what is the current greatest threat to agricultural sustainability?

Agriculture, an essential industry that plays an important role in our society, is experiencing great stress globally. Urgent issues like climate change, resource depletion and soil erosion – to name a few – are negatively impacting the industry as we know it. And while not all parts of the world will feel the effects to the same extent, the world’s overall food security is at stake. Therefore, agriculture requires both research and action to successfully combat the effects of climate change. can invest in agriculture to help American farmers prepare for the challenges ahead. Read: What is the biggest threat today to the sustainability of agriculture?

Global threats to agriculture


Climate change

Of course, one of the best known threats to the global agricultural industry is climate change. Time magazine reported on the matter, noting that “a recent IPCC report predicted a 2 to 6% decline in global crop production per decade, equivalent to millions of acres removed. every year – due to droughts, heatwaves, floods, hurricanes, weather fluctuations, season changes, insect infestations and other symptoms of a warming planet. “Statistics like these sow the seeds of future devastation: the collapse of the food system. Changing weather patterns are having adverse effects on crop growth – from heatwaves to excessive rainfall – leading to changing food supplies leading in climate impact. regions of the world, but these adverse effects appear on a global scale. Furthermore, due to climate change, farmers face stricter restrictions on what methods they can use. For example, the UK’s Office of Government Science, in their 2011 report on the Future of Food and Agriculture, stated that “policies to mitigate climate change will also have an impact on climate change”. have a significant impact on the food system – the challenge of feeding a large global population must be met while also significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions. “

Resource scarcity: Water and Land

Responding to the water crisisA growing threat to agriculture is resource scarcity, with water coming to the fore. Climate change is already affecting water supplies as demand for water is increasing while available water supplies are shrinking. As higher temperatures lead to more evaporation, the atmosphere’s ability to hold water increases, leading to an imbalance between heavy rainfall in some areas and extreme dryness in others. If temperatures continue to rise at this faster rate, ensuring that food crops and livestock continue to grow will, in turn, require a larger supply of water – especially in areas affected by lack of rainfall frequently suffers from drought. According to the EPA, this shifting balance between water supply and demand is one of the biggest challenges facing farmers, ranchers and farming communities as they try to meet consumer demand.And more than that, the problem of water scarcity not only creates drought.. Areas affected by excess rainfall also suffer from another problem: poorer water quality. As rainfall increases, the existing systems that make up the water infrastructure – on which the agricultural industry relies heavily to operate – becomes overwhelmed. More rain leads to more runoff, and more runoff leads to increased amounts of things like “sediment, nutrients, pollutants, garbage, animal waste” that contaminate their water sources. and render it unusable or even potentially unsafe if not handled appropriately. For farmers in both dry and wet areas, maintaining an adequate water supply means increasing costs: whether it’s the increased financial pressures of treating contaminated water or offset the effects of drought. That said, a recent report presented by Nuveen points to an interesting trend that highlights how investing in farmland can help – as well as potentially lead to increased returns. The report notes that “as water becomes increasingly scarce, arable land with sustainable water sources, including both surface and groundwater, will appreciate more.” In turn, direct investment in farmland presents a potentially attractive opportunity as these projections suggest relatively stable returns in the near future as climate change will, unfortunately, remain a threats in the near future.

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Urbanization and land scarcity

Read more: What does catfish taste like Soil is another resource that is becoming increasingly scarce and making agriculture difficult. As the population grows, there are a number of reasons that land availability is negatively impacted, primarily as a result of the battle between industrialization, urbanization and housing versus agricultural growth. While some argue that increased urbanization poses a threat to agricultural growth, some studies indicate that the threat is slightly larger. An overview of urbanization is often seen as a threat to agricultural growth: as urban expansion increases at the expense of farmland, we often see a loss of physical resources when it comes to increasing agriculture chief. Scientific journal, “The Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences,However, exploring this issue at a more complex level, concluding that urbanization can have some positive effects. The magazine notes that “urban demand for agricultural products is of great importance for rural incomes,” and finally, “farm producers and rural consumers also rely on businesses in urban areas for a wide range of goods and services — including market access.” So the relationship is said to be synergistic – and to explain this we can again turn towards investment in farmland. Without a doubt, as climate change continues to wreak havoc on many of our existing systems and infrastructure, agribusinesses that want to succeed must find ways to adapt. Those who do so will find new ways to circumvent the needs of both agriculture and urban areas in ways that benefit both producers and consumers, as well as rural populations. In summary, direct agricultural investment in farms can help them mitigate climate change, as well as adapt to new systems and technologies that will continue to change the agricultural industry.

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Invasive species and diseases

Invasive species hit everyone’s mind earlier this year with the infamous Murder Hornet report, but species like these already pose a threat to agriculture and native species around the globe. much longer than most people realize. A report published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America explains that due to an increase in worldwide trade, the species was able to spread globally to areas where they normally would. absent and devastating native species – like bees. As globalization increases, this could have costly impacts, with the report citing an annual estimate of $40 billion directly related to “loss of crop and forest production due to insects.” invasive pathogens and pathogens” in the United States alone. As a result, additional costs continue to mount as farmers continually need to invest in new pesticides to combat the new species that threaten topqa. Foreign bodies come with foreign pathogens: as the demand placed on the agricultural industry also increases, the risk of diseases spreading between crops and livestock. An article in the journal Food Security explains that the prevalence of transboundary animal diseases is a result of these diseases. city, where there is contact between people and animals. These changes in ecosystems directly affect livestock populations, as infections can spread worldwide through “international travel and through the trade in animals and animal products.” and food, threatening livestock production.” And, as livestock becomes larger in scale to meet global demand, so with the potential devastation that a disease outbreak can cause, farmers need to step up their efforts to tackle diseases. and establish food safety systems for both livestock and meat handlers and workers.We therefore face a direct threat to the economic health of the global livestock industry. , with both farmers’ livelihoods and consumers’ food security affected.In order to stay prepared for these costly risks, farmers will need additional financial support – especially during times testing period such as the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Invest and prepare for the future of farming

While all the threats facing the agricultural sector are daunting, potential solutions still exist. In particular, technology continues to be at the forefront of agricultural innovation and with it comes greater access to direct participation in the agricultural industry. By enacting new policies, new practices and new technologies, agribusinesses can mitigate the damage and offset costs of climate change – and these costly mitigation steps create Opportunities for investment in agricultural land go a long way. Helping agribusinesses get new solutions – such as water treatment systems and protective gear for meat factory workers – allowing them to respond to these challenges more effectively and even offset future health crises. help farmers get ready for these changes and stay ahead of technological trends. FarmTogether allows you to directly invest in carefully selected and tested farmland from trusted businesses, as well as purchase farmland for your customers. With our current farmers aging, there will be a new generation that operates and owns most of our farmland. Market trends and sustainability requirements will reward farms with capital for a smooth transition. Our investors in turn share the rewards of cash income, capital gains, a balanced portfolio, and the satisfaction of helping best preserve our land and rural communities. days on your farmland performance. By investing in the highest quality farmland, you can meaningfully support American agriculture as it continues to face global threats – both economic and natural.

Want to learn more? Browse our marketplace and discover farmland investment opportunities.

– Disclaimer: FarmTogether is not a broker-dealer, investment advisor or registered investment manager. FarmTogether does not provide tax, legal or investment advice. This material has been prepared for informational and educational purposes only. You should consult with tax, legal and investment advisors before engaging in any transaction. Read more: Simplify & Solve Conditional Equations | Top Q&A

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