gid-ah-en”) Klingons: lung’a ‘puv (pronounced loong-AH poov) “The pterosaur” Korea: Yong Latin: Draco, dracon, draco, dragon, dragoon, serpent, serpens Luxembourgian: Draach Malay: Naga Kalmuck: Luu New Zealand (Maori): Tarakona Norse: Ormr Norwegian: Drag Pig-Latin: Agon-dray. Pig-Latin is a language game. Polish: smoke Portuguese: Dragao Quenya (goblin): Loke, wing: Ramaloke, sea: Lingwiloke, firefighter: Uruloke Roman: Draco Roumanian: Dragon (pl. Dragoni), Zmeu (pl. Zmei), dracul, drakulRead more: How to be a challenger for a manRussian: russia_dragon DrakonSanskrit: Naga (snake-man-dragon type) Scandinavia: Orm, Ormr Scotist: Dreugan Slovenia: Zmaj = Dragon, Hidra = Hydra. Spanish: Dragón, El Draque, Brujah Swedish: Drake, lindorm Tagalog: DrakeThai:thai_dragon Mung-kornTibet: Brug (Ladakh dialect) Turkish: Ejderha Ukrainian: Drakon Vietnamese: Rong (poetry), rng (usually) Welsh people: Ddraig Yugoslavia: Zmaj, Azdaja Zulu: Uzekamanzi As a bonus, here are some popular cultural sayings about dragons.

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Famous Chinese proverbs and sayings about dragons

人中 之 龙 (rén zhōng zhī slang) Meaning: “Dragon among men.” This proverb or idiom is used when describing an outstanding and special talent.降龍伏虎 (xiáng slang fú hǔ) means: “Fighting dragons and tigers.” Refers to defeating powerful enemies.龙飞凤舞 (long fēi fèn gwǔ) means: “Dragon flies, phoenix dances”. Refers to an ostentatious style of calligraphy in which the written word has no real content. In other words, it’s all fluff and no substance. Source:, Quora, China Highlights

Quotes and Japanese Proverbs about Dragons

Dragon head, snake tail.ド ラ ゴ ン の 頭 、 ヘ This refers to the grandiose and majestic beginning, similar to the head of a dragon. However, the ending is small and pathetic, like a snake’s tail. Source: Kameng Shambhala

Other sayings

Latin: Draco dormiens nunquam titillandus translated from Latin means ‘never tickle a sleeping dragon.’ That is the motto of Hogwarts in the Harry Potter series.Icelandic proverb: The proverb ‘the dragon often rises above the tail’ is recorded in Málsháttakvæði, a 12th-century Icelandic poem. The dragon commonly encountered in medieval Scandinavian poetry is a ship, referring to the dragon’s upper form. Viking ships.Read more: Grips and Transitions | Top Q&A

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