everything is possible for one who believes

Confession: I am an optimist. I feel stronger when I’m positive. When asked what kind of animal best defines my personality, I answer… Golden Retriever. The glass is always half full. And in college, I was dubbed a “smash” because my best-case scenario matched my unusual blond mane and glowing complexion. Some of the Millennials are concerned about the rise of global inequality – but are confident it will create positive change. I stated “the sun will rise tomorrow” to acknowledge that I am self-aware enough to know my natural tendencies. This is important because… I support the rise of hope. They are rooted in personal experience, reinforced by historical precedent, and organized for strategic purposes.

Hope (Noun): the feeling that what is desired can be obtained or that events will work out in the best way.

In the relatively recent past, the world has witnessed the miraculous feats of space travel, the elimination of many diseases, and unprecedented technological advancements. And while there’s also a fair share of dubious atrocities, I have no reason to think that there won’t be more extreme positive feats in my life! Read more: Who is the soul gorilla in ‘Sing’? 5 things to know about Taron Egerton Currently, the Voyager spacecraft has become the first man-made object to leave our solar system. A little closer to home, amazing progress has been made in the fight against HIV/AIDS. What seemed like a distant goal just 15 years ago has become a reality. While there are always reasons to pacify our excitement, the current generation of global citizens has countless reasons to hope. But possessing hope (in noun form) is only the beginning of what God is calling us to. It’s a gentle preface to bigger opportunities.

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Hope (Verb): to expect with reasonable desire and confidence.

In Mark 9, Jesus is confronted by a child who is sick and has a convulsion. When the father asked Jesus if he could heal the boy, he replied: “I can”! Anything is possible for a believer. ” (Mark 9:23). Then the child’s father immediately declared, “I believe; Please help my unbelief! “Although the story is often mentioned to promote faith in Christ, I believe there is more meaning. I think God uses this passage to show what He can do when we actively hope. In this case, hope is used as a verb. Hope (as a verb), means that we are actively looking for something that is not yet within reach. It is current thinking that forces us to make decisions that will help bring about the reality of hope. . But not only hope (noun), they also actively hope (verb). And when hope is actively applied, it creates inspiration. With inspiration, “all things are possible.”

Inspire others

Read more: Who is Jaycee Shakur? A Tiktoker Claims To Be Tupac Shakur’s Daughter So Why Do I Care? Why is there a parable about Jesus and a grammar lesson? Because there’s something I’m really looking forward to! And I want others to hope, too. I know that if we really want to see the most vulnerable out of poverty, we need a healthy dose of hope in our worldview. If we want to eliminate the world of injustice, we must believe that the arc of the moral world “bends toward Justice.” (Preach Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.!) If we want to see poor children thrive, we need to influence the entire community to hope for a new reality.bangladesh shishu hospitalWhen Larry Ward, founder of Food for the Hungry (FH) started this ministry, it was a small act of kindness to help refugees in Southeast Asia. Returning from a trip to a refugee camp, a reporter asked him why he bothered to deal with the vast problems of poverty and hunger? His answer is simple, yet incredibly insightful:[quote style=”boxed”]”They die one by one, so we will help them one by one.”[/quote]FH is an organization founded on hope. We hope that God is with us as we “take care of orphans and widows in their distress” (James 1:27). And we hope to give hope to others to work together to alleviate poverty. I choose hope because it is a strategy. Because that’s what God calls us to do. It was a logical as well as emotional decision. And I hope others see it that way, too. Read more: The boy who knows everything

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