Julia how to write funcitno to calculate eigenvalues

Video Julia how to write funcitno to compute eigenvalues ​​As well as to (and be part of) its help for multidimensional arrays, Julia provides native implementations of many regular linear algebra operations and Useful can be loaded using LinearAlgebra. Basic math operations, similar to tr, det and inv are supported: julia > A = [1 2 3; 4 1 6; 7 8 1] Matrix 3 × 3 {Int64}: 1 2 3 4 1 6 7 8 1 julia > tr(A) 3 julia > det(A) 104.0 julia > inv(A) 3 × 3 Matrix {Float64}:- 0.451923 0.211538 0.0865385 0.365385 -0.192308 0.0576923 0.240385 0.0576923 -0.0673077 In addition to various useful operations, similar to discovering eigenvalues ​​or eigensigns: Read: Julia how to write funcitno to calculate eigenvaluesjulia > A = [-4. -17.; 2. 2.] Matrix 2 × 2 {Float64}: -4.0 -17.0 2.0 2.0 julia> eigvals (A) 2 Element Vector {ComplexF64}: -1.0 – 5.0im -1.0 + 5.0im julia> eigvecs (A) 2 × 2 Matrix {ComplexF64 }: 0.945905-0.0im 0.945905 + 0.0im -0.166924 + 0.278207im -0.166924-0.278207im In addition, Julia introduces multiple factors that can be used to speed up problems similar to linear or exponential solving matrix redundancy by pre-multiplying a matrix right into a sort of solvable (for effect or flashback cause) problem. See the factor analysis documentation for more information. Example: julia > A = [1.5 2 -4; 3 -1 -6; -10 2.3 4] 3 × 3 Matrix {Float64}: 1.5 2.0 -4.0 3.0 -1.0 -6.0 -10.0 2.3 4.0 julia> factorize (A) LU {Float64, Matrix {Float64}} Problem L: 3 × 3 Matrix {Float64}: 1.0 0.0 0.0 -0.15 1.0 0.0 -0.3 -0.132196 1.0 Problem U: Matrix 3 × 3 {Float64}: -10.0 2.3 4.0 0.0 0.0 2.345 -3.4 0.0 0.0 -5.24947 Since A is not Hermitian, symmetric, trigonal, triangular, or bipartite, a factorized LU could also be the perfect way we would do it. Check with: julia > B = [1.5 2 -4; 2 -1 -3; -4 -3 5] Matrix 3 × 3 {Float64}: 1.5 2.0 -4.0 2.0 -1.0 -3.0 -4.0 -3.0 5.0 julia> factorize (B) BunchKaufman {Float64, Matrix {Float64}} Problem D: 3 × 3 Triangle {Float64, Vector {Float64 }}: -1.64286 0.0 ⋅ 0.0 -2.8 0.0 ⋅ 0.0 5.0 Problem U: 3 × 3 UnitUpperTriangular {Float64, Matrix {Float64}}: 1.0 0.142857 -0.8 ⋅ 1.0 -0 ,6 ⋅ ⋅ 1.0 permutation: 3-element vector {Int64} : 1 2 3 Right here Julia is ready to discover that B is in truth symmetry and use one more factor analysis may be applicable. Usually it is possible to write more eco-friendly code for a matrix that is recognized to have certain properties, for example it is symmetric or triangular. Julia gives some specific types with the intention of “tagging” the matrix as having these properties. Example: julia > B = [1.5 2 -4; 2 -1 -3; -4 -3 5] Matrix 3 × 3 {Float64}: 1.5 2.0 -4.0 2.0 -1.0 -3.0 -4.0 -3.0 5.0 julia > sB = Symmetric(B) 3 × 3 Symmetric {Float64, Matrix {Float64}}: 1.5 2.0 -4.0 2.0 – 1.0 -3.0 -4.0 -3.0 5.0sB has been tagged as a (actual) symmetric matrix, so for later operations we will perform on it, similar to eigenfactorization or commodity computation matrix vector, which can be efficiently detected by referencing only one half of it. Example: julia > B = [1.5 2 -4; 2 -1 -3; -4 -3 5] Matrix 3 × 3 {Float64}: 1.5 2.0 -4.0 2.0 -1.0 -3.0 -4.0 -3.0 5.0 julia > sB = Symmetric(B) 3 × 3 Symmetric {Float64, Matrix {Float64}}: 1.5 2.0 -4.0 2.0 – 1.0 -3.0 -4.0 -3.0 5.0 julia> x = [1; 2; 3] 3-element vector {Int64}: 1 2 3 julia> sBx 3-element vector {Float64}: -1.7391304347826084 -1.1086956521739126 -1.4565217391304346 The operation right here does a linear answer. The left division operator is quite efficient and easy to write compact, readable code that is flexible enough to solve all kinds of methods of linear equations.

