what is the square root of 500

Square Root of 500 The square root of 500 is expressed as √500 in root form and (500) ½ or (500) 0.5 in exponentiation. The square root of 500 rounded to 8 decimal places is 22.36067977. It is a positive solution of the equation x2 = 500. We can represent the square root of 500 in its square root form as 10 √5.

  • Square root of 500: 22.360679774997898
  • Square root of 500 in exponential form: (500) or (500) 0.5
  • Square root of 500 in root form: 500 or 10 5

1. What is the square root of 500? 2. Is the square root of 500 Reasonable or Unreasonable? 3. How to Find the Square Root of 500? 4. FAQ about Square Root of 500

  • The square root of 500 is written as √500 and can be simplified to 10√5.
  • The square root of 500 in decimal is 22.3606.

The square root of 500 is not an integer, and a rational number is a number that can be expressed as p/q where q ≠ 0. Because the square root of 500 cannot be written as p/q. Therefore, the square root of 500 is an irrational number Read: what is the square root of 500 Read more: What is the answer Now we will find the square root of 500 using the two methods below:

Square root of 500 using approximation

  • Two consecutive perfect squares in which there are 500 lies are 484 (222) and 529 (232). So the integer part of the square root of 500 is 22.
  • The decimal part can be determined by the formula: (Given number – Smaller perfect square) / (Larger perfect square – Smaller perfect square) = (500 – 484) / (529 – 484) = 16/45 = 0.35.
  • Therefore, the estimated value of the square root of 500 by approximation is 22.35.
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Square Root of 500 by Long Division

Now we will calculate the square root of 500 using the long division method.

  • Match the numbers on the right side into pairs by placing a bar above them. In the case of 500, we will have two pairs of 00 and 5 (from right to right).
  • Now we have to find a number (y) whose square is ≤ 5. The value of z will be 2 because 2 × 2 = 4≤ 5.
  • We get quotient (2) and quotient (1). Now add the divisor z to itself and get the new divisor 2z(4).
  • Drag the pair of zeros (the new dividend becomes 100) and find a number (a) such that 4a × a ≤ 100. The value of a is 2.
  • Now, add a decimal to the dividend (100) and the quotient (22) simultaneously. Also, add 3 pairs of zeros in the dividend after the decimal and repeat the step above for the other three pairs of zeros.

Read more: What is performance in basketball So we get the value of the square root of √500 = 22,360 using the long division method.Explore square roots using interactive illustrations and examplesRead more: All-terrain vehicle accidents

  • Square root of 200
  • Square root of 400
  • Square root of 125
  • Square root of 5
  • Square root of 225
  • The number 500 is not a perfect square.
  • The square root of -500 is an imaginary number.
  • The square root of 500 is an irrational number.

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Posts “what is the square root of 500” posted by on 2021-08-26 08:09:12. Thank you for reading the article at wallx.net

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