DIY Garlic Remedies for Skin Tags

Skin tags or papilloma are abnormal and non – cancerous growths on the skin’s surface. They appear most commonly on the eyelids, neck, chest, armpits, under the breasts, inner thighs and in skin folds. However, they are not harmful, painful or contagious but most people consider these as ugly spots on the skin.

These tiny bumps are composed of blood vessels and collagen fibers surrounding them. While friction (either skin – skin or cloth – skin) is considered as one of the main reason for skin tags, they also caused due to weak immune system, genetics, age, overweight, diabetes, hormonal changes and human papillomavirus (HPV).

There are many surgical methods like freezing, cryosurgery, biopsy, ligation and excision suggested by a dermatologist for eliminating skin tags. These surgical methods are painful with a lot of cost and side effects.

But do you know these tags can be removed with some natural home remedies? Yes, Garlic is one such effective natural home remedy used to remove skin tags on your skin.

Have a look at the properties and methods of using garlic for skin tags removal.

How Does Garlic Removes Skin Tags?


    Garlic has antibacterial, antiviral and antiseptic properties that fight against HPV causing skin tags.
    It contains a sulfur compound called allicin which helps to dry out the tag and makes it fall naturally.
    It acts as an antioxidant that protects your body against oxidative damages from free radicals, which in turn results in prevention of skin tags.
    It strengthens your immune system to get rid of skin tags now and then. Also, we know that garlic is an effective weight loss remedy that aids in clearing the skin tags, caused due to overweight.
    It has an anti-inflammatory property that removes the tag without any pain or irritation.
    It has all essential enzymes, minerals (selenium) and nutrients that prevents skin tags and thus give a boost to your collagen to make your skin structure normal.
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How to use Garlic for Skin Tags:

These are the best garlic methods used to remove skin tags safely. Let’s get started.

Method – 1: (Garlic Cloves)

    Wash the skin tags affected area and dry it with a soft towel.
    Apply a thin layer of Vaseline around the skin tags areas.
    Then place the crushed garlic cloves on the skin tags.
    Secure it with a bandage and leave it on for overnight.
    In the next morning, remove the band-aid and garlic clove.
    Repeat the same process regularly till you get rid of skin tags.

How Does Garlic Removes Skin Tags

Note: Alternatively, apply garlic juice with a cotton ball (or) garlic paste instead of crushed cloves on the skin tags.

Method – 2: (Garlic Cloves with Duct Tape)

    Duct tape suffocates the tag without the proper supply of oxygen and blood, which in turn shrinks the tag, make it black and fall off.
    Cut a garlic clove into thin slices and place it on the skin tag.
    Make sure that these slices should cover all the skin tag affected area.
    Then wrap it with duct tape to secure the garlic slices.
    Leave it for few hours and remove it to rinse with lukewarm water.
    Dry your skin and continue doing it regularly till the skin tags fall off on its own.


Method – 3: (Garlic with Cauliflower)

    Both garlic and cauliflower dry out the skin to remove skin tags. Cauliflower has essential nutrients that strengthen your immune system and prevents skin tags.
    Peel and cut 1 potato and cauliflower into pieces.
    Blend these potato pieces, cauliflower and 3 garlic cloves into paste form.
    Apply this paste on the skin tags at night before bedtime and secure it with a bandage.
    Remove it in the next morning and wash it off.
    Dry your skin and do the same regularly for 2 – 3 days.
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Method – 4: (Garlic Oil)

    Natural oils like organic coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil, canola oil, etc. can be used to prepare garlic oil. These natural oils will also help in treating the skin tags without any irritation caused by garlic on the tags surrounding areas.
    Pull out the cloves from the garlic into several pieces.
    Peel the skin of the garlic cloves and smash it slightly.
    Then place these garlic cloves on a pan filled with 1 cup of natural oil.
    Heat the oil and garlic on a low flame for 20 – 30 minutes and turn off the heat.
    Remove the garlic cloves from oil and let the oil cool for few minutes.
    Then dip a cotton ball in this garlic oil and dab it on the skin tags.
    Cover it with a bandage and leave it on for few hours to overnight.
    Remove it and rinse with lukewarm water.
    Dry your skin and repeat the same to remove skin tags naturally.

Note: Or you can purchase garlic oil directly and apply it on the skin tags.

How Long Does Garlic take to remove Skin Tags?

It mainly depends on the immunity and the size of skin tags, as garlic has to work on both of these factors, which are very essential for removing skin tags now and in future. But be patience and use garlic continuously for 3 days, give a break of a day or two and repeat its application.

Tips and Precautions:

    Garlic might cause some irritation to the skin surrounding the skin tags. So, apply a thin layer of Vaseline or any other natural oils or moisturizers around the skin tags affected areas before using garlic for skin tags.
    If you have dry or sensitive skin then apply more of Vaseline or avoid using garlic for skin tags, as it causes skin irritation and makes the skin more dried. Try other natural remedies like tea tree oil, oregano oil, apple cider vinegar, etc.
    Avoid using garlic for skin tags on eyelids or eye area, as it stings a lot and causes irritation. It is also advisable to avoid garlic on skin tag which is cut or having infection.
    Maintain a healthy weight to prevent many health and beauty problems, including skin tags.
    Consume a nutritional food, drink plenty of water, do some regular exercises and maintain proper skin care to get relief from skin tags.
    When once the skin tag fall off then remember to apply some antibiotic or natural remedies to prevent its recurrence.
    Never ever cut or pull off or scratch or rub or shave the skin tags, as it worsens your problem that leads to bleeding and skin infections.
    Garlic might cause some allergic reaction, so it’s advisable to do some skin patch test before applying garlic on skin tags.
    You can include garlic in your daily diet but be sure to check whether it is interacting with your regular medicines and thinning your blood. So, consult your doctor before taking garlic.
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Hope you liked the article and give a trial to these garlic remedies. Feel free to share your queries or experience about skin tags in the below comment section.

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