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Specific Matrix


Matrices with specific symmetries and buildings often appear in linear algebra and are constantly involved in many matrix factorizations. Julia combines a wide variety of specific matrix types, allowing rapid computation with specialized procedures that can be developed specifically for explicit matrix types. in Julia, in addition to whether or not hooks to numerous optimized strategies for them in LAPACK can be found.TypeDescriptionSymmetricSymmetric matrixHermitianHermitian matrixUpperTriangularUpper triangular matrixUnitUpperTriangularUpper triangular matrix with unit diagonalLowerTriangularLower triangular matrixUnitLowerTriangularLower triangular matrix with unit diagonalUpperHessenbergUpper Hessenberg matrixTridiagonalTridiagonal matrixSymTridiagonalSymmetric tridiagonal matrixBidiagonalUpper/decrease bidiagonal matrixDiagonalDiagonal matrixUniformScalingUniform scaling operator

Basic operation

Matrix kind+-*Different capabilities with optimized methodsSymmetricMVinv, sqrt, expHermitianMVinv, sqrt, expUpperTriangularMVMVinv, detUnitUpperTriangularMVMVinv, detLowerTriangularMVMVinv, detUnitLowerTriangularMVMVinv, detUpperHessenbergMMinv, detSymTridiagonalMMMSMVeigmax, eigminTridiagonalMMMSMVBidiagonalMMMSMVDiagonalMMMVMVinv, det, logdet, /UniformScalingMMMVSMVS/Legend:KeyDescriptionM (matrix)An optimized technique for matrix-matrix operations availableV (vectors) An optimization technique available for vector-matrix operationsS (scalar) An optimization technique for accessible matrix-scalar operations

Matrix Multiplier Analysis

Matrix typeLAPACKeigeneigvalseigvecssvdsvdvalsSymmetricSYARIHermitianHEARIUpperTriangularTRAAAUnitUpperTriangularTRAAALowerTriangularTRAAAUnitLowerTriangularTRAAASymTridigongendSTAARIAVTridiricalTechniqueGTBidi edgeThree angle Sample or angular values. interval (M) R (variable) An optimized technique to discover i-th attribute values ​​according to i-th attribute values ​​which are available time periods (M, il, ih) I (interval) An optimized technique for discovering attribute values ​​in the interval [vl, vh] are the available intervals (M, vl, vh) V (vector) An optimized technique for discovering attribute vectors corresponding to attribute values ​​x =[x1, x2,…] available eigvecs(M, x)

Uniform scaling operator

The UniformScaling operator represents scalar instances of the id operator, λ * I. The id operator I is outlined as a constant and an opportunistic of UniformScaling. The ratio of those operators is common and matches the matrices of the opposites in the binary operations +, -, * and. For A + I and AI that means A should be sq .. Multiplication with the id operator I is a multiplication (apart from checking if the scale problem is one) and then has almost no overhead. To see the UniformScaling operator in action: julia > U = UniformScaling (2); julia > a = [1 2; 3 4] Matrix 2 × 2 {Int64}: 1 2 3 4 julia > a + U 2 × 2 Matrix {Int64}: 3 2 3 6 julia > a * U 2 × 2 Matrix {Int64}: 2 4 6 8 julia > [a U] Matrix 2 × 4 {Int64}: 1 2 2 0 3 4 0 2 julia > b = [1 2 3; 4 5 6] Matrix 2 × 3 {Int64}: 1 2 3 4 5 6 julia> b – U ERROR: DimensionMismatch (“non-square matrix: size is (2, 3)”) Stacktrace: […]In the case where you want to solve multiple methods of the shape (A + μI) x = b for a similar A and a completely different μ, it may be useful to first compute the Hessenberg factor F of A through the expression acting hessenberg. For F, Julia uses an eco-friendly algorithm for (F + μ * I) b (equal to (A + μ * I) xb) and related operations such as determinants.

