Re4ddit how to access gci mobile voicemail

Video tutorial on how to access gci . mobile voicemail

Setup and Access


  • Access the Voicemail system:
    • Out of your GCI handset
      • Press and hold the number “1 on the keypad until the keypad dials into the Voicemail system.
      • Or dial 907-444-0068 from your wireless (cellular) phone to access the Voicemail system.
    • You can also use a landline to set up your voicemail by dialing a wireless number, then pressing the # key during an outgoing message to begin the setup process.
  • If prompted for a pass code, enter your PIN.
    • If you do not know your PIN, please contact GCI at 1-800-800-4800 for assistance
  • Generate a new pass code of your choice. The new number should have between four (4) and 15 digits.
  • Choose a voice greeting. You will be asked to write down your name and personalized welcome message if you choose not to use the default message.
  • Any stored messages will be broadcast after the initial setup is complete.
  • The voicemail system will provide instructions while navigating the different levels/menus.
    • The menus listed below do not work with Visual Voicemail
      • Learn more about Picture Voicemail on iPhone
    • Here are the main menu shortcuts to use after entering your password:
      • Press first – listen to new voicemail messages
      • After listening to the message(s), press:
        • first = for message playback
        • 2 = to go back to the previous message
        • 5 = Broadcast date, time and caller information
        • 7 = delete message
        • 8 = reply to this message
        • 9 = save message (for new messages only)
        • # = skip to next message
        • * = to go back to the main menu
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  • Voicemail main menu

    • Press 1 to review your message
    • Press 2 to send a message
    • Press 4 to change personal preferences
    • Press 9 key to recover deleted messages in the same call (only if you delete messages and want to recover messages before Climb up)
    • Press 0 for more help
    • Press * 1 to Rewind (5 seconds interval)
    • Press * 2 to pause (60 second interval)
    • Press * 3 to Fast-forward (about 5 seconds)
    • Press # = skip to next message
    • Press * = to return to the main menu

    Message is blank or no sound

    Some customers have reported to GCI that after entering their PIN to log in to the voicemail system, they heard about 20~30 seconds of silence. If you hear this Press the 7 . keyRead: Revise gci mobile voicemail access Read more: Chuck Belmore on Bowfishing Aiming The system started autoplaying new messages after logging in, in this case the first message was a message message “blank”. The system is engaging with the “blank” message. Some customers feel that the system hangs on them, which is not the case. Again, if this happens to you, Press 7, to delete clean messages.

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