How To Train Animals? | Top Q&A

Animal training is useful in situations like raiding or transporting. Considering how easy the training is, you can train every pet in your colony in just a few in-game days with no effort. Trained animals behave better, react faster and understand when your flock needs help. So, how to train animals and manage them?

Taming wild animals


You can train animals that you have tamed, but if you want to train something from the wild, you need to tame them first. It shows how good the colonists were at training, taming and handling animals. The better this skill is, the quicker and more successful it will be to train and tame. Pyotr Adams has the best “Animal” skill in our colony:Pyotr Adams is an expert in working with animals The difficulty of taming a particular animal depends on the wilderness, the percentage varies from 0% to 100%. Domestication is dangerous because the wilder and more aggressive species tend to attack anyone who tries to tame it. You should know that any animal with wild level no greater than 30% can be tamed by anyone, even with skill 0 “Animal”. When the wild level crosses that – more and more animal taming skills are required. To tame an animal, simply click on it and select “Tame”.

How to train animals?

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  • Choose an animal you want to train. You can do that by finding and clicking on it, or selecting the “Animals” tab at the bottom of the screen and then selecting the one you want.
  • Click on the “Training” tab and you will see taming, defending, attacking, rescuing, and transporting – more on that later. 2-how to train animals
  • You can now select or deselect the abilities you want to train. The green checkmark means that the colonists assigned to the handling will approach this animal and train. The red “X” means the training is stopping at this time.
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    As you can see in the following figure, each possibility is divided into several stages. The higher the stage, the greater the chance of that action happening.

    • Taming – if an animal is not regularly trained, this ability will decrease until wild.
    • Protection – this ability shows how good an animal is at protecting its owner from attackers.
    • Attack – this shows how quickly and how often the animal will attack someone after releasing it.
    • Rescue – this ability helps your animal understand that injured allies must be rescued.
    • Haul – animals with this ability are trained to be able to transport items to your stockpile.

    Remember that every animal has to be maintained, so you can’t just train 20 bears to attack and let them be. Animal handlers must train them regularly to avoid losing valuable abilities.

    Tips for training animals in RimWorld

    The animal training itself, as we have shown before, is very easy. But to control their behavior for the sake of your flock, you should remember a few rules.

    Use melee weapons when taming

    We mentioned earlier that some wild animals can become aggressive while you are trying to tame them. That’s why every tamer should carry a melee weapon (and know how to use it expertly). Ranged weapons won’t work like ranged, because if an animal attacks you, you’ll be right next to it.3-cougar is very dangerous to tameThere is a 10% chance this monster will attack you while tamed

    Give animals to different settlers

    Read more: how to keep jeans from collapsing There’s such a thing as “links” in RimWorld. It means that an animal can bond with a colonist and that person will be penalized 3 moods forever if it is assigned to someone else. However, if you have combatable animals, you should give them to separate settlers. This strategy will help protect as many colonists as possible, not just one or two.

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    Do not slaughter self-domesticated animals

    There is a possibility that wild animals are tamed for no reason. They come to your colony ready to be trained. You can even get a random set of tamed animals (such as 10 Labrador retrievers). The point is – it’s not worth killing them. Self-tame animals can be annoying, as they come and eat your food, but you can sell these animals. Always think about trading before destroying something, because each animal can be worth more than 1k!Wood Wolf 4 self tameThis wood wolf has just been tamed!

    Book sleeping places for animals

    That’s right, animals can sleep anywhere and they don’t really care where they do it. However, each animal should have a place to sleep or a pet bed. That will make it easier for you to manage them, and the healing will be more effective in a bed or animal bed. For example, if your pet is injured, you cannot use “rescue”, because there is no place to take it.5-animal healingMuch better than healing your animals in animal beds

    Choose wisely

    Every animal in RimWorld is unique. Some of them are good for food, others for fighting, but some are just useless. For example, taming and training hares, raccoons, cats, etc. won’t give you anything – they’re terrible at combat and they don’t provide much meat or skin. Now that you know how to train animals, choose animals like cows, muffalos, chickens, pigs for food and steeds, wolves, bears, cobras to fight.

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