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Matrix Multiplier Analysis

Matrix factorization (also known as matrix decomposition) computes the factorization of matrix products of matrices and is one of many central ideas in linear algebra. . Particulars of their related strategies could be discovered within the Customary capabilities part of the Linear Algebra documentation.TypeDescriptionBunchKaufmanBunch-Kaufman factorizationCholeskyCholesky factorizationCholeskyPivotedPivoted Cholesky factorizationLDLtLDL(T) factorizationLULU factorizationQRQR factorizationQRCompactWYCompact WY type of the QR factorizationQRPivotedPivoted QR factorizationLQQR factorization of transpose(A)HessenbergHessenberg decompositionEigenSpectral decompositionGeneralizedEigenGeneralized spectral decomposeSVDSDecompose regular value


Read more: How to Draw a Cave – A Step-by-Step Guide Linear algebra capabilities in Julia are largely applied by calling possibilities from LAPACK. Sparse matrix factorization naming capabilities from SuiteSparse. Various sparse solvers can be found as Julia packages.

Low level matrix operations

In many cases, there are in-place variations of matrix operations that allow you to provide a pre-allocated output matrix or vector. That is useful when optimizing essential code to avoid the overhead of repeated allocations. These on-site activities are tied to! below (e.g. mul!) matches the standard Julia assembly.

BLAS .’s Abilities

In Julia (as in many scientific calculations), dense linear algebra operations are based primarily on the LAPACK library, conversely, it is built on elementary linear algebra building blocks developed by the LAPACK library. called BLAS. There are extremely optimized implementations of BLAS that can be achieved for each computer structure, and in general in high performance linear algebraic processes it is very useful to straight-label BLAS capabilities. .data provides wrappers for some BLAS capabilities. These BLAS capabilities overwrite one of the many enter arrays whose names end in ‘!’. Typically, a BLAS representation has 4 strategies outlined, for arrays Float64, Float32, ComplexF64 and ComplexF32.

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BLAS . character argument

Most likely BLAS resolves the arguments that decide whether or not to convert an argument (trans), the triangle of a matrix to a reference (uplo or ul), whether the diagonal of the triangular matrix can be considered is all or not (dA ) or which aspect of matrix multiplication the enter argument belongs to (aspect). The probabilities are: Left-order multiplicationMeaning’L’The argument is on the left side of the matrix operation.’R’The argument goes on the best side of the matrix operation. triangle of the matrix can be used. ‘Only the reduced triangle of the matrix can be used. Transpose operationtrans / tXMeaning’None’ Enter the matrix X that is not transposed or conjugated. ‘No’ The X matrix input can be transposed.’C’The X matrix input can be conjugated and transposed.

LAPACK ability

LinearAlgebra.LAPACK provides wrappers for some of LAPACK’s capabilities for linear algebra. Possibility to overwrite one of the many enter arrays whose names end in ‘!’. Typically, a gig has 4 strategies outlined, each for Float64, Float32, ComplexF64, and ComplexF32 arrays. Please note that the LAPACK API provided by Julia may and may not change sooner or later. Since this API is not user-oriented, there is no such thing as dedicating to help/deprecating this particular set of capabilities in future releases. Read more: how to use the crank puller.

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Posts “Julia how to write funcitno to calculate eigenvalues” posted by on 2022-04-28 22:27:06. Thank you for reading the article at wallx.net

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