Top 10 Digital Bible Studies

These top ten digital studies cover a variety of topics to help you grow your faith. Each curriculum gives you a digital PDF participants guide, along with resources to lead a group.

1. Psalms: Managing Our Emotions 

Emotions are both complicated and complex, both mysterious and mystifying. Even the experts are not sure what causes us to experience emotions. Both social science and neurobiology have tried, to no avail, to explain the origin of emotions. And for Christians, emotions can be troubling, frustrating, and untrustworthy.

Some emotions seem deeply spiritual; other emotions seem downright sinful. God created us to experience emotions, yet there are still godly and ungodly ways to manage them. This 12-session course on the Book of Psalms will help you sort this out.

2. Stewardship: Living a Life that Counts

The purpose of this five-session study is to provide encouragement and Biblical insight on how we can use all of our resources—time, talents, gifts, and finances—for the glory of God.

3. Colossians: Against the Tide

The Book of Colossians teaches principles for living a Christian life in the midst of a non-Christian culture. Sometimes this calls for us to stand against the tide of public opinion or popular trends. This nine-session study will address such issues as how to please God, develop a stable walk with God, think like a Christian, practice spiritual self-defense, live with a focus, and become a prayer warrior.

4. Troubled Minds: Responding to Mental Illness

Mental illness is far more prevalent than many realize. With one in four adults struggling with mental illness each year, there’s no doubt that there are people in our churches who desperately need love and support. Unfortunately, the church hasn’t always done a great job of ministering to those affected by mental illness—either their own or a loved one’s illness. But it doesn’t have to be that way. This Bible study explores mental illness and what the church can do to help. It also helps clear up common myths and begins to put the stigma of mental illness in the past.

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5. 1 Peter: Walk the Talk

Transformation—the process of becoming holy—begins in your mind. We will see in this seven-session Bible study that the apostle Peter shows us how to begin to think differently, which will radically affect our behavior. We all make split-second decisions in any given moment to do right or wrong.

To choose right, we must learn to be obedient to God, which will give us an appetite for being good. This kind of obedience will create a radical change in our relationships, so that our quality of life will improve. Finally, we will learn how to prepare for suffering that inevitably comes to everyone, as we trust a loving God who has promised to take care of us.

6. Marriage Bible Study Bundle

Marriage is full of opportunities for joy and pain. Learning to love each other well and glorify God through your relationship with your spouse is a challenge worth taking on each day. But we can’t expect to face the challenge on our own and win. Taking time to study what the Bible has to say about money, communication, sex, and more will help husbands and wives form a strong foundation and grow. When you seek God together, he will provide you with the love and support you need to have a healthy marriage.

7. James: Living the Christian Life 24/7

What does a real relationship with Jesus look like day-in and day-out? The Book of James is all about what it means to follow Christ 24/7. It explores spiritual maturity, and how to grow up in the faith. Every verse is easy to understand but not at all easy to implement. This book teaches us about real faith by giving us God’s Word on some of the most daily realities of following Jesus, including suffering, temptation, obedience, social justice and compassion, speech, and prayer.

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8. The Minor Prophets: God Still Speaks

Be honest. When did you last read a book like Obadiah? Or Nahum? Or perhaps the better question is “Have you ever read Obadiah?” or “Where do I find Haggai”?

The Minor Prophets form the last 12 books of the Old Testament. Theologian James Montgomery Boice comments on how the Minor Prophets dramatize the character of God as few other books do: “They highlight God’s sovereignty … holiness … [and] love …. In the Minor Prophets, we will hear the voice of God speaking to us in a fresh way … as individuals and as a spiritual fellowship in the Church.”

9. Racism: How Should Christians Respond?

Decades after the Civil Rights Movement, America is still dealing with racism. The topic of race fills our news headlines, our city streets, and even our pulpits. Recognizing the centuries-old mistreatment of minority groups, how should Christians respond to racism? Is it possible to respond in sensitive ways that actually make a difference?

10. Going Deeper in Prayer

If you’ve ever struggled with your prayer life, know that you’re in good company. As you seek to grow in this area, this download will help guide you. In it, you’ll find articles that will challenge and grow your understanding of prayer.

You’ll find insights to help you evaluate this aspect of your leadership, as well as advice for strengthening and revitalizing it. We’ve also packed plenty of other resources inside for you to go even farther in finding the prayer life you’ve always wanted. Remember, doubts and uncertainties may come and go, but as we press on we’ll experience abundance—for the righteous find life by faith (Romans 1:17).